What did you accomplish today?

Those sure look good. I'm out of pickled eggs right now. I make them all the time but they get eaten fast. My lady wouldn't touch them and then one day she tried one and now she eats more of them than me. I also like making Kim chi and fresh bread. I never thought about sausage with them but I like pickled sausage as well so my next batch I'll give that a try.


I haven't even tried to make Kim chi. And my bread making experience is really limited but I have been thinking about it more and more lately. Do you have any yt links to share on the subject.

Back in High School days I remember waking up on my bedroom floor in a puddle of Mad Dog I barfed up. Back then we didn't have all the "cool" flavors they have today but the bottle was easy to stuff under your coat and walk out of the store with. Yeah we used to jack wine when we couldn't get anyone to buy alcohol for us.
I haven't even tried to make Kim chi. And my bread making experience is really limited but I have been thinking about it more and more lately. Do you have any yt links to share on the subject.

Here's one of my go to Korean recipe sites. I could eat Korean food everyday.

For bread making The Fresh Loaf is pretty good. There is even a lessons section and everything is explained very well.
Per gt. jar...7 eggs, 6" fully cooked sausage sliced and diced, 1/2 of a large onion

2 cups of white vinegar, 1 cup of water, 2a tbs of sea salt, a tbs of sugar, a tbs of pickling spice, a dash of creole seasoning, some peppercorns

Boil and peel the eggs, bring the liquids to a boil for a minute or two, jar it up and fridge for about a week or so. It will keep for a couple of months and you can add more eggs and sausage if you eat everything quick enough.

What kind of sausage do you use? I'm going to make some pickled eggs tomorrow. I like them on the spicy side so I'll probably use a hot sausage. There's a meat market down the road called Gartners Meats that make their own sausage. They have all kinds but I'll probably get some Red Hots. They have a sausage called XXX Inferno's but they're crazy hot. They use ghost peppers in them. I use basically the same brine as you do except for the creole seasoning which sounds like a good addition. I have some Old Bay in the cupboard. I'll also probably slice up some Jalapeno's from the garden and add them as well.

When I was growing up my father used to make pickled eggs. He used to put canned pickled baby beets in with them juice and all. The eggs would be purple. I've used turmeric before to give them a nice yellow color.
Found a cute calico kitty that my dog killed(fuckin bitch), disposed of cat, found dead gopher(good girrrlll), took gopher to garden, stepped on rusty nail, went and got TDaP. Foot swollen all day so just smoked blunts and watched Rick and Morty and The Simpson's . Got out to the east garden and retied some clones down. Also started a compost tea brewing. Plants need watering but that shit gonna have to wait. My fuckin foot is bangin! :cuss: Time for another blunt. :eyesmoke: