The Ultimate Growing Competition

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Was doing some trimming today and this one was looking pretty nice20190718_140612.jpg flash on20190718_140618.jpg also I'm almost thru one bin I'm right at 17 oz 20 grams so I'm expecting the full 3 pounds I was after so that's super exciting also I ordered my second 4by8 tent it's been a good day for me alright thats all happy growing guys
You can talk about and explain the pictures you are posting in the post with the pictures. All other discussion is to be on the original thread.
If you want to discuss a photo or a post, link the post# or quote it over on the original thread.

Do not talk about other players or their photos in this thread when posting your photos!

After the competition ends this will also be the place for the players to cast their votes on the winner.

This is designed to try to organize the chaos a little.
Only change is that we are voting on top three.
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