Ready for the Roundup?


Id be ok with the 70%. Its only after they make a crazy amount of money, and it would be nice to not drive over bridges that are falling apart.
Ahh the 50's. When America was great and everybody wanted to live there.
I obviously only mean the 1% who already own homes in other countries. I think 60% should do it. And get rid of tax havens and scams
lol, I'm not that smart, are you? I think you have to stop the tax breaks that Trump gifted the rich and raise taxes a bit and control unneeded spending on wars. Also tackle the health care mess.
It's not rocket science. We have to spend about the same amount as our income. Figure it out. You seem to think you have the ability to criticize. So then, how about offering an alternative to increasing taxes on people with the means to pay for them if you don't like it.

By your logic we should just print money. After all it's too much to ask the people who are getting the most benefit from living here to pay as you go.
I don't expect anybody to live by my beliefs, I only expect to be able to voice opinions and perhaps pursued people. Are you different?

I am all for safe legal access to abortions, in fact I am for free access to abortions. I am also for better implementation of systems to reduce unwanted pregnancies to reduce the need for abortions.

See above

Again, see above and once you can comprehend that you guys are claiming I support things I have never said get back to me

First don't know Buddah, you're paranoid, I only use one handle and haven't even been on pot boards for 6 or 7 years. I would say that obviously in America they are disproportionately poor because of the history of slavery, discrimination and prejudice and lack of fair access to education and opportunities. Now you must hang out with a really stupid crowd because I don't know a single person who thinks that blacks are poor because of their character. I guess I hang out with a better class of people than you.

Your syntax leads me to believe that English isn't you're first language. Your contrarían bullshit makes no sense so I know you're just trolling. SMH step it up comrade.
I used to help my Peruvian cousins with their English homework and practice pronunciation with them. You suck.
I don't know current tax rates or brackets, but I guess I need to know what rich means to you, because I think 200k+ is rich. I don't think they should be taxed unfairly either.

I don't think the choices should be: give all Riches away, or stay poor and collect others riches.

Do you think rich should be taxed higher to pay for everyone else? And how much should they be taxed, if you have a thought on it.
This asshole too.
Ahh the 50's. When America was great and everybody wanted to live there.
Please know that with those extremely high tax rates PEOPLE STILL BECAME VERY VERY RICH!!!! Including new millionaires every frigging year. Businesses GREW! People could buy homes and we built an incredible interstate highway system.

But those rates were “unfair” and “strangled” businesses and personal fortunes. The Reagan siren song. Loved and sung by low wage jackasses who will never be rich. But they just might! It might happen so they need the tax rates down on high incomes so when they DO get rich they can stay rich.
Please know that with those extremely high tax rates PEOPLE STILL BECAME VERY VERY RICH!!!! Including new millionaires every frigging year. Businesses GREW! People could buy homes and we built an incredible interstate highway system.

But those rates were “unfair” and “strangled” businesses and personal fortunes. The Reagan siren song. Loved and sung by low wage jackasses who will never be rich. But they just might! It might happen so they need the tax rates down on high incomes so when they DO get rich they can stay rich.
It was the golden time of American manufacturing, housing, household wealth. The American dream was as real as it got. Then the long slow decline started, people stopped caring about their neighbours and those less fortunate than themselves. Americas war machine started to roll out to enhance business interests and to deflect public scrutiny of its government.
It will be interesting to see what America looks like in another 30 years. (I'll be 80 then if im lucky).

That was the tax rate for the rich (top 8%) for 8 years under Eisenhower. The United States saw it's greatest improvements in infrastructure, standard of living, and the birth of the middle class during that time.

In each progressing administration, taxes on the wealthy were lowered while taxes on the middle class increased, the rich got richer and the middle class got left behind turning us into what we are today: a society of working poor dominated by a very small extremely wealthy upper class.

I got ridiculous in the 1980's.

As late as 1971, Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier got $2.5 million a piece to fight. They both cleared less than $1 million.

Johnny Carson and other TV stars were paid deferred money to avoid the high tax rates all at once.

None of those people starved with their multiple property estates and fancy cars.

JFK cut the top tax rate from 91% to 67% to spur growth in the early '60's.

It was a brilliant idea that has been totally abused with subsequent adminstrations. They had ballanced budgets every year back then. Then came Vietnam, OPEC & oil company collusion and St. Reagan's military buildup and endless wars.

Now, everything over budget is on Uncle Sam's credit card.
Except perhaps segregated blacks in the South
Or “Mexicans” in Texas and the Southwest. When I was just learning to read I’d read everything I could. Loved the Burma Shave signs. There was way more than a few businesses, always an eatery or a bar, with a sign “No Colored. No Mexicans”. I asked my mom why and she referred me to Pop. Every time he’d pass a graveyard he’d comment on how many “good Messkins or n*****s” were there.
Yeah, it certainly couldn't be done by the crazy ex-marine sniper with a rifle in that fourth floor window overlooking the parade route.

I'm sure I'll catch nothing but harassment & ridicule for this but Lee Harvey Oswald was just as he said he was , a patsy ! Anyone that believes otherwise , I've got some prime California coast property to sell ya ! It will take a great deal of intestinal fortitude to watch the following video & do some fact checking but I'll try anyway......

I'm sure I'll catch nothing but harassment & ridicule for this but Lee Harvey Oswald was just as he said he was , a patsy ! Anyone that believes otherwise , I've got some prime California coast property to sell ya ! It will take a great deal of intestinal fortitude to watch the following video & do some fact checking but I'll try anyway......

I don’t know who else was involved but he damned sure didn’t plan this and pull this off alone. For one thing I think he went to the theatre because he was supposed to meet someone there. If a Marine was running he’d surely not corner himself in a building so close to the scene if he could avoid it. I think he believed he’d be extracted. Instead he was abandoned. He’s the only ex-Marine there used to be until these shithead generals encouraged and enabled Trump. I will never think of Kelly as a Marine again. No salute. No Semper Fi. Fuck that sonofabitch.
I got ridiculous in the 1980's.

As late as 1971, Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier got $2.5 million a piece to fight. They both cleared less than $1 million.

Johnny Carson and other TV stars were paid deferred money to avoid the high tax rates all at once.

None of those people starved with their multiple property estates and fancy cars.

JFK cut the top tax rate from 91% to 67% to spur growth in the early '60's.

It was a brilliant idea that has been totally abused with subsequent adminstrations. They had ballanced budgets every year back then. Then came Vietnam, OPEC & oil company collusion and St. Reagan's military buildup and endless wars.

Now, everything over budget is on Uncle Sam's credit card.
Why do you think the prize money was as much as it was? Figure it out. The rate was 70% for anything over 200,000. They figure out what they have to have to fight and then added the additional to make sure their net was what they could live with.
I'm sure I'll catch nothing but harassment & ridicule for this but Lee Harvey Oswald was just as he said he was , a patsy ! Anyone that believes otherwise , I've got some prime California coast property to sell ya ! It will take a great deal of intestinal fortitude to watch the following video & do some fact checking but I'll try anyway......

Wow, YooTube. You have totally changed my mind. This will blow your mind.
