Casual Christians, got it.
I wouldn't call a priest who teaches theology at the finest prep schools a casual Christian.
Casual Christians, got it.
So I should pray to myself?
Only 10,998,000 to goThe entire thing only involved 2000 people.
I'll bet good money most weren't found.
There’s a vast difference between being spiritual and being “religious”. A chasm as wide as the earth.I'm an atheist but I know so many geniuses who are deeply religious. I'm not talking stable Trump geniuses, but rather Yale educated incredibly well read and world traveled people. And they all have problems with religion but not with God as they see it.
"You are gods" - Jesus of NazarethIf it floats your boat.
There's a reason that Jesus said you should always pray alone in private.
There’s a vast difference between being spiritual and being “religious”. A chasm as wide as the earth.
I have been ready my entire life to see God perform a single damned miracle. I’m talking the real deal. Presto chango. Never seen it. Been in a lot of situations from good to bad and watched as devout believers begged and didn’t get shit. So yeah anybody believing in a Sky Daddy like the Bible promises is pretty dense or their imagination is extremely limited. Or both.We aren't talking being
You started with saying people who believe in religions are idiots basically, it's all smoke and glass what have you. All I'm saying is that we know that's not true, well at least the part of them all being idiots. I am not so quick to or arrogant enough to say that billions of people are wrong because I don't believe in it. That is just so disrespectful. How many scientists that you probably have great respect for are religious?
I have been ready my entire life to see God perform a single damned miracle. I’m talking the real deal. Presto chango. Never seen it. Been in a lot of situations from good to bad and watched as devout believers begged and didn’t get shit. So yeah anybody believing in a Sky Daddy like the Bible promises is pretty dense or their imagination is extremely limited. Or both.
its free in Australia to, because it should be not for any other reasons.Japan has made preschool free now and pays for 100% of child birth costs.
Abortion has always been around. Better off in a hospital than risk the life of the mother.We do have to do something about all the abortions though because it is out of control. Fcking kids having abortions like it's birth control. 20% of pregnancies end in abortions? That's not right. fckers don't want to give them sex-ed though, that would be bad.
why don't you tell us...or are you really full of shit ?Have any of you actually spoken to priests and asked these questions? If what you are posting here is an indication of what you really believe Christians are like you will be shocked.
Well I’ve been with untold numbers as they died. Many many more struck by illness or maimed in every way possible. Never saw a miracle. I’ve watched people die because they failed the wallet biopsy. No miracles. I’ll wait for you to show me one since you have obviously been privy to some.Again I don't believe this, but it would be very easy to say everything around us is that miracle. The whole Fermi paradox.
why don't you tell us...or are you really full of shit ?
Abortion has always been around. Better off in a hospital than risk the life of the mother.