What did you accomplish today?

Automobiles are a poor but necessary investment. Spend $600 - $1000 on a beater that will last a year or two. Looks be damned. NO MODDING and save along the way and when that one gives up do it over again. Rinse and repeat until your financial situation vastly improves.

At this time in your life you do not want to be car poor. Save $$$$$ first let vanity go fuck itself.

If you feel the need to splooge on entertainment look into cheap 3D puzzles.:eyesmoke:

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lmfao your sig under the dick puzzle good placement. That is the plan though. i did find a nice car that when fixed up will hold it's value for $500 but the seller didn't give much info about it so idk how bad the situation is. most likely it doesn't even start so would need to get towed and fixed over time. what is your guys thoughts on something like that for someone who wants to learn to fix but has NO knowledge on how to? worth it or naw?
lmfao your sig under the dick puzzle good placement. That is the plan though. i did find a nice car that when fixed up will hold it's value for $500 but the seller didn't give much info about it so idk how bad the situation is. most likely it doesn't even start so would need to get towed and fixed over time. what is your guys thoughts on something like that for someone who wants to learn to fix but has NO knowledge on how to? worth it or naw?
It's a balance.

On the plus side, you'll gain lots of invaluable experience on how (and how not) to work on a car.

On the minus side, you'll have to spend on specialist tools, and there's no guarantee you'll get it up and running acceptably.

Bottom line is, are you willing to gamble the purchase price plus a tool&part budget?
lmfao your sig under the dick puzzle good placement. That is the plan though. i did find a nice car that when fixed up will hold it's value for $500 but the seller didn't give much info about it so idk how bad the situation is. most likely it doesn't even start so would need to get towed and fixed over time. what is your guys thoughts on something like that for someone who wants to learn to fix but has NO knowledge on how to? worth it or naw?
Hub long ago drove for free. He gets beaters from tow yards or auctions and used them to commute as he fixed them up and then flipped them for a couple grand. The problem is you need the auto education. It's harder and harder to learn, you have to have theory. Go to school for some night classes on cars. Get your hands dirty on other cars using other's tools, make your mistakes on them.

It's a balance.

On the plus side, you'll gain lots of invaluable experience on how (and how not) to work on a car.

On the minus side, you'll have to spend on specialist tools, and there's no guarantee you'll get it up and running acceptably.

Bottom line is, are you willing to gamble the purchase price plus a tool&part budget?
Hub has more than 60K in tools and that was in the early nineties dollars post USAF retirement :) Could be a larger chunk of change now.
Hub long ago drove for free. He gets beaters from tow yards or auctions and used them to commute as he fixed them up and then flipped them for a couple grand. The problem is you need the auto education. It's harder and harder to learn, you have to have theory. Go to school for some night classes on cars. Get your hands dirty on other cars using other's tools, make your mistakes on them.

Hub has more than 60K in tools and that was in the early nineties dollars post USAF retirement :) Could be a larger chunk of change now.
It's a balance.

On the plus side, you'll gain lots of invaluable experience on how (and how not) to work on a car.

On the minus side, you'll have to spend on specialist tools, and there's no guarantee you'll get it up and running acceptably.

Bottom line is, are you willing to gamble the purchase price plus a tool&part budget?

hmm i mean i wouldn't mind slowly working on it and investing to the point it runs at least but not much info posted about the car and odometer reading looks sketchy af says "2" idk if he meant 200k or what. https://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/cto/d/pearl-city-1992-madza-miata/6920867469.html

the parts are fairly decent price and easy to come by but it says fwd idk any miata that is a damn fwd they are all rwd from my understanding. nor does it even have pics or states plates were stored so im guessing it has a lot of back taxes on it. what you guys think worth even asking seller or waste of time?

EDIT- nvm doubt it is worth the extra money/time to fix versus just investing $1k more into something already working. dont want that car that badly to make it worth my time or money to get it up and running alone.
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Watered the girls this morning. Picked 27 pounds of peaches this morning, I've sold 30 pounds today. Everyone has been pretty cool so far. One woman was worried I would get the cops called on me for "selling drugs" with all the cars dropping by...lol.
Make sure to make some jarred/canned peaches; when the cops come show them the jar and they'll bust you for making concentrates :)
hmm i mean i wouldn't mind slowly working on it and investing to the point it runs at least but not much info posted about the car and odometer reading looks sketchy af says "2" idk if he meant 200k or what. https://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/cto/d/pearl-city-1992-madza-miata/6920867469.html

the parts are fairly decent price and easy to come by but it says fwd idk any miata that is a damn fwd they are all rwd from my understanding. nor does it even have pics or states plates were stored so im guessing it has a lot of back taxes on it. what you guys think worth even asking seller or waste of time?

EDIT- nvm doubt it is worth the extra money/time to fix versus just investing $1k more into something already working. dont want that car that badly to make it worth my time or money to get it up and running alone.
Muscle cars, Cadis, now a Miata ... you do have a nose for premium vehicles!

How much for a '92 Civic DX or base-model Corolla with the manual transmission? They gotta be around ... be patient.
hmm i mean i wouldn't mind slowly working on it and investing to the point it runs at least but not much info posted about the car and odometer reading looks sketchy af says "2" idk if he meant 200k or what. https://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/cto/d/pearl-city-1992-madza-miata/6920867469.html

the parts are fairly decent price and easy to come by but it says fwd idk any miata that is a damn fwd they are all rwd from my understanding. nor does it even have pics or states plates were stored so im guessing it has a lot of back taxes on it. what you guys think worth even asking seller or waste of time?

EDIT- nvm doubt it is worth the extra money/time to fix versus just investing $1k more into something already working. dont want that car that badly to make it worth my time or money to get it up and running alone.
if you cant start it to drive it to work straight away FUCK IT.


It is not worth your time or money too fix something if you still cant get to work to make a living.
Muscle cars, Cadis, now a Miata ... you do have a nose for premium vehicles!

How much for a '92 Civic DX or base-model Corolla with the manual transmission? They gotta be around ... be patient.
didn't find any civics all the lower 90's ones are modded 91 crx modded, 92 eg/ek modded real ricer, 94 Si slightly modded but needs a lot of body work idk how bad the rust is on that car but i could work with it for sure. i aint in a rush lol just killing time looking at cars. when i get closer to 4k is when imma start looking more seriously. just bored as hell at home right now waiting for this game to come out in 50 days. i like to check though cause it is interesting on what newer cars they add every day like before i found some expensive 300xz then maybe a month later i find one half the price in same condition.
... Hub has more than 60K in tools and that was in the early nineties dollars post USAF retirement :) Could be a larger chunk of change now.
When we catalogued all my fathers and mine tools for insurance around 2000, we figured close to 70K and I know I've added at least another 10K worth since then. Four, 3 section, tool boxes with 90% snap on and Matco hand tools, 2 cabinets of electric tools(mostly Milwaukee), welders(110v + 240v) , plasma cutter, presses, pipe bender, chop saw, band saw, belt sander, parts washer, sand blast cabinet, drill press. My personal garage is set up better than most repair shops I go in and I still run into stuff I don't have the right tools for. And that's not including the woodworking tools in the basement. I don't think I've used any of the wood stuff in close to 10 years. I hate working with wood, I can make metal do whatever I want.