Not even always then...This is one of the reasons many Vietnam vets don't talk about the war, time and policy change, but their actions live forever, only hindsight is 20/20
The world's largest class action lawsuit lol
After one tour in Vietnam in the Army i was ready to get out. But the war had an impact on me and I had re-adjustment issues after I got home. I bounced from job to job for many years and never could find a job that fit me until I found a job that gave me that same fight-or-flight adrenaline rush as I got stepping outside the wire in Nam. It felt 'normal' & so I spent the next 25 years working behind the walls inside Folsom prison.Do any of you ever wonder what your life would have been like had you stayed in and done twenty years? Do any of you ever regret getting out?
Do any of you ever wonder what your life would have been like had you stayed in and done twenty years? Do any of you ever regret getting out?
My hub did 22, started in Vietnam and ended in Desert Storm. He does not regret it.I did 24 AD - nothing like my Dad's experience in Korea and Nam, nor like JJ's thank God!
I saw enough to accomplish a later year Mind Fuck that I have been dealing with for years without even knowing it.
"Some things you can't un-see" because they visit you in quiet times/at night & you don't even see them coming.
My hub did 22, started in Vietnam and ended in Desert Storm. He does not regret it.
He said thanks and we both say thank you for your service, my dear.I wouldn't trade those years for anything & would do it again in a heartbeat.
+ rep to you and your Husband, please accept my thanks for both your service.
LOL zero fucks given.bad ass!
Coast Guard crewman leaps aboard narco sub, bangs on hatch during high-seas chase