Well-Known Member
Inside the growroom i have an 8x8 grow tent, the light ducts go from inside the garage through the growroom wall, through the tent, out the top of the tent ,out the cieling of the growroom,and into the attic space. the two light curcuits run completely seperate from the growroom air. The growroom is sealed and i have an air conditioner inside and the temps stay at 85 max.its just the air above and around the growroom thats getting hot.You're right! I thought he was adding 4000w to an already "heated" situation.
i installed my new roof vent fan and decided to just run it off an ac adapter and temp controller. Its a 17v motor but i only have a 12v adapter on it. It works, but i think i can pump a little more juice into it and make it go a little faster. Maybe a 15-16 volt adapter would work better.
i cut a 15 " hole in the roof and slid her right in. Its super quite, ill let you guys know how much if any difference it makes.
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