First Time Grow, using CFL's


Well-Known Member
The yeild might suprise you? Do you know how much he will yeild? Or is it just another ignorant 'cfls dont work comment'? I'm really tired of reading this when my grow is finished oh boy I'm gonna give it to all of ya.
What I meant by the "yield might surprise you" comment, was that he/she might be pleasantly surprised.

Okay? Are we good? LOL.



Active Member
thanks everyone for the comments and replies..

Yes i hope the yield does surprise me.. this is my first time and it seems to be going well so far. I don't have any high hopes of having large yield since i'm a newbie but i try to do my homework.


to answer your questions

Og and bubble gum are just shy of 3 feet, and are small bubble gum is about 1.5 feet.

I know there tall but we vegged the first two a lil longer since the small one we call retard was coming along.

I'm using a 150 watt hps to help flower everything.

these pictures were taken by my wife, as u can tell she got tired of me using my cell phone to shoot.:lol:

Week 5 into flowering starts this week and OG is crystalizing very nicely.. will upload pics in a few days.

thank you again for taking the time to stop by.


Active Member
these were taken:10.16.08

all 3 girls.......................................................................................

BUBBLE GUM........................


WEEDTARD (bubble gum).......
