Yeah, I know.
I drove a Cascadia with an automatic trans for awhile (I have one with a manual now and like it a lot better), I'm not really a fan of auto in a semi. I struggled at first backing up with that auto, because when you put those auto trucks in reverse, they don't just idle smoothly backwards in reverse like a car would, especially when you have a trailer with 20 tons of freight you're trying to put in a dock that has even a slight incline.
You have to be able to drive with two feet when backing an auto truck, one on the gas and one on the brake. If you apply to much pressure to the gas in reverse those trucks will take right off and quickly get away from you before you know it, not a good situation to be in where there's not much room or on a busy dock.
Those auto trans downshift pretty hard too, you have to be super careful slowing down on an icy road or you might lose control of the truck. You have to give yourself waaaay a lot of stopping distance time.
Sometimes itt is nice to have auto in heavy traffic like a construction area and you don't have to constantly be on the clutch upshifting and downshift, but that's about the only thing I liked an auto for.
I don't know, overall though, I think the drivers that like auto trans are just lazy drivers. I feel like I'm more in control of my truck when I can upshift/downshift when I want. I personally very much prefer a manual transmission.