HELP!! My roots in dwc are going a little brown and i cant afford a res chiller any info would help

I have never tried DWC with roots over 72 degrees. So you think it's the heat making those roots so wimpy and brown? The roots aren't liking that water for some reason.
How does compost tea defeat root rot?

The beneficial bacteria move in and eliminate bad bacteria, as well as eat the decaying portions of roots. Then, they form a slime barrier around your roots and protect them from pathogens, bad bacteria, drought, make nutrient absorption much easier, help adjust ph, etc.

Sorry for the rant lol.

Dude... try it. You'll never go back, I guarantee it. Just make sure it's good compost, feed your microbes, and plenty of oxygen. I replenish with compost tea every 15 days, but it's probably not necessary.

I'm working on a product for organic hydro. Testing it right now. So far so good. Just drop it in the bucket and top off with fresh water.
Dude... try it. You'll never go back, I guarantee it. Just make sure it's good compost, feed your microbes, and plenty of oxygen. I replenish with compost tea every 15 days, but it's probably not necessary.

Hi 3rd M,
Would that be possible in a coco grow? I've been thinking of a way to introduce some organic components into my chemical nute coco grow.
Hi 3rd M,
Would that be possible in a coco grow? I've been thinking of a way to introduce some organic components into my chemical nute coco grow.

Absolutely. Coco benefits very much from microbes due to its texture and neutral ph.

Another organic component you could blend would be used coffee grounds at around 20%. Generally takes care of any would be calmag defs.
Ive been using all advanced nutrients, i use 3 gallons of distilled water then sensi grow part A and B, tarantula which is beneficial microbes for fatter roots maybe im not using enough of that and i use b-52 with b vitamins but that stuffs so dark brown i kinda thought it might have been that building up because they were brown not black, and thanks for all the info guys and i have been reading up and i was thinking that i may need an enzyme or something but i just did a water change and the roots seem whiter to me so im praying for the best lol but ill take more pics of the roots when i can most likely later today
Try some hydroguard. If you don't have a retailer near you that sells it then you might need to try Amazon or another such outlet.This should contain a lot of the beneficial bacteria that others were expounding upon earlier in this thread. I hope this helps. Happy growing and good luck.

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thank you very much i will check my local green leaf hydroponic store and pick some up, again much appreciated im on around day 32 ill keep updates as the grow continues
From what I have gathered reading other DWC growers posts, Southern AG makes their Garden Friendly Fungicide, it's the same stuff as Hydroguard but more concentrated and cheaper.
From what I have gathered reading other DWC growers posts, Southern AG makes their Garden Friendly Fungicide, it's the same stuff as Hydroguard but more concentrated and cheaper.
i was actually just looking at that in a maximum yield cannabis magazine lol thanks I'm gonna get my hydro store guys opinion on it as well thanks
i was actually just looking at that in a maximum yield cannabis magazine lol thanks I'm gonna get my hydro store guys opinion on it as well thanks
Just remember hydro store guys generally wanna sell their merch... You can find some good info about it here, there is a thread on it I think.
Those little diaphragm pumps running through an air stone, or worse two, get hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire. Waterfalls cool and oxygenate.
Yeah this ^^^

To the OP, adding more air will just make the problem worse. Compressing the air heats it up and blowing hot air into your reservoir is no bueno. The hotter the water gets the less dissolved oxygen the water is able to hold. above 70 you can blow all the air into the water you want and it won't hold enough DO. The waterfall method is the best way to oxygenate.
I just sprayed the roots down and it came right off it seemed to be kinda golden buildup im going to try south cascade SLF-100 and i know all about the hydroponic store guys lol i meant i was gonna check the price with him and yah im going to get longer air tubing and put the air pump in the shade in my window, maybe that'll cool her down