Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

You are very presumptuous about what you think you know of other people, it weakens your talking points.

No, I don't think it would be good for American, if we imported 500 Million low wage workers from Malaysia, Africa and South America. It wouldn't be a benefit, even if we could get 5 cent heads of lettuce.

If you think its racist to not want to take in unlimited immigrants, than you are just dumb or actually want to harm the country.

1st, adding more than double our population overnight is a bad idea, but it has nothing to do with reality. People with this mindset are so shortsighted, just because people come here with nothing, doesn't mean they won't work their asses off to make their lives better, adding to our economy. For generations, people come here and get treated this way, integrate and elevate their neighborhoods for generations.

2nd, Trump would never use "I" in the first person like that.
Go back to stormfront
omg that was epic! *the crowd claps wildly*
People with this mindset are so shortsighted, just because people come here with nothing, doesn't mean they won't work their asses off to make their lives better, adding to our economy. For generations, people come here and get treated this way, integrate and elevate their neighborhoods for generations.
if they are so hard workers and so beneficial for the economy, they why aren't they helping their home countries?
if they are so hard workers and so beneficial for the economy, they why aren't they helping their home countries?

you realize asylum seekers are coming here not only because they face grave danger in their home countries, but also because they are unable to make a living from their professions, right?

for example, falling coffee prices have driven many guatemalan families who used to farm coffee here.

why am i even bothering to explain this to you? you are only here because you got kicked out of your neo nazi facebook group for spamming them with your judeo-bolshevism hitler nonsense too much. you are too annoying even for your fellow neo-nazis
you realize asylum seekers are coming here not only because they face grave danger in their home countries, but also because they are unable to make a living from their professions, right?

for example, falling coffee prices have driven many guatemalan families who used to farm coffee here.

why am i even bothering to explain this to you? you are only here because you got kicked out of your neo nazi facebook group for spamming them with your judeo-bolshevism hitler nonsense too much. you are too annoying even for your fellow neo-nazis
I love how you oscillate between "omg refugee needz da asylums!" to "hard working men needs to send monies back home to family"
That happened where im from in PA. the judge in the article.. Judge mahon is a character. I seen that guy ask someone to count the buttons on his shirt. The guy counted to 9 and judge mahon sentenced him to 9 months

Any decent lawyer would use that to win on appeal
if they are so hard workers and so beneficial for the economy, they why aren't they helping their home countries?
I love how you oscillate between "omg refugee needz da asylums!" to "hard working men needs to send monies back home to family"
petition your conservatrumpers on capital hill to urge their lobbyist whores to continue ship out ford & carrier manufacturers to guatamala & honduras for a change so those brown people will cease invading america and have gainful employment in their own homeland so the trumpers can sit around on their asses an collect unemployment benefits and relieve you from hemorrhoidal flare-ups...

and your pathetic attempt at ebonics suck too...
petition your conservatrumpers on capital hill to urge their lobbyist whores to continue ship out ford & carrier manufacturers to guatamala & honduras for a change so those brown people will cease invading america and have gainful employment in their own homeland so the trumpers can sit around on their asses an collect unemployment benefits and relieve you from hemorrhoidal flare-ups...

and your pathetic attempt at ebonics suck too...
It seems like their local governments might be repressing them and holding them back with bad policies?
