Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Its a myth that "our agriculture needs illegal workers," and besides that, seems really wrong that you would exploit a group of people for cheap labor with no worker protection laws just to have cheaper food. There is another threat in politics now about some RIU younger members having problems finding basic work to support themselves. Most illegal aliens are actually in construction, not agriculture.

Nice fantasy, Stormtard.
[QUOTE="squarepush3r, post: 14953323, member: 186228"I dont give a fuck about exploitationtk.jpg [/QUOTE]

JACKASS, trump sucks the pus sack of a terrorist whose agents murdered thousands of americanstk1.jpg tk2.jpg tk3.jpg tk4.jpg
Its a myth that "our agriculture needs illegal workers," and besides that, seems really wrong that you would exploit a group of people for cheap labor with no worker protection laws just to have cheaper food. There is another threat in politics now about some RIU younger members having problems finding basic work to support themselves. Most illegal aliens are actually in construction, not agriculture.

I've never said most. I picked a particular group because I was specifically talking about California agriculture.

Ok, you try to go another route for agricultural workers and you end up with $15 cantaloupes, because you couldn't get enough Americans to do it. To prove a point, last year there was a segment on the Michael Smerconish show on XM radio, and for two hours he took calls from employers in states with heavy immigrant workers., agriculture, carpentry etc..Due to your Lord and Savior’s immigration policies, these employers are having problems filling their positions. State after state the stories were the same...how great they were as workers, the work ethics, no bitching and moaning. These guy were offering 18-22 dollars an hour to try to attract American applicants. Once again, the stories were the same. White guys, black and Mexican Americans would get hired and a lot would just quit and walk off the job sight. They were saying that out of every 8 Americans they hire, one would go on to be a full time employee, the other 6 or 7 would quit within a couple days.

they said most of the American guys complained, bitched and moaned and talked about what they weren't willing to do for the pay, while the immigrant worker asked what needed to be done, then got it done. Not saying Americans are lazy but we are spoiled as shit, that's for damn sure. I don't blame them for coming here to fine better work and better pay for their family. I would do the same for my family because family comes first.

You know the smart racist Republicans are leaving California for more conservative states, what keeping you here?
Its a myth that "our agriculture needs illegal workers," and besides that, seems really wrong that you would exploit a group of people for cheap labor with no worker protection laws just to have cheaper food. There is another threat in politics now about some RIU younger members having problems finding basic work to support themselves. Most illegal aliens are actually in construction, not agriculture.

Israel are racist too. Do you even know how they are treating their Ethiopian population. I though you racist guys hate the Jewish people? Now that the second coming of white Jesus is President, now you wanna pretend you guys care. Give me a fucking break.
I've never said most. I picked a particular group because I was specifically talking about California agriculture.

If not for migrant workers, the entire agriculture industry in the U.S. would collapse.

No American does that shit. They're too lazy, fat, out of shape and entitled. Migrant workers feed the U.S.; without them we would all starve.

Or at the very least we'd be paying 20 dollars a pound for tomatoes, and 40 dollars for a water melon.
Yeah, here in the Coachella Valley there’s lot of agriculture and it gets hot as shit here, HOT! I See them in the fields in 100 and something degrees, hat, bandana to keep the sun off their neck, long sleeved shirt...working 10-12 hours, sometimes longer, bending down, hunched over. RESECT! If my black ass was out there working in that heat like that, I would be man down. I can't work for long hours in that heat, fuck that. Plus, bad knees, bad back and 6’5” makes for a shity field worker.

I'm not hating on them at all. Every time I got to the grocery store and walk in the produce section, I am appreciative of the work they do.
I've never said most. I picked a particular group because I was specifically talking about California agriculture.

Ok, you try to go another route for agricultural workers and you end up with $15 cantaloupes, because you couldn't get enough Americans to do it. To prove a point, last year there was a segment on the Michael Smerconish show on XM radio, and for two hours he took calls from employers in states with heavy immigrant workers., agriculture, carpentry etc..Due to your Lord and Savior’s immigration policies, these employers are having problems filling their positions. State after state the stories were the same...how great they were as workers, the work ethics, no bitching and moaning. These guy were offering 18-22 dollars an hour to try to attract American applicants. Once again, the stories were the same. White guys, black and Mexican Americans would get hired and a lot would just quit and walk off the job sight. They were saying that out of every 8 Americans they hire, one would go on to be a full time employee, the other 6 or 7 would quit within a couple days.

they said most of the American guys complained, bitched and moaned and talked about what they weren't willing to do for the pay, while the immigrant worker asked what needed to be done, then got it done. Not saying Americans are lazy but we are spoiled as shit, that's for damn sure. I don't blame them for coming here to fine better work and better pay for their family. I would do the same for my family because family comes first.

You know the smart racist Republicans are leaving California for more conservative states, what keeping you here?
Would you use that same example "If we had no illegal aliens, no construction would get done! A house would cost $2 million dollars to build!" ?

Again, what you are advocating for is pretty extreme. No worker rights, no unions, no minimum wage, no lawsuits, just pure exploitation of workers with no protection or regards for the law. Is that what you are saying? You also need to factor in all the extra costs there illegal workers put as a burden on the rest of society, just so their boss can get cheaper labor. They aren't paying taxes, but probably are also receiving way higher household benefits than average.

Then you are also completely ignoring that illegal cheap labor inhibits technological growth and automation progression. If unlimited cheap labor was the ideal goal, then there is no stopping billions of people from around the world from coming to USA and providing cheap labor, but you have to look at consequences.
Would you use that same example "If we had no illegal aliens, no construction would get done! A house would cost $2 million dollars to build!" ?

Again, what you are advocating for is pretty extreme. No worker rights, no unions, no minimum wage, no lawsuits, just pure exploitation of workers with no protection or regards for the law. Is that what you are saying? You also need to factor in all the extra costs there illegal workers put as a burden on the rest of society, just so their boss can get cheaper labor. They aren't paying taxes, but probably are also receiving way higher household benefits than average.

Then you are also completely ignoring that illegal cheap labor inhibits technological growth and automation progression. If unlimited cheap labor was the ideal goal, then there is no stopping billions of people from around the world from coming to USA and providing cheap labor, but you have to look at consequences.
obepawn didn't say what you claim. What you are using is a trite rhetorical debate device known as the straw man argument. Your rather well trodden path towards a meaningless "win" by using this juvenile debate tactic leads to the only trophy you've ever gotten:


note the fake internet cartoonish features of this prize. It was intended.
Would you use that same example "If we had no illegal aliens, no construction would get done! A house would cost $2 million dollars to build!" ?

Again, what you are advocating for is pretty extreme. No worker rights, no unions, no minimum wage, no lawsuits, just pure exploitation of workers with no protection or regards for the law. Is that what you are saying? You also need to factor in all the extra costs there illegal workers put as a burden on the rest of society, just so their boss can get cheaper labor. They aren't paying taxes, but probably are also receiving way higher household benefits than average.

Then you are also completely ignoring that illegal cheap labor inhibits technological growth and automation progression.

Swastika SquarePants, soo much is wrong with that post, where to begin. First off, stop acting like you care or are concerned for the rights of people of color, just stop. It's out of character. Second, why bring of unions when Republicans are anti-union and if we gave union rights to immigrants, you and the people on the right would have a fucken baby over that.

Now automation, very very interesting you would bring this subject up, especially being from the right. You guys on the right claim that factory work have declined and or been removed because of Democratic policies but you just answered that question. Automation, that’s why the need for factory workers have declined and will continue to decline. All of your talking points are from the left, so you're just being a troll on this site.

Automation will never be able to tell what fruit, vegetables and nuts are ripe or ready to be picked. Somethings can't be replaced. So once again, stop acting like you give a shit, cause you don't. If they lined up soldiers at the border and shot dead immigrants as they crossed, you and everyone else on the right would be perfectly fine with that.
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Swastika SquarePants, soo much is wrong with that post, where to begin. First off, stop acting like you care or are concerned for the rights of people of color, just stop. It's out of character. Second, why bring of unions when Republicans are anti-union and if we gave union rights to immigrants, you and the people on the right would have a fucken baby over that.

Now automation, very very interesting you would bring this subject up, especially being from the right. You guys on the right claim that factory work have declined and or been removed because of Democratic policies but you just answered that question. Automation, that’s why the need for factory workers have declined and will continue to decline. All of your talking points are from the left, so you're just being a troll on this site.

Automation will never be able to tell what fruit, vegetables and nuts are ripe or ready to be picked. Somethings can't be replaced. So once again, stop acting like you give a shit, cause you don't. If they lined up soldiers at the border and shot dead immigrants as they crossed, you and everyone else on the right would be perfectly fine with that.
You are very presumptuous about what you think you know of other people, it weakens your talking points.

No, I don't think it would be good for American, if we imported 500 Million low wage workers from Malaysia, Africa and South America. It wouldn't be a benefit, even if we could get 5 cent heads of lettuce.

If you think its racist to not want to take in unlimited immigrants, than you are just dumb or actually want to harm the country.

You are very presumptuous about what you think you know of other people, it weakens your talking points.

No, I don't think it would be good for American, if we imported 500 Million low wage workers from Malaysia, Africa and South America. It wouldn't be a benefit, even if we could get 5 cent heads of lettuce.

If you think its racist to not want to take in unlimited immigrants, than you are just dumb.

I don't think anybody here thinks they can tell where you will take a stand on any given issue until you post your thought guides and the memes that trigger you. The things I think we all sort of get is that you aren't very intelligent, are clearly INCEL, are very racist and extremely unstable.
You are very presumptuous about what you think you know of other people, it weakens your talking points.

No, I don't think it would be good for American, if we imported 500 Million low wage workers from Malaysia, Africa and South America. It wouldn't be a benefit, even if we could get 5 cent heads of lettuce.

If you think its racist to not want to take in unlimited immigrants, than you are just dumb or actually want to harm the country.

Once again,
Again, what you are advocating for is pretty extreme. No worker rights, no unions, no minimum wage, no lawsuits, just pure exploitation of workers with no protection or regards for the law. Is that what you are saying? You also need to factor in all the extra costs there illegal workers put as a burden on the rest of society, just so their boss can get cheaper labor. They aren't paying taxes, but probably are also receiving way higher household benefits than average.

See: Wal-Mart

Are you drinking healthy water?
I'd go the non corp. type.
Would you use that same example "If we had no illegal aliens, no construction would get done! A house would cost $2 million dollars to build!" ?

Again, what you are advocating for is pretty extreme. No worker rights, no unions, no minimum wage, no lawsuits, just pure exploitation of workers with no protection or regards for the law. Is that what you are saying? You also need to factor in all the extra costs there illegal workers put as a burden on the rest of society, just so their boss can get cheaper labor. They aren't paying taxes, but probably are also receiving way higher household benefits than average.

Then you are also completely ignoring that illegal cheap labor inhibits technological growth and automation progression. If unlimited cheap labor was the ideal goal, then there is no stopping billions of people from around the world from coming to USA and providing cheap labor, but you have to look at consequences.
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