The Monumentally Epic, Knockdown, Dragout, Take-No-Prisoners Slapdown: Aussie High Light vs HLG 288

Day 8, Tops definitely benefiting from solid root development, starting to see hints of prayerage on the new growth...

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100% survival, so gonna have enuff plants for a 3-way Prawn vs supplemented 288 vs 96elite smackdown...

Bumped intensity to ~180 ppfd (~220w at wall; ~30w at each of six 96s).

Overall current plan:

Transfer to individual buckets when roots are nearing max for these 4-hole lids; if before first topping, plants will remain in this tent in indiv 4-gal buckets; after 1st topping into final 8-gal ez-stor buckets and transferred to final tents.

300ppfd, 18:6, solely 96e by 1st topping; after 1st topping: transfer to other tents (4 plants/tent), lights ramping to 600ppfd, 18:6, by 12:12; uva-b goes on, ramping to as much as they can take w/o damage, final uva-b target for grow 6:18, @ ~80 uw/sq cm.

At 12:12 main lights ramping to 1050ppfd;

Prawn lights run unsupplemented (@Prawn Connery ’s choice, ?any desired change prawn?), plus uva-b, plus eod far red;

288’s supplemented w full lightson hlg 35s, plus uva-b, plus eod far red;

96es w full lightson far red (already have other hlg 35 red & deep red), plus uva-b, plus eod far red.

Training: Mainlining 8-mains per plant, allowing ~2 laterals per main to rise to top for total 18-20 tops per plant.

C02: all tents, @ ~1500ppm, starting 12:12; temps in low 80s, w matching rh for appropriate devel stage vpd.

Defol: 1st real defol 1 week before 12:12, major strippage ~3rd week after flip; tbd 3rd defol about 7-10 days after 2nd defol.

Daily 180 spin of buckets after transfer to tents.

Nutes: Technaflora recipe for success

Still planning to go with 220ppm tapwater instead of ro, once plants get some add’l nodage.

Gotta get my ass in gear prepping buckets/lids, air pumps/stones, lights, co2, etc.
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Lol, no, i’m a natural-born planner, was trained as a scientist and MBA, was part of my responsibilities in my former lives in the corporate world....but let’s not get into that...
Your 96s are in a 2-light fixture, right? What kinda dimensions are those?
Your 96s are in a 2-light fixture, right? What kinda dimensions are those?

I use 1/2” or 3/4” angle aluminum for frame, from HD or Lowes.

The long sides of frame are a couple inches shorter than width of tent. Cut long sides to length & and set rails up on sawhorses/table, decide which orientation of the 96 makes sense for you (the diode board is rectangular, consider direction of wire connector), place rails apart roughly the width of a 96; take your 96 and place it in between the two rails, diodes down; you’ll notice that the diodes are deeper than the edges of the boards, snug up the rails to the diodes but not touching, and use that width, between the rails, as the length of your cross rails. Place cross rails in position at each end of long rails, drill a pilot hole in each corner of frame, screw together with self tapping screws.

Drill a couple pairs of holes in frame for hanging.

I don’t attach the lights to the rails, i just set them in frame, allowing me to slide them closer/father apart.
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