What did you accomplish today?

As for my morning, I came in to work an hour early. Smoked a couple of one hitters of Too Slo {my most Sativa strain} and worked on a project that I have been neglecting. {it involved assembly, and I had no extra parts when I was through. win/win}

Day looks pretty laid back, other than a possible time crunch between customers. But the folks in now have the look of early leavers, so that might work itself out.

Tonight is the wife's monthly get together. She has a crew of 6-8 mostly classmates who are always there, and about that many more who come occasionally. I don't mind going once in a while, but not broken hearted I'm working tonight.
I don't miss those days. The single old woman who lived here before us put in a smaller water heater at some point, like 20gal, she probably never showered. My father upgraded it to a 30gal a couple years after we moved in, but it still didn't keep up sometimes. About 6 years ago we replaced the old oil heating system with gas and I had them put in a 60 gal indirect tank and I never lose hot water now. It's nice being able to take a long hot shower to relax after busting ass all day and not get chased out by cold water. I've actually nodded off in there a couple times now. Made me think about how drowning in a shower would be a pretty pathetic way to die.
I have a 75 gallon for just the hub and I. He likes to marinate in the shower. When I want to soak in heat I turn on our 1000 gallon spa with the 300K gas heater. 5-6 minutes we are at 103, nothing more fun than a glass of wine, in the bubbly spa, watching the clear desert sky and all the 'UFOs' from Edwards, very entertaining. During the summer when the pool is at 106+ the spa is to hot to 'enjoy'. If I'm dying to use it I re-route to the solar panels on my roof to cool it. Usually takes 45 minutes to an hour to decrease the heat to 103. LOL first world problems.
I have a 75 gallon for just the hub and I. He likes to marinate in the shower. When I want to soak in heat I turn on our 1000 gallon spa with the 300K gas heater. 5-6 minutes we are at 103, nothing more fun than a glass of wine, in the bubbly spa, watching the clear desert sky and all the 'UFOs' from Edwards, very entertaining. During the summer when the pool is at 106+ the spa is to hot to 'enjoy'. If I'm dying to use it I re-route to the solar panels on my roof to cool it. Usually takes 45 minutes to an hour to decrease the heat to 103. LOL first world problems.
I forget the town or hostel name, but there is a place on the CDT that gets hot water out of the ground. Everyone at the hostel gets a stern talking to about using all the cold water. The last hikers to shower were always getting burned.
I miss the hospitality industry. It was good when I was a single young man.There’s alway single women around to chat with. I used to meet this one bird in the cool room because you could lock it from the inside for some bow bow chicka bow wow.
Maybe give the old duck some cool room time lol
what o.O lmfao

What if....... she isn't angry because he left..... what if..... he left because she is angry......be careful
that is what i have been thinking as well but i don't like to think that way because my dad is kind of like her always angry and takes it out on other people and i think with him he isn't like that naturally it's more the fact he was raised that way by his dad. his dad was always a douche to him and even now despite his age still is and disapporved of everything yet he was the most successful of his siblings despite being the oldest. there is always more to the story imo but always something that triggers people to act the way they do.

Maybe she's just a raving bitch and needs no reasons
naw she isn't a bitch for no reason. worked with her for a while to know had a few drinks with her as well and she is fairly mellow outside of work. work isn't even that stressful so it has to do with something else. plus my coworker told me that she still wears her ex husbands clothes to work and i could understand if he died but he left her and im sure he left her many years ago at least 10-30 years ago.
I have a 75 gallon for just the hub and I. He likes to marinate in the shower. When I want to soak in heat I turn on our 1000 gallon spa with the 300K gas heater. 5-6 minutes we are at 103, nothing more fun than a glass of wine, in the bubbly spa, watching the clear desert sky and all the 'UFOs' from Edwards, very entertaining. During the summer when the pool is at 106+ the spa is to hot to 'enjoy'. If I'm dying to use it I re-route to the solar panels on my roof to cool it. Usually takes 45 minutes to an hour to decrease the heat to 103. LOL first world problems.
I have an instant hot water system don’t need a reserve but put 40 gal in as a back up system. You can shower all day it was worth the extra money. Your spa heats up quick very jealous mine takes like a good 2 hours.
I got a call back on the job application. Seems like it's in the bag, just need to go through the formal interview Tuesday. They were so impressed by my resume they brought up a supervisory position they aren't even supposed to be offering yet. I told them I'm probably not interested, but we'll talk. I don't really want the responsibility. What confused me was they were extremely impressed with the fact I did auto body work and know how to use hand tools...fucking hand tools. I've been involved in the hiring process at my last place and I realized then 9 out of 10 people that apply for work in my field are complete :dunce:, but seriously, who applies for a mechanical assembly job of you can't use basic hand tools? The only part I don't really like is I'll have to go to Chicago for training for a couple weeks. Fucking Chicago ....

I hear you. Bring your gun, and be polite to police...

That's where the plant is they're shutting down. I had said I'd never fly again after the TSA was implemented, fuck them:finger:, maybe I'll drive. I also mentioned I've been involved with 3 shop moves /setups and they said they may want to bring me in early to help get the line up and running. On the phone they said the assembly position paid $16/hr, I told them online it said $18-20/hr and they immediately said they'd be willing to do $20 for someone with my background. This is starting to sound too good and I'm waiting for the big BUT.....

Aren't we all?

not sure what to do today. bored as hell and procrastinating on finishing this puzzle because i know it will piss me off despite im almost done. in a sense i feel kind of bad as well because my aunties didn't take my grandpa out for fathers day and im 100% sure they don't plan to either. pretty sure my sister asked and they didn't say anything so we are likely going to take them out.

my sister was talking about taking a trip to the big island for christmas my sister was going to come home and then i guess we just fly out from Oahu to the big island. only like a 15-20 minute flight but the cost of the tickets are just insane for that flight i remember for maui it was about 20min flight costed me $550 flying on Hawaiian airlines ( we got miles for that airlines ) that same price we could fly out to cali. i was thinking though since they are still alive maybe we should take them along i'd pay for there tickets and all that. idk what we'd do there though it's not like here on Oahu where it's more city like. i'll bring it up though because they rarely travel and they wont unless someone takes them.
The last time I paid for a haircut was November 1983. Didn't have a choice that time, as Uncle Sugar was making up my mind for me. But since then, I've cut it myself. I cut it 2 1/2 to 3 inches long all over except the back, which is a little longer. The first week or so it's pretty short and spikey, but since I go 3 months between hair cuts, it does get long.

Back in the day I could always tell when it was time for a haircut when 3 women told me it looked good. If I went by that now, sadly I would become a hippy.
I used to get my hair all cut off every spring, however I have found out that with the way my hair is it's actually cooler to put it into a pony tail. I also figured if I'm growing weed I should look like the hippie I used to be back when I was a young stoner. If it ever gets to the point where it looks like a wreath I'll just shave my head, so far the thin spot isn't that noticeable...I think.
I used to get my hair all cut off every spring, however I have found out that with the way my hair is it's actually cooler to put it into a pony tail. I also figured if I'm growing weed I should look like the hippie I used to be back when I was a young stoner. If it ever gets to the point where it looks like a wreath I'll just shave my head, so far the thin spot isn't that noticeable...I think.
I've tried long hair. My problem is it curls out past my shoulder on one side, and down by my neck on the other. Not that I'm overly vain, but it does get pretty wild looking.

When I truly get past the point where I have to worry about stuff like that, I would like to try the Plains Indians style of two braids worn on the chest. I've always admired that look.

I think I'm good as far as hair loss goes. Daddy died at 78 with a head of hair {although about 2 inches long}. I'm 58, and have very little receding going on.
No doubt, I’m a renter and the one we have now is smallish, honestly not sure the size, short and stubby, probably 3’ tall and about the same across. We have a family of 3 and we all take long showers, sometimes we have to tell our daughter to get out. Lol. The wife and I like molten hot showers. If we do all back to back, that last shower will start to cool, not cold I gotta get out now but no longer molten. When I was a kid, different story. May be why I like molten showers.
Just hot is good enough for me.
I used to get my hair all cut off every spring, however I have found out that with the way my hair is it's actually cooler to put it into a pony tail. I also figured if I'm growing weed I should look like the hippie I used to be back when I was a young stoner. If it ever gets to the point where it looks like a wreath I'll just shave my head, so far the thin spot isn't that noticeable...I think.
Hub goes to the barber's on base an gets the usual cut. It's sort of funny because the obstinate ass was always pushing the grooming regs when he was in but the moment he's out he's stayed high and tight. Did I mention obstinate?
Long hair is a fucking pain in the ass especially when you always work on cars, IDK how many times I had to dig grease or some adhesive out of my hair or wash it out with thinner. I've grown mine out a few times past the middle of my back, once a Mohawk to my ass. I chopped and donated that to some cancer wig place. Now I buzz it down every other month, 1/2" in summer, 3/4" in winter.

I vacuumed the house today, with a shedding cat and thick pollen, this place was probably deadly to someone with bad allergies. When I went to do the enclosed porch, the shitty 30 year old indoor /outdoor carpet that had some heavy wear caught on the wheel and ripped. So I tore it up. @curious2garden, guess what I used to glue spots down when it got loose years ago? :wall:So now there's a dozen quarter sized spots of rug still on the floor. I get to try my new oscillating tool to try and scrape it up without damaging the floor too much. It's is a pretty worn tongue and groove pine wood floor under it so I'm not too worried. I kinda want to wire brush it to accentuate the grooves in the wood grain then do a heavy, maybe 1/4", clear epoxy coating to level it out. I think it would look good and give the floor some visual depth. I can't seem to find any pictures of it, so, IDK.
Long hair is a fucking pain in the ass especially when you always work on cars, IDK how many times I had to dig grease or some adhesive out of my hair or wash it out with thinner. I've grown mine out a few times past the middle of my back, once a Mohawk to my ass. I chopped and donated that to some cancer wig place. Now I buzz it down every other month, 1/2" in summer, 3/4" in winter.

I vacuumed the house today, with a shedding cat and thick pollen, this place was probably deadly to someone with bad allergies. When I went to do the enclosed porch, the shitty 30 year old indoor /outdoor carpet that had some heavy wear caught on the wheel and ripped. So I tore it up. @curious2garden, guess what I used to glue spots down when it got loose years ago? :wall:So now there's a dozen quarter sized spots of rug still on the floor. I get to try my new oscillating tool to try and scrape it up without damaging the floor too much. It's is a pretty worn tongue and groove pine wood floor under it so I'm not too worried. I kinda want to wire brush it to accentuate the grooves in the wood grain then do a heavy, maybe 1/4", clear epoxy coating to level it out. I think it would look good and give the floor some visual depth. I can't seem to find any pictures of it, so, IDK.
LOL I'd like to see the wire brush redo, it could look good.