The Ultimate Growing Competition

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Had to post here due to no number but I finally got my irrigation hooked up I think things are about to get alot easier for me honestly this was a necessity considering I'm getting a second flower tent soon heres some pics I forgot to take pics while building it View attachment 4349678 View attachment 4349679 that's all for today happy growing guys

Yeah man!

Now you have more time for other chores.

If any of you liked my drying closet idea, here's an update. Having a 3-speed 40-80-120cfm exhaust fan is overkill. I am only using the 40cfm part from now on.

With plants in different stages of drying I kept it on high, and the stuff dried a little too quick. That said, it all has a sweet-diesel smell, except for the DG plant which is still more like candy.

They are under vacuum (because I can) and have Boveda packs in there. I jarred up the 2 on the left yesterday, and the two on the right this morning. I burped and re-weighed the first two and they had each gained about half a gram. So the weight is final on the GH and DG. I'll check tomorrow on the other two. but for now
GH 51.7g
DG 43.25g
FFT 70.9g
FFG 54.7g.
One reason for the FF Trio weight discrepancy is that the tops grew together better, and there is more stem left because I left more of the tops whole. So it is fatter than the rest, but not by as much as it seems.

And just so I am not thought a mangler of flowers, here's two going now.
Happy growing!
I'm done reading your shit, you previously told me to cut down my plant, which thankfully I didnt listen to and I ended up with 6oz.
Dude, are you serious? I also think you should pour acid in your medium because this is a competition. I was joking about cutting it down.
People that don't keep up with the thread miss jokes easily.
The answer to your loot question is it is up to the players to decide who gets what.
I can post the link but I get lazy sometimes after about the third or fourth time.
Didn't reply to my question, but I found my answer later when you told someone else. (I actually read other people's posts...:confused: I know, right?) Also in that same post you said this:

So then I said (apparently to the internets) :

and then nothing more was said about it

Then come some questions

Like 5 minutes later I answered

You also had questions about disqualifying people before the competition even started???:

You did have suggestions for the prize pot, and it was taken at that:

But I think this is the post you were looking for.

I got tired of reading so stopped there.

As to your comments, wow.
I'm not very selfish I don't think. I didn't have to do a competition at all, or take all of the time I took to put the prize pot together for the winners. I could have just as easily not offered any prizes and kept it all for myself.
Also, because I spent so much time putting the pot together for you guys, I'd be lying if I didn't say that people that don't pay attention to the competition really don't deserve to be here anyway.
I said 'you guys' because I have no chance in hell of winning this thing, I mean honestly, I'm just here to play. All of the drama when this thing started with Dyna-Gro, people thought the thing was rigged for me to win from the beginning. I accepted the fact before it started that I'm not winning, but am doing it for the fun.
So since I'm not winning what have I got to lose, right?
I thought you were a cool dude, but you can go fuck yourself after the comments you have made today. You're on ignore from me. I don't want to see your photos, and if you fuck up someone else will let me know in about 5 seconds anyway.
Good luck with the votes at the end man.
What ever happened to this guy?
Good times. Good times.
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Yeah, but after that. What was up with that anyway? I think he posted pics of the plant he was running in the comp the other day. Looked pretty good.

Here is his latest post with the plants
Hello all, I'm fairly new to growing and have some Critical Purple Kush and I think it's coming along great. I just noticed that some parts are turning purplish. The plants are about 42 days since flipping to flower and still have a ways to go. I did some research and some say that colder temps at night for a few days may bring out the purple color, others say mess with the ph, both of which I rather not do fearing something going wrong. Whats others experience with CPK, did it end up being purple, when did it start showing purple, did you use the color as a way of knowing when it's ready, etc....View attachment 4348915 View attachment 4348916 View attachment 4348917 View attachment 4348918 View attachment 4348919 View attachment 4348921
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