help understanding what i made .. ammyture hash oil maker



I made some rso with food grade iso, i had about 6 litres of green liquid and put 5 litres in my slow cooker to evaporate off.

the bit i had left 1lt i put in a jar under my hps, i saw a vid about in the sun light and it turns the clorafil green shit amber color.

it worked, it went amber and i evaporated it off cold with a fan, it left me with a browny coloured waxy mess which smokes like a rocket !!

what is it ? what have i made ?

pure dynamite smoke just add, but the smell on the catchment paper is nothing :/

what is it ?


Well-Known Member
Visible light will bleach chlorophyll, converting it to an unknown aldehyde and and unknown oxidizing compound. At least they were unknown when the article I read was written, 1914. There may be more recent information somewhere. UV light has no effect, so no need for sunlight, as you showed by doing it with HPS. Red light has the quickest effect, same as it produces the most photosynthesis in live plants.

Personally, I prefer not to extract the chlorophyll in the first place, by doing the extraction correctly. That way there's no mystery aldehyde produced. It also mentioned that oxygen must be present or no bleaching occurs, so maybe stir or shake the solution up before sitting it under the light. I wouldn't advise anyone to do this for a commercial product, since we don't know what effect that aldehyde might have on humans, if any. Maybe it evaporates. Chlorophyll has magnesium in it though, so where does that go when it decomposes? Probably pretty harsh smoking magnesium.

I don't have the link to the article so the title is "The Action of Light on Chlorophyll" by Harold Wager.
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like you made a crude iso extract. You didn’t mention specifics of weight of material, percentage of iso, extraction time or evaporation and purge method. Evaporating 5 litres in a slow cooker sounds like a huge waste of alcohol, hopefully you did that outside.

It doesn’t sound like you made anything noteworthy bud.


Well-Known Member
Food grade ISO eh? Does that mean I can drink it for a hangover free pissup?

Sounds like you made basic pot oil and for sure it gets you high as shit but you'll learn more and get better batches down the line.

I used to boil fan leaves in ISO for hours and make this nasty black crap that people paid me $10g for and came back for more so yours is probably a lot better than that junk.



Well-Known Member

I made some rso with food grade iso, i had about 6 litres of green liquid and put 5 litres in my slow cooker to evaporate off.

the bit i had left 1lt i put in a jar under my hps, i saw a vid about in the sun light and it turns the clorafil green shit amber color.

it worked, it went amber and i evaporated it off cold with a fan, it left me with a browny coloured waxy mess which smokes like a rocket !!

what is it ? what have i made ?

pure dynamite smoke just add, but the smell on the catchment paper is nothing :/

what is it ?
UV deprotonates the green C-55 Chlorophyll and turns it into brown C-55 pheophytin.

If you will use a subzero QWISO, or QWET process, you can avoid the chlorophyll pickup up front.


Well-Known Member
Noteworthy I typically attach to well thought out and researched ideas exercised with a focus on details and product quality. When I make a random chicken stir fry, it is often not noteworthy. I don’t give myself hero cookies when they aren’t deserved, nor can I give out an accurate piece of help to the OP without more details.