Purifying my poorly made RSO (Pics inside)


Active Member
Hey guys,

I made some RSO from all of my AVB (approx 2 - 3 ounces), trim (approx 1 ounce) and about 1 ounce of flower. I chopped it up into reasonably small pieces and poured isopropyl alcohol over it, stirred it for about 5 mins, then drained it. I did two washes with iso. I then put the iso into a slow cooker and evaporated the alcohol. At the end of the evaporation I noticed the oil in the middle of the slow cooker was starting to burn so i turned it off and salvaged what I could.


The first pic: I mixed the raw oil (2nd pic) with some olive oil so I could try and take it sublingually. However, it tasted really bad, a little burnt and a little like isoalcohol still. So I mixed the oil mixture with water and shook it up (with the hopes that the water would strip some of the isopropyl and other crap out of it). I think its worked a little bit as the water is pretty cloudy.

As you may be able to see there are now 3 layers in the bottle - a water layer, a black oil layer, and a brown foamy layer. Any ideas on what exactly the brown foamy and black layer are?

Anyway to my main question:

What is the best method to take the raw oil (in picture 2) and remove some of the chlorophy, burnt substances and the last of the iso from it?

I am aware that I could have done the extraction better from the beginning :)

Thanks for the help guys!
Stop using iso. Order pure ethanol from Beatvaluevacs. Ethanol and material below freezing for 12+ hrs. Then mix for 15 minute virgously and seperate quickly. Get a buchner funnel, cold trap, and vac pump and learn about chromotography.
Stop using iso. Order pure ethanol from Beatvaluevacs. Ethanol and material below freezing for 12+ hrs. Then mix for 15 minute virgously and seperate quickly. Get a buchner funnel, cold trap, and vac pump and learn about chromotography.

Hey mate thanks for the info :) I'll definitely put a bit more prep into it next time. I was too keen and just kind of went for it...

Any ideas on how I could purify the stuff I have now though? I was thinking of freezing it (to make it easier to remove from the container) then mixing it with boiling water, shaking it vigorously then letting it separate like pic1 and just sucking up the oil.

So i used a syringe to collect the brown layer.

It completely took away the alcohol taste. There is still a little burnt taste, but a decent bit less. There is also a lot of chlorophyll taste but at least now its tolerable. Looks kinda gross though and I dont know how potent it will be.

I think I'll try and get my hands on some lab gear and hexane cos why not :)