Biden won't beat Trump

The Democratic Party needs a Leftist candidate in the general or Trump will win.

I'm not convinced the Democratic Party really wants to win with a Leftist candidate, for two reasons;
1. The Iron Law of Institutions- the group in control would rather lose to the opposition if the alternative is losing their own group on power within the organisation. This explains the behavior of the party very well.
2. Those supporting the Democratic Party financially have policy objectives which are not compatible with those stated by the Left, no matter how the majority of potential voters might feel.
That's why party leadership doesn't endorse progressive candidates, in some instances, they openly endorse Republicans over actual progressives
They're more afraid of losing power within their organisation than they are off the organisation losing to Republicans.

Sounds like they're doing an awesome job of representing their constituents! /Sarcasm
If you're so worried about foreign Nations meddling in American politics, why aren't you screaming about Israel's ongoing and blatant pattern of interference?

Because you're a fraud.

I agree, we should be more vocal about all the countries interfering with us like the Saudi's misinformation campaign too. Russia is just at this point in time seems to be the ballsiest. They saw an opening and have been taking it with several key elections to screw with countries stability which is why they are so dangerous right now.

They want the worst candidate regardless of sides, which is why they push for Sanders and that Hawaiian lady. If you get someone bad in place, you can use them as a beacon to use to whip up the opposite side which will help future election meddling.

Its possible Trump can win this time too with the help of bad foreign actors since they can just bypass all the American election laws and micro-target voters in key places like they did in 2016. It took what 70k voters in those areas to push Trump over Clinton's 3million plus votes. It sucks, but it is a reality but with millions of people getting snowballed by misinformation and the fact that Trump is propagandist-in-chief it might be easier for them to do it again.
When has democratic party leadership endorsed a republican over a progressive democrat curtis
The Carter Foundation certified it.


If it weren't true they couldn't put it on the internet.

Also, I found a former Princeton professor who needed a new house and felt that she wasn't getting enough love so she accepted a bunch of money from and said some stuff. It doesn't matter what all the other Princeton professors say - the Ivy League agrees. Vulcan logic, old top. Spot on.

Are you an Ivy league University? Methinks not.

Thank you for conceding your point. Bob is your uncle.

Full stop.
The Carter Foundation certified it.


If it weren't true they couldn't put it on the internet.

Also, I found a former Princeton professor who needed a new house and felt that she wasn't getting enough love so she accepted a bunch of money from and said some stuff. It doesn't matter what all the other Princeton professors say - the Ivy League agrees. Vulcan logic, old top. Spot on.

Are you an Ivy league University? Methinks not.

Thank you for conceding your point. Bob is your uncle.

Full stop.

Your post is not accurate ...

My Uncle's name is Bill.

Do candidates that suck get the most votes every single time they run for something?

Should she have gotten less votes, like Bernie?

Bernie is gonna run that strategy again it appears. Think it’ll work?

Sanders won all 55 counties in WV yet the Superdelegates gave the state to Clinton.


With that process, your vote doesn't count and neither do you.

PS WV wasn't the only state Sanders won that went to Clinton by way of Super delegates.
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Sanders won all 55 counties in WV yet the Superdelegates gave the state to Clinton.


With that process, your vote doesn't count and neither do you.

PS WV wasn't the only state Sanders won that went to Clinton by way of Super delegates.
Actually, your vote didn't count because you are 60 years old but still don't know how primary or general elections work - and still don't.

I voted for Bernie. Did you?

And the voters in WV votes did count. Bernie got 18 delegates. One less than Hillary. Cry me a river, oh one-who-can't-even-successfully-register-to-vote-for-the-candidate-of-her-choice.
Sanders won all 55 counties in WV yet the Superdelegates gave the state to Clinton.


With that process, your vote doesn't count and neither do you.

PS WV wasn't the only state Sanders won that went to Clinton by way of Super delegates.
You should know this already but from you posts, it is clear that you can't understand it without help.

Hillary Clinton won the nomination based upon her winning the most delegates that were assigned by votes. Superdelegates had no role in Clinton winning the nomination.

Sanders' organization participated in rules changes and they agreed with other members of the DNC to strip superdelegates of their votes in the first round at the Democratic National Convention. If any candidate wins the majority of delegates selected by voters, there will be no votes cast by superdelegates.

Superdelegates don't matter. Sanders lost in 2016 because he couldn't win enough votes and he will lose in 2020 for the same reason.

This is where you trot out a conspiracy theory that claims women and black people are more easily manipulated than white men.