Biden won't beat Trump

Sanders was rated 217 out of 227 senators for getting bipartisan legislation passed,not very good EHH
Why would he rate highly for bipartisan legislation if he's a self described social democrat?

More to the point, why would he want to, and why would those of us who want the country to move to the left want him to?
Russian propaganda messages that were picked up and re-broadcast by your propaganda sources helped achieve that, pimp.

Vote Democrats in.
If you're so worried about foreign Nations meddling in American politics, why aren't you screaming about Israel's ongoing and blatant pattern of interference?

Because you're a fraud.
There are enough Independents to make a big difference and that's the group Bernie has been focusing on the most.

Rather than worrying about who wants to vote R vs D, I'm thinking the smart campaigns talking about the issues and policies and that strategy will pay off.
Are there any polls you know of that only focus on independents? I don't know of any myself but it sure would be interesting to see where they are leaning these days.
Are there any polls you know of that only focus on independents? I don't know of any myself but it sure would be interesting to see where they are leaning these days.
He's doing well in the current presidential race and I see that as an important sign of his overall approval.
He's doing well in the current presidential race and I see that as an important sign of his overall approval.
I can buy the premise that central democrats will largely go with a democrat socialist candidate, but will the independents? You raised a good question. Bernie is likable enough that maybe he'll do well against a polarizing figure like Trump.
I can buy the premise that central democrats will largely go with a democrat socialist candidate, but will the independents? You raised a good question. Bernie is likable enough that maybe he'll do well against a polarizing figure like Trump.
The guy may be an outlier but I watched an interview of a former Trump supporter who is now loudly backing Bernie. I've heard quite a few anecdotal stories about people who only voted for Trump because Clinton was nominated over Bernie, so I don't think he's alone.

The assumption that Independents are all somehow ideologically between the two establishment parties is quite simply belied by the facts on the ground. Many just don't bother voting because neither candidate speaks to their interests- but they WILL make the effort for someone who does.

I think there is an enormous groundswell of support for the Progressive or Social Democrat Left. How big it is remains to be seen.

One thing is for certain; the establishment Democratic Party- not to mention their biggest boosters here on this forum- clearly see us as the biggest threat to their agenda. There's no other way to explain the extreme level of vitriol against one of the frontrunners in their very own nomination process.
Nah. I've been studying WWII history more or less as a hobby since I was 10. My grandfather was a WWII veteran and made sure I was well stocked with books on the subjects.
How would he feel about the piece of shit that you are calling for others to firebomb people's homes? Glad he didn't live to see it I'll bet. Sadly the same can not be said for your daughter.
A study on the outlook of millennials;

I'm pretty sure they're not going to be big Biden backers, considering his hand in their college debt.
As you say numbers...where did all the "Rino's " the teabaggers, booted go?
Sorry a lot of displaced Republican moderates and Democrats far outnumber younger age voters...buckle up , rough it's
a the ride ahead
Nice night watching Mayor Pete , again

I must be a real threat to y'all, considering all four of you have to dogpile at once! Desperate or something? LMAO

Bottom line; Bernie is hands down the best hope this country has this election of reversing its ever accelerating decline. He's doing well in the primary. He'll mop the floor with the Chump. His is the only economic program that will positively impact average Americans.

What I still don't understand is why all of you can't stand the idea of him in office? Y'all sure aren't making a lick of sense between you!

If you really want to complain about something, why not bitch about how the Pentagon and Microsoft are teaming up to 'safeguard' our elections?!