Biden won't beat Trump

vote republicans out...
The problem with returning to the Democratic Party as it was before Trump is that it just reinstates all the conditions that brought forth Trump in the first place. To expect a different outcome is the definition of insanity.
In 2020 there are twice as many republicans up for re-election in the senate as democrats. Twice as many chances for a democrat to win a seat. I believe there is a very good chance for the dems to take the senate, thump has put an ugly stain on republicans.
Have you ever heard of the term gerrymandering?

When politicians pick voters the result is calcification and polarisation.
The problem with returning to the Democratic Party as it was before Trump is that it just reinstates all the conditions that brought forth Trump in the first place. To expect a different outcome is the definition of insanity.
I would take 8 more years of Obama in a heart beat....especially if he didn't have to battle a republican controlled senate and House. A democratic president for the next 8 years would be a godsend....
Most folks don't vote based on policy positions. Likability is still the winner. But just staying away from the more liberal policies some of the candidates are proposing would do it. He's not as scary to them as Clinton was. We just need to shave off a little around the edges to win. Clinton lost PA by about half a percent {45K from a total of 6M votes}. You just need 23K of those to change their vote.
Maybe that's the problem.

Or more to the point; party leaders keep telling us that Americans don't vote on policies because if they did, those same leaders would have to admit their policies don't cut it.

Well, they aren't cutting it- which is why we have who we have in the White House right now.

So maybe it's time to actually focus on policies that matter to the intended constituency? Pandering to the money isn't working anymore...
Clinton sucked as a candidate.

Sorry the facts upset you.
Do candidates that suck get the most votes every single time they run for something?

Should she have gotten less votes, like Bernie?

Bernie is gonna run that strategy again it appears. Think it’ll work?
Do candidates that suck get the most votes every single time they run for something?

Should she have gotten less votes, like Bernie?

Bernie is gonna run that strategy again it appears. Think it’ll work?
It shouldn't have even been close against someone like Trump.

Let's not make the same mistake again with Biden.