-Best Design for apartment stealth growing POLL-

Which setup best suits an apartment??

  • Closet

    Votes: 44 38.9%
  • Utility cabinet

    Votes: 25 22.1%
  • False wall

    Votes: 19 16.8%
  • A couple dressers

    Votes: 25 22.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
i would get your medi card's, and fill your room with grow tents. that way it doenst matter if attention is attracted by the overwhelming smell of pot and you have huge perpetual yields


Well-Known Member
i would get your medi card's, and fill your room with grow tents. that way it doenst matter if attention is attracted by the overwhelming smell of pot and you have huge perpetual yields
Depending on your location in CA, it DOES matter if you have huge yields, tons of plants, etc. Many counties go by the state guidlines which is 6 plants flowering or 12 immature plants and 8 oz of dried weed.
Plus getting busted is not the only reason you don't want to stink. There are tons of theives out there that will rip you off in a second.


Well-Known Member
Depending on your location in CA, it DOES matter if you have huge yields, tons of plants, etc. Many counties go by the state guidlines which is 6 plants flowering or 12 immature plants and 8 oz of dried weed.
Plus getting busted is not the only reason you don't want to stink. There are tons of theives out there that will rip you off in a second.
get out of s.b county, move north, 99 limits.


Well-Known Member
You can always just change your locks. When asked why, just tell them your key would always get stuck. This way they can't come in unless you let them in. I have grown in apts for 3yrs with no trouble. Shit the first year I had no carbon filter and you could smell my apt like a block away.
As far as people coming into my room, the girls are not always dirty whores and just want to fuck. They may want to watch a movie in bed, you have to get up to go to the bathroom, they spend the night, etc. There are lots of reasons for people to be in your room. You're talking to your friend as you are grabbing a shirt and he follows to conitinue the conversation. Many many reasons to have it be stealth and not a tent in your bedroom.
And had you built your closet correctly, you woulnd't have any light leaks and no one would see your closet glowing.

I love the lock idea. That way i will know for sure i will HAVE to get notice before they come barging in. Love it. It looks like the dressors are making a come back, chasing down the good starter, utility cabinet. Actually i think dressors are no doubt the way to go. There so fucking stealth, i just cant imagine how anyone would suspect anything from a dressor, i mean before i looked into stealth grows online i had no idea such things could be done, and some straight edge tight ass college crad appartment owner sure as hell will have no idea. I think im just going to go with one dressor, the fattest one i can come up with, and stick my 400wer in there. Do a mini sog perpetual harvest deal, with a rubber maid for cloning (wich im done with) and another 150w hps box you guys might have seen on my other user name, sexyfattops, wich will aid in speeding up my perpetual grow. Thanks for all the great coments. Just the shit i needed to figure this all out.

Grow tents haha, yeah.... RIGHT!!


Well-Known Member
BC Northern Lights box. If your talking stealth its the best and simplest your going to ge. Takes cash but whateve


Well-Known Member
When I changed my locks, they were like, the key doesn't work and we need to do a key check. I told them I gave them a new copy of the key months ago when I changed the locks. They were like, oh let us look. Obviously they couldn't find one that matched. I finally had to get them a copy of that key, so I just put a lock on my bedroom door. This way, they could still come in, but couldn't get in my bedroom. Just make sure you are there any time they do maintanence, and they will never need to use the key.


Well-Known Member
Use the bedroom and keep the door closed. There, stealth.
Until a friend needs to borrow a shirt, your landlord comes in whithout notice, you want to bring a date home, and on and on and on....
Just closing a door or not having it smell does not make it stealth by any means.

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
My budy and i will be moving into an apartment within this next month and are planing out how were going to do our grow:hump:. We want to go big as we can without going over the edge and attracting attention. We will be using 3 400 watters for our perpetual setup and 2 150wers for clones and mothers.

We had a couple things in mind..

1. Closet.

2. Lockable utility cabinet

3. false wall 2-3 feet out from actuall wall.

4. a couple dressers

Which gives you the best vibes??

Check out my topic: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/89199-paste-here-your-stealth-cabinet.html


Active Member
u got balls for having that much light in an apt....... i hope u dont get caught. its only 2 people y do u have so many lights..... going overboard in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
u got balls for having that much light in an apt....... i hope u dont get caught. its only 2 people y do u have so many lights..... going overboard in my opinion.

naa man check my sig...thats an apt. and im runnin 4x600 watt hps not to mention fans pumps filters etc.. pay your bill and your all gravy


Well-Known Member
Been a while, but im getting a 2br. I think were going to do a room. I saw a cool thread on here where they constructed a 2 deep closet right at the entrence. I think this is the way to go. no one will even know its a fucking room. too good. Someone will have the living room, someone a room. Maby well have a clone contest, greates yeild of the clone, takes the room. something stoopid but fun. haha. Cant wait to start construction.

I decided on this cause i thought about the noise mentioned by bongrip. a closet will be to loud, someones eventually going to here a hum and there imagination WILL go wondering. theres no room for going half ass, cause half asses cant even sit unawkwardly. Its unpracticle to have half ass and quite honestly repolsive.

no question, i have to obey the first comandment of growing: Tell know one.

if you tell someone, how are you going to trust them when you cant even trust yourself.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you are talking about my stealth bedroom thread. It was real easy to build, and nobody thinks anything of it. Just remember you have to cover the window some how so no one knows there is a room there at all. I am building a planter box outside the window with some lattice and climbing plants to cover the window.


Well-Known Member
gets tents inside anyway. they so damn cool. i in apt, locked my bedroom door, hanging phote develop supplies for excuses, and just ordered 2 fan and exhaust systems for each area of grow. Work hard no matter what anyone says to cut electric cost. just seems smarter, no offense. good luck, and tents feel cool, lol


Active Member
great idea, i would do the grow cab/ dresser..u can pick one up cheap, me and my twin and my other best friend since like 8yo, were movin out next month into a 4 bedrooom, were not using the other bedroom as a grow room but as like an office or whatever, but were each having a dresser with like 250w and like 3-4 plants. in each room and then the person with the master wit hthe big closet gets another small cab for the mothers.and they will look just like a regualr dresser and u can even put them in the closet and that wont take up any of ur room room space, and its not visable from the living room, and what were doing is cuttin a hole into the attic(if we get the top floor, not sure if u can do that on the first floor) and when/if the landlord comes we will just throw in like a dummy vent, its not rigged to anything just take the tube down from the box and put up the A/C vent thing.but we plan to have each box flowering at diff times to get a harvest every few months or so. and the dresser's dont look suspicious at allll, espically if there chillin in the closet. if the humming is an issue, we always play music thru out the house anyway..just on a low volume, or a tv is on..i personally dont care,but wen the girls come over, Which they will..they will hear the music, but we have a sick living room setup, so all the chillin is in the living room and leave the bedroom for the slaying. :)


Well-Known Member
here's an idea!

make some kind of custom under the bed box and grow bent plants.

youll have a bed warmer and you could say your sleeping with your plants!

yeha ignore me im just being stupid lol :eyesmoke: