Wow. What a bald faced lie that is.
The model 3 standard has an advertised range of 220 miles. If you can only charge it to 80%, that range falls very quickly to 170 miles.
There are presently 14 different models of EV's from other automakers with a greater range than that.
But let's call a spade a spade. Let's go all in.
The S model Tesla has an advertised range of 285 miles. Charged to only 80%, that falls to a maximum of 190 miles.
The new Jaguar has no problem fast charging to 100%. It doesn't burst into flame, it doesn't lose abilities, it has no problems whatsoever. It's range at 100%: 234 miles.
The 80% charged model S Tesla will be sitting on the side of the road as the Jaguar EV goes driving past a distance of 44 miles on average.
To top it all off, the Jaguar has a better interior, more standard features and is cheaper than a model S.
You're such a patent fan girl liar it's really pathetic. It really, really is.