What did you accomplish today?

full. my coworker took me to this ghetto shop it's like a small restaurant/half ass convienance store but the products are legit brands but dirt cheap like $1 ( like a dollar store but with less products which is unheard of here ) the food was better then i expected other than that i got off work super early like 1030am so we only worked for 4 hours basically. tomorrow we wont be so lucky though. would of gotten off at like 9 but my coworker trying to milk the clock as usual.

not sure what i got planned for today all i need to really do is wash clothes for tomorrow. i came home and first thing my grandpa starts yelling at me saying " you guys fuck ups" lol all because i have my ceiling fan on and my grow tent running and im like bruh you needa chill tf out you ain't paying for our electricity. you aint paying for our rent, water, etc. if he want me to stop growing in my tent he needs to give me some damn room to grow outside and stop fucking with my plants. every time i try to grow he would purposely kill my plants. step on um throw um in the trash, etc.. i personally think he can't handle the fact that if someone grows something better then him he will be pissed off. as if he was a master grower or something idk though that is just my guess it really makes no sense why he would do that its not like im taking up a lot of space it's only 1-3 plants.
knocked tf out tryna catch up on some Z's. woke up though cause it is hot and i had a nightmare. dreamed i was stuck in highschool again during my senior year and failing and crying to myself like "wtf am i going to do? if my mom was still here she'd know what to do" idk why i had that dream but in reality that was how my high school days were like i actually failed 2 whole grades because i kept ditching class and hated school few subjects i took mostly math and auto mechanic class i failed because i hated the courses. teachers gave zero fucks and didn't really teach us anything but my mom pushed me made me go to summer school and ironically i got all A's in those courses not because they were easier ( they were actually harder ) but because the teachers cared.

waiting for my damn puzzle to get shipped it should be getting shipped today/tomorrow though. supposed to arrive friday - the 5th doubt i'd get it this week. bought it off ebay since it's a Japanese product. not sure where everyone is again. think my sisters bf went to work and i think my sister working as well.
I'm forced to look up a lot of random stuff because of you. Thanks!

Me too, spared me from the embarrassment of stating that fan needs to be of Decberrium proportions to be effective.
Hey!, Instagram says it's a thing.:?

Edit, Thanks cn
BOREAS was the purple-winged god of the north wind, one of the four seasonal Anemoi (Wind-Gods). He was also the god of winter who swept down from the cold mountains of Thrake (Thrace), chilling the air with his icy breath.
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Me too, spared me from the embarrassment of stating that fan needs to be of Decberrium proportions to be effective.
Hey!, Instagram says it's a thing.:?
View attachment 4342010

Edit, Thanks cn
BOREAS was the purple-winged god of the north wind, one of the four seasonal Anemoi (Wind-Gods). He was also the god of winter who swept down from the cold mountains of Thrake (Thrace), chilling the air with his icy breath.
You made me look it up lol
You made me look it up lol
It kind of reminds me of back in the day in my shop on the flight line. We decided to do a word of the day by opening a dictionary to a random page and pointing randomly, and that was the word of the day. We would brief it in the morning to the troops, and write the definition on a whiteboard where everyone could see it all day. We figured it would expand peoples vocabulary. It actually was popular....lol.
It kind of reminds me of back in the day in my shop on the flight line. We decided to do a word of the day by opening a dictionary to a random page and pointing randomly, and that was the word of the day. We would brief it in the morning to the troops, and write the definition on a whiteboard where everyone could see it all day. We figured it would expand peoples vocabulary. It actually was popular....lol.
Howard Cosell was the famous instance when I was younger. He had a "word-a-day" program and would randomly insert some wtf? type vocabulary into his unique plodding verbal rhythm.
ooo fuck my puzzle shipped out finally! super excited lmfao. idk why but i am. i think i will get it either on friday or saturday. hopefully on friday that way i have all weekend to work on it.