:cool: Me too in 88. I think, even though "domestic" is in there, people don't think of needing to defend against enemies from within. At least, it wasn't something I put a lot of thought into back then...

Hell of a situation we have today! We the people dropped the ball and let the fox into the henhouse.

I liked the guy at Rep. Amash’s town hsll yesterday, ‘can we get a mulligan?”....
I read that mueller was resigning from the justice department too. Pretty crazy that he would. I can only imagine what kind of harassment he and his people had to put up with, even from within the government, just for doing what he was asked to do.
If the word of law was blithely being ignored by the highest office in the world and so many people in every corner of the government were pledging their loyalty to the man instead of the constitution they swore to uphold, I'd also be thinking it was time to leave the shit show.
I read that mueller was resigning from the justice department too. Pretty crazy that he would. I can only imagine what kind of harassment he and his people had to put up with, even from within the government, just for doing what he was asked to do.

Special Counsel is a temporary position: do investigation and issue report.

His job is done, he’s goin back to his regular job as a lawyer.

This was his formal departure announcement, on the surface; but between the lines, he slapped down Barr; told the Prez that Mueller has the goods on him, for obstruction of justice, at least, but can’t nail him; and told Congress to do their job and nail the Prez.

This subtle shit sucks...but that’s how guys like Mueller speak....

A version of: talk softly, carry a big stick....
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Special Counsel is a temporary position: do investigation and issue report.

His job is done, he’s goin back to his regular job as a lawyer.

This was his formal departure announcement, on the surface; but between the lines, he slapped down Barr; told the Prez that Mueller has the goods on him, for obstruction of justice, at least, but can’t nail him; and told Congress to do their job and nail the Prez.

This subtle shit sucks...but that’s how guys like Mueller speak....

A version of: talk softly, carry a big stick....
I didn't consider that he was just a regular lawyer. I thought he was an appointee from within the DoJ itself. Obstruction is still a pretty serious charge.
We used to tar and feather these traitor creeps. But our country so mentally detached, it's really sad to see. My grandpa, recently passed, Marine WW2! He said before he passed, the History will repeat itself. Think he was right.

Unlike the prez, i don’t think we should throw around the t word....that has a very special meaning, only useful when congress has declared a war...congress has not done so, even though we have had service members fighting since almost 9 11....

But scumbags who betray their oaths of office deserve our scorn and should be punished severely.

Your grampa was right....humans never really learn...they just hide their behavior until the public no longer cares, then the cycle restarts...
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You and I both know he'd never sit in a prison for 5 years, let alone 8. He's got way too much money for that.

Sh!t, only one guy in what remains of the Republican party thinks the Prez deserves an impeachment inquiry.

AND, not to be outdone, the Democrats are too concerned about keeping their jobs, than to start an impeachment inquiry.

I’m a moderate independent, i swing red and blue, cuz i vote for the person, not the party.

I told my congressman, a D who i voted for, that if he and his party don’t start an impeachment inquiry now, there’s no way i’ll vote for him, even if that means he’ll be replaced by a TrumpR. WTF difference will it make?

We’ve got a way bigger problem than a scumbag for our Prez...
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