NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

This is the same kit I have. Best deal out there and comes with cleaning kit and a couple calibration packs!!
Sweet man! I appreciate the info! Once I get some free cash i will go for it. In the meantime I'd bought some calibration and storage solution from Amazon. To my surprise this cheap ass ph meter tested dead on in the 4 & 7 PH solution. So for now it will work! Peace out man!
Sweet man! I appreciate the info! Once I get some free cash i will go for it. In the meantime I'd bought some calibration and storage solution from Amazon. To my surprise this cheap ass ph meter tested dead on in the 4 & 7 PH solution. So for now it will work! Peace out man!
Just keep it clean and always in the storage solution when not in use and it will extend the life and accuracy. And don't use it in Pure distilled or RO Water, it screws it up fairly quick. Letting the bulb dry out is also bad too, will lead to bad readings and calibration won't even fix it. Put a piece of sponge in the cap and soak it with storage solution, this will keep the ph bulb from drying out when not in use and you will use way less storage solution, just put the cap on pen and sit it upright until next use......I like to rinse off the probe under tap water before I use it in my feed water So the storage solution doesn't react with anything in my feed.
Just keep it clean and always in the storage solution when not in use and it will extend the life and accuracy. And don't use it in Pure distilled or RO Water, it screws it up fairly quick. Letting the bulb dry out is also bad too, will lead to bad readings and calibration won't even fix it. Put a piece of sponge in the cap and soak it with storage solution, this will keep the ph bulb from drying out when not in use and you will use way less storage solution, just put the cap on pen and sit it upright until next use......I like to rinse off the probe under tap water before I use it in my feed water So the storage solution doesn't react with anything in my feed.
Thanks for the great tip brother!

Girls are still happy. Here's a pic from yesterday morning and this morning (darker pic).

20190525_195526.jpg 20190527_092815.jpg
Ok so this is weird. Im using #4 soil its ppm was 270 when i started. I fed spring water 2x at 6.3ph. Its very unhappy today i watered 4 days ago its still soaked. I slurried and ph is at 6.2 and ppm at 610!! How could ppm be so high if i haven't fed anything and starting soil was only 270. Should i give it some herc and ph up a little?


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Ok so this is weird. Im using #4 soil its ppm was 270 when i started. I fed spring water 2x at 6.3ph. Its very unhappy today i watered 4 days ago its still soaked. I slurried and ph is at 6.2 and ppm at 610!! How could ppm be so high if i haven't fed anything and starting soil was only 270. Should i give it some herc and ph up a little?

refresh my memory ... feed 2x at what strength. ? another question what scale is your ppm pen ? your cup has drain holes ? she looks slight over watered ... and over feed ... let the soil dry out a little , last thing you want to do is add more issues to it , as the soil drys the ppms should drop and ph rise ... let her ride for a day or 2....
These gents and gals are ready for some food i dried the pots out quite a bit. The numbers are all about the same 6.3-6.4ph and 180-190ppm. Should i give them the sample pack early veg feed?


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refresh my memory ... feed 2x at what strength. ? another question what scale is your ppm pen ? your cup has drain holes ? she looks slight over watered ... and over feed ... let the soil dry out a little , last thing you want to do is add more issues to it , as the soil drys the ppms should drop and ph rise ... let her ride for a day or 2....
I have blue labs ppm pen and yes i have drain holes. the soil was completely dried out when i gave it plain ph’d spring water thats all i have given it so how could the ppm be so high?
These gents and gals are ready for some food i dried the pots out quite a bit. The numbers are all about the same 6.3-6.3 ph and 180-190ppm. Should i give them the sample pack early veg feed?

start at 1/4 strength and go up from there .... this is where you wanna start your slurries before you feed , tea , herc ..... get that track record going and then you can see where you need to be .... remember slurries should be 300-500 ppm ....
start at 1/4 strength and go up from there .... this is where you wanna start your slurries before you feed , tea , herc ..... get that track record going and then you can see where you need to be .... remember slurries should be 300-500 ppm ....
My starting slurry is 180. Should my feed ppm be a certain number?
Ok so this is weird. Im using #4 soil its ppm was 270 when i started. I fed spring water 2x at 6.3ph. Its very unhappy today i watered 4 days ago its still soaked. I slurried and ph is at 6.2 and ppm at 610!! How could ppm be so high if i haven't fed anything and starting soil was only 270. Should i give it some herc and ph up a little?
When I plain water seedlings I ph to 6.5 - 6.8, or not at all....we ph nutrient water because of uptake availability but with plain spring water its just keeping the soil wet and plant roots happy, the soil will buffer plain spring water on its long as spring water isn't over 7.2 ph then no need to drop. Also could have dried the soil out too much between waterings, microbes could have died off and released all their gut nutrients!! Either way, I wouldn't stress....its early yet....Once she gets into a bigger pot she will shape up. Sometimes we love are plants to death and need to just leave them alone to do their thing!!
My starting slurry is 180. Should my feed ppm be a certain number?
320 ppm feed will put you at the upper end of the slurry range and shouldn't risk any burn, and should give you a good idea of how they are eating too after a couple feeds.....6.4 ph'd to NO RUNOFF!!
My starting slurry is 180. Should my feed ppm be a certain number?
it's a good idea to check ppms of each bottle as you mix them to see what each one does in your water, it helps to know which ones jack up ppms and which ones are gentle or mild, so when you need to bump up or knock down feeds you have a better idea of what bottles do what.......And can tell if feed is getting too hot while mixing.
heres another thing ...your "area" of soil is small so it wouldn't take much to see a high ppm... I take a pint of mixed nutrients say it 500 ppm .... but that gets divided by 3 clones in 1 gallon fabric pots , so there just get something but not a total saturation ..... calm down loop !!!!! let her dry some...
heres another thing ...your "area" of soil is small so it wouldn't take much to see a high ppm... I take a pint of mixed nutrients say it 500 ppm .... but that gets divided by 3 clones in 1 gallon fabric pots , so there just get something but not a total saturation ..... calm down loop !!!!! let her dry some...
Ya man i know im not too stressed about it i have a bunch of healthy ones just thought it was a mystery we could solve haha. Gna feed the bigger kids today there on there 5th node already. Ill hit em with 1/4 strength early veg regimen. Update in a few days. Thanks.
Fed 350ppm 6.3ph. Slurries were 180ppm 6.3ph can wait to see what they are at in a few days when they dry out. I have 18 in 3gallon pots. I fed them all together 3 gallons of water. Whats the normal volume of water you feed/ gallon? I know you dont want run off but is it possible to not give enough and dry roots out?
Fed 350ppm 6.3ph. Slurries were 180ppm 6.3ph can wait to see what they are at in a few days when they dry out. I have 18 in 3gallon pots. I fed them all together 3 gallons of water. Whats the normal volume of water you feed/ gallon? I know you dont want run off but is it possible to not give enough and dry roots out?

I water every other day 1/2 gallon in a 5 gallon fabric pot ....some times 1 gallon to 5 gallon fabric pot depends what stage there in .....
A 3 gallon pot that is being watered regularly is like 1.25 qtz. Per gallon and up to 2 qtz in peak bloom. Yucca helps is overly dry.