Trump spent $102 million playing golf, on the taxpayer's dime

  1. 1.
    persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception.
    "I conned him into giving me your home number"
    synonyms: swindle, defraud, cheat, trick, fleece, dupe, deceive, rook, exploit, squeeze, milk, bleed;More
  1. 1.
    an instance of deceiving or tricking someone.
    "a con artist"
    synonyms: swindle, deception, trick, racket, bit of sharp practice, fraud; More
Note the difference

noun: acting
  1. 1.
    the art or occupation of performing in plays, movies, or television productions.
    "she studied acting in New York"
    synonyms: drama, the theater, the stage, the performing arts, dramatic art, dramatics, dramaturgy, stagecraft, theatricals, theatrics, the thespian art, show business; More
adjective: acting
  1. 1.
    temporarily doing the duties of another person.
    "acting director"
    synonyms: substitute, deputy, reserve, fill-in, stand-in, caretaker; More

    antonyms: permanent
I'm not quite sure why they think this shit he is doing is so funny. Watch the faces of the people in his rallies, laughing, half of them aren't even paying attention...entertainment. I think 92x7000 is correct here. They know it's bullshit, they think it's funny and they are waiting for the great fuckover of the Democratic Party by Trump and are selling their souls for the courtside spectacle. The loadstone has already been placed around the Republican party’s neck and their arrogance keeps them from seeing it.
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Im not so sure. Just going by Facebook posts allot seem to think he is some sort of divine leader and rush to protect and make excuses for him.
Im not so sure. Just going by Facebook posts allot seem to think he is some sort of divine leader and rush to protect and make excuses for him.
He’s their great white hope, he's gonna return America to its gloooooooorious past. He’s a false prophet, and before its said and done, he's gonna ruin a lot of lives.
“U.S. Customs and Border Protection has put up just 1.7 miles of fencing with the $1.57 billion that Congress appropriated last year for President Donald Trump’s wall along the Mexican border, a federal judge was told.

A lawyer for the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives provided the information Tuesday to the judge in Oakland, California, who is weighing requests from 20 state attorneys general and the the Sierra Club to block Trump from using funds not authorized by Congress to build the wall.”

It will be interesting to see exactly what causes the Republicans to stand up to Trump. This whole thing is like a Quentin Tarantino remake of “Groundhog Day”. Really weird and hard to keep watching.
Im not so sure. Just going by Facebook posts allot seem to think he is some sort of divine leader and rush to protect and make excuses for him.
Go to the pages of the people commenting “Best President ever. We love you, President Trump”. It’s almost always some weird fat white chick with at least one obnoxious looking little curtain climber and pics of potlucks at some wacko “church”.
Im not so sure. Just going by Facebook posts allot seem to think he is some sort of divine leader and rush to protect and make excuses for him.
He's done great things is a common post. What he's doing is fucking our country up. I don't know of anything good this prick has done, not one thing. I always ask what things are those and nobody can say. Rampant stupidity is all I see. But your spot on its crazy
He's done great things is a common post. What he's doing is fucking our country up. I don't know of anything good this prick has done, not one thing. I always ask what things are those and nobody can say. Rampant stupidity is all I see. But your spot on its crazy
The response I get when I get one? “He’s standing up to China when nobody else has.”

Don’t bother going further with them by asking about actual progress. “He’s working on it”.