Trump spent $102 million playing golf, on the taxpayer's dime

your tax dollars pay for alot of worse things.

shut the fuck up. there is no reason why we should be paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for golf cart rentals for secret service agents, and now apparently booze for trump cocksuckers. conald is enriching himself with our tax dollars and you smile and bend over and take it like a fucking cuck

you must be the most pathetic loser of all time
shut the fuck up. there is no reason why we should be paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for golf cart rentals for secret service agents, and now apparently booze for trump cocksuckers. conald is enriching himself with our tax dollars and you smile and bend over and take it like a fucking cuck

you must be the most pathetic loser of all time
So it's ok to spend 50 million on golf? That's all I'm asking sure Trump's an asshole for wasting 100 million on golf but it's not ok to spent 50 million either. All presidents suck they all waste a stupid amount of tax dollars. Just walking down the street costs a ton of money with all the secret service and the caravan's
So it's ok to spend 50 million on golf? That's all I'm asking sure Trump's an asshole for wasting 100 million on golf but it's not ok to spent 50 million either. All presidents suck they all waste a stupid amount of tax dollars. Just walking down the street costs a ton of money with all the secret service and the caravan's

not a single penny of obama's annual christmas vacation to hawaii went to his own shitty, stupid, chintzy businesses

do you not get that part, cuck?

conald is is costing us a fortune and it's on purpose. it's so that he can enrich his own broke ass off of our tax dollars. well, maybe not you, you seem like a welfare disability check type
So it's ok to spend 50 million on golf? That's all I'm asking sure Trump's an asshole for wasting 100 million on golf but it's not ok to spent 50 million either. All presidents suck they all waste a stupid amount of tax dollars. Just walking down the street costs a ton of money with all the secret service and the caravan's

Treasonous "t"rump sucks the most.
“ ‘cos I’m gonna be working for You, I'm not gonna have time to play golf” D Trump 2016
Be best “ I don’t really care”
A guest at a private golf club isn't allowed to pay,the round of golf,food & drink is billed to the member on a monthly basis. I doubt these people drank & dashed,the club billed Trump.
Is that a weird American thing? My wife an I have been members of private Golf Clubs, as was my mum and dad and that's not true in Aus. Guest can pay and usually do. Bars and restaurant/s take cash or eftpos as does the Golf Pro and shop.
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Trumps making a fortune renting Golf carts to his security detail.
Trump is a crook, nothing but a lying criminal whose whole agenda is to rob the American people, like most republicans. With the first Bush I thought he sucked, the second Bush was even worse but this one is the worst president ever. Id like to shit in his mouth
Golfing, LOL

The golf course is where masculinity goes to die

Just messing with you guys. It is a pretty challenging sport, I'm not very good at it. I would rather go to the driving range and take out some aggression on a couple buckets of balls
“What’s worse is that the Library bar reportedly has a painting of a young Trump wearing an all-white tennis outfit titled “The Visionary.

After drinking up all of America’s liquor, the aides left without paying. The group, which included former adviser and current white nationalist Steve Bannon, had 54 drinks worth $838. The bill totaled $1,076, including a 20% service charge, according to the bar-tab, seen by Property of the People and published by ProPublica.

Trump’s aides enjoyed $352 of Chopin vodka, $240 of Patron and $150 of Don Julio Blanco tequila (which they separated from his children at the border), and $96 of Woodford Reserve bourbon, the receipt shows.

Nothing in any story about this whorehouse says anything about not paying. In fact gratuities are added. We should be in the streets of DC with these bastards afraid to leave a locked room.
“What’s worse is that the Library bar reportedly has a painting of a young Trump wearing an all-white tennis outfit titled “The Visionary.

After drinking up all of America’s liquor, the aides left without paying. The group, which included former adviser and current white nationalist Steve Bannon, had 54 drinks worth $838. The bill totaled $1,076, including a 20% service charge, according to the bar-tab, seen by Property of the People and published by ProPublica.

Trump’s aides enjoyed $352 of Chopin vodka, $240 of Patron and $150 of Don Julio Blanco tequila (which they separated from his children at the border), and $96 of Woodford Reserve bourbon, the receipt shows.

Nothing in any story about this whorehouse says anything about not paying. In fact gratuities are added. We should be in the streets of DC with these bastards afraid to leave a locked room.
Hey, why the hell not? If their own poor-ass supporters aren't going to hold them accountable, have a fucking ball and laugh at the cucks.
Trump is a crook, nothing but a lying criminal whose whole agenda is to rob the American people, like most republicans. With the first Bush I thought he sucked, the second Bush was even worse but this one is the worst president ever. Id like to shit in his mouth
Well he's definitely taking a big deuce in mouths of the poorly educated, that's for damn sure.
“What’s worse is that the Library bar reportedly has a painting of a young Trump wearing an all-white tennis outfit titled “The Visionary.

After drinking up all of America’s liquor, the aides left without paying. The group, which included former adviser and current white nationalist Steve Bannon, had 54 drinks worth $838. The bill totaled $1,076, including a 20% service charge, according to the bar-tab, seen by Property of the People and published by ProPublica.

Trump’s aides enjoyed $352 of Chopin vodka, $240 of Patron and $150 of Don Julio Blanco tequila (which they separated from his children at the border), and $96 of Woodford Reserve bourbon, the receipt shows.

Nothing in any story about this whorehouse says anything about not paying. In fact gratuities are added. We should be in the streets of DC with these bastards afraid to leave a locked room.

That sucks shit but let me tell you about the UK and the royal parasites. Our tax money pays £334 million to 18 white people annually because of their birth. The Civil List. These fuckers even earn their own money off stolen land, the Duchy of Cornwall makes >£18 million pa. on top of the super-welfare check we give them. Most Brits are so fucking brainwashed that they stand in the streets for days waiting to be waved at by one of these cunts at a royal wedding. $1000 dollars for a drinks bill wouldn’t cover half a bottle of La Romanee Conti which they drink. I used to live near Windsor Castle and during every Royal Wedding preparations they removed or destroyed all the homeless people’s possessions and arrested a few for a few grammes of weed. Keep them off the streets so the fans aren’t upset at seeing poverty clashing with obscene and undeserved wealth. Rant over thanks for reading.
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That sucks shit but let me tell you about the UK and the royal parasites. Our tax money pays £334 million to 18 white people annually because of their birth. The Civil List. These fuckers even earn their own money off stolen land, the Duchy of Cornwall makes >£18 million pa. on top of the super-welfare check we give them. Most Brits are so fucking brainwashed that they stand in the streets for days waiting to be waved at by one of these cunts at a royal wedding. $1000 dollars for a drinks bill wouldn’t cover half a bottle of La Romanee Conti which they drink. I used to live near Windsor Castle and during every Royal Wedding preparations they removed or destroyed all the homeless people’s possessions and arrested a few for a few grammes of weed. Keep them off the streets so the fans aren’t upset at seeing poverty clashing with obscene and undeserved wealth. Rant over thanks for reading.
I’m amazed at the Americans that go ape shit over a visit here by the royals. Never understood it. I feel for you. I still have family at Maidstone.