Not sure why this conversation is happening in this thread but since it is, I'll add my .02; Tesla makes great cars, cars they don't earn money on. Every one of them sells at a net loss. They have yet to figure out how to build a car and actually make money doing it.
Everything else Mr Musk did with money invested in Tesla didn't help; the solar panels were an incredible flop, the solar roofing was worse. Only selling batteries has made money- but even then it's been pinching output because battery availability is the bottleneck in the production numbers. You can't cannibalise your way to profitability.
Taco, you're absolutely right about electric cars from other manufacturers. Not only are many starting to sell vehicles into the American market but there are literally dozens of Chinese electric car makers building EVs for their domestic market.
China need not care what happens to Tesla; they've got plenty of builders, not all of whom will survive as it is.
As good as Tesla's cars are- and even that's debatable, based on customer complaints about build quality- the smart money is going to be shorting their stock.
Their stock has been as high as $347 this year, currently trading at $196. Their high last year was $376. They sell only a few hundred thousand cars a year- being optimistic- so their market capitalisation being higher than Ford or GM, each of whom build millions, made no earthly sense at all.