Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.

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Motor Trend:

Is that the laugh of Globalization?
Chances are very slim that you will become one of the 1% but keep trying, just be careful of my spine on your accent.

No clue what you're rambling about.

All I've ever said from the outset is that Tesla was INCREDIBLY over priced (stock wise) had a VERY poor leader (Elon Musk) and were going to end in disaster (which they presently are.)

You simply can not carry 12 billion dollars worth of debt when your sales are shrinking and more competition is entering the market. It simply can not be done. By anybody. It's been coming for a couple of years now and it's only going to get worse.

And the entire time I was showing figures, articles and news about exactly that, all you people ever did was post pictures and go "OH LOOK! It's the best!".

And you completely miss the point.

Tesla did accomplish one great thing...probably the greatest gift anybody has given mankind in the last 50 years: They changed peoples perceptions and ideas about what an electric car could be.

Nobody cared about electric cars really until Tesla did. They made hybrids and half-assed EV's just to meet their legal obligations and that was it. Tesla came along and showed people that you don't have to give up style, comfort and performance in an electric vehicle.

That will always be Tesla's greatest contribution to the world, even if they don't survive in it for another two years.
No clue what you're rambling about.

All I've ever said from the outset is that Tesla was INCREDIBLY over priced (stock wise) had a VERY poor leader (Elon Musk) and were going to end in disaster (which they presently are.)

You simply can not carry 12 billion dollars worth of debt when your sales are shrinking and more competition is entering the market. It simply can not be done. By anybody. It's been coming for a couple of years now and it's only going to get worse.

And the entire time I was showing figures, articles and news about exactly that, all you people ever did was post pictures and go "OH LOOK! It's the best!".

And you completely miss the point.

Tesla did accomplish one great thing...probably the greatest gift anybody has given mankind in the last 50 years: They changed peoples perceptions and ideas about what an electric car could be.

Nobody cared about electric cars really until Tesla did. They made hybrids and half-assed EV's just to meet their legal obligations and that was it. Tesla came along and showed people that you don't have to give up style, comfort and performance in an electric vehicle.

That will always be Tesla's greatest contribution to the world, even if they don't survive in it for another two years.

Sounds like they fumbled, blocked by the opposing team.
Friction everywhere, why don't we want Tesla to be like Ford 100 years ago and be the backbone of transportation?

And the company confirmed in a statement that it "respectfully disagrees with the Air Force's LSA award decision," adding that SpaceX is "formally challenging" the awards "to ensure a level playing field for competition."

Maybe it's the mushrooms, but it all looks connected to me.:eyesmoke:
Sounds like they fumbled, blocked by the opposing team.
Friction everywhere, why don't we want Tesla to be like Ford 100 years ago and be the backbone of transportation?

And the company confirmed in a statement that it "respectfully disagrees with the Air Force's LSA award decision," adding that SpaceX is "formally challenging" the awards "to ensure a level playing field for competition."

Maybe it's the mushrooms, but it all looks connected to me.:eyesmoke:

Nothing to do with it. It really is quite simple:

Tesla was doing well. Then Elon Musk bought in to the company and things started looking a bit better. Then Elon had Tesla buy out his failing solar panel business. That was a HUGE mistake that has cost Tesla about 5.5 billion dollars of debt right off the bat.

But it didn't end there.

Tesla then started buying, at top dollar, all manner of things having nothing to do with the car business and quickly racked up another 4 billion of debt. By the time that all started to come time to start paying on, Tesla's cars were really starting to sell rather well, so they figured things would take care of themselves.

But Musk being Musk he just couldn't leave it the hell alone. He started talking about a 35,000 dollar model 3 that would be available in a year and take the company through the roof.

Then, of course, he couldn't do it. He hurled another 3 billion dollars at the problem trying to solve it and simply couldn't. It was way too much too fast.

But the worst part of it all is that while he was doing that and blowing every dime they had, he wasn't keeping up production on the cars he was already selling. That rapidly started putting a foul taste in peoples mouths. That didn't get any better when he finally released the 35,000 dollar model 3 that wasn't nearly as good as it was supposed to be. Then he fired nearly all of the delivery staff, shut down stores, shut down service centers, laid off other workers and pretty much shuttered the company in a vain attempt to squeeze blood from a turnip and stave off even more debt.

To make matters worse, the entire time all of that is going down, everybody else is finally getting serious about electric cars and slowly, one by one, starting to sell theirs.

The rest is simple. Demand for Tesla cars has dropped nearly 40% in just one quarter. Add to that all their cash reserves got burned up paying off debts and you have a perfect storm of failure. To make matters even worse than that, they're going to lose money huge again this quarter as well in all likelihood. The 2 billion dollars Tesla just raised a few weeks ago is already spent.

And he's still got another 1.8 billion to come up with to try to finish the factory in China which is also going to end in tears from the looks of things.

Musk fucked up everything all by himself. He made promises he couldn't keep, took out billions upon billions of dollars in financing and didn't get the job done with it, and tried to do 100 things at once rather than just build and sell cars.

And as if that weren't bad enough, he's got billions of dollars in debt coming due at the end of the year and middle of next year with no apparent way to pay it.

Elon Musk did all of that all by himself. It wasn't anybody else doing anything to him at all. He, like Trump, believed his own hype and did whatever the hell he wanted to do regardless of what he was told by his advisors.

Elon Musk and Elon Musk alone is responsible for the downfall of Tesla.
Nothing to do with it. It really is quite simple:

Tesla was doing well. Then Elon Musk bought in to the company and things started looking a bit better. Then Elon had Tesla buy out his failing solar panel business. That was a HUGE mistake that has cost Tesla about 5.5 billion dollars of debt right off the bat.

But it didn't end there.

Tesla then started buying, at top dollar, all manner of things having nothing to do with the car business and quickly racked up another 4 billion of debt. By the time that all started to come time to start paying on, Tesla's cars were really starting to sell rather well, so they figured things would take care of themselves.

But Musk being Musk he just couldn't leave it the hell alone. He started talking about a 35,000 dollar model 3 that would be available in a year and take the company through the roof.

Then, of course, he couldn't do it. He hurled another 3 billion dollars at the problem trying to solve it and simply couldn't. It was way too much too fast.

But the worst part of it all is that while he was doing that and blowing every dime they had, he wasn't keeping up production on the cars he was already selling. That rapidly started putting a foul taste in peoples mouths. That didn't get any better when he finally released the 35,000 dollar model 3 that wasn't nearly as good as it was supposed to be. Then he fired nearly all of the delivery staff, shut down stores, shut down service centers, laid off other workers and pretty much shuttered the company in a vain attempt to squeeze blood from a turnip and stave off even more debt.

To make matters worse, the entire time all of that is going down, everybody else is finally getting serious about electric cars and slowly, one by one, starting to sell theirs.

The rest is simple. Demand for Tesla cars has dropped nearly 40% in just one quarter. Add to that all their cash reserves got burned up paying off debts and you have a perfect storm of failure. To make matters even worse than that, they're going to lose money huge again this quarter as well in all likelihood. The 2 billion dollars Tesla just raised a few weeks ago is already spent.

And he's still got another 1.8 billion to come up with to try to finish the factory in China which is also going to end in tears from the looks of things.

Musk fucked up everything all by himself. He made promises he couldn't keep, took out billions upon billions of dollars in financing and didn't get the job done with it, and tried to do 100 things at once rather than just build and sell cars.

And as if that weren't bad enough, he's got billions of dollars in debt coming due at the end of the year and middle of next year with no apparent way to pay it.

Elon Musk did all of that all by himself. It wasn't anybody else doing anything to him at all. He, like Trump, believed his own hype and did whatever the hell he wanted to do regardless of what he was told by his advisors.

Elon Musk and Elon Musk alone is responsible for the downfall of Tesla.

So do you see a take over coming or is it to far away form the new silk hwy.
We do incentivize Tesla at the same rate as the Chinese fund their up and coming Industries right?
In the history of the American auto industry, it’s always worth bearing in mind that only two have not gone bankrupt, and that’s Ford and Tesla......
The shell is almost complete. There's nothing in it. The shell cost 28 million dollars. Everything he needs to go in it is nearly 2 billion...2 billion he doesn't have.

And there's a bit of the problem with that email of yours. You see, it's dated yesterday. He only has 50,000 orders and he's already 2/3rds of the way through the second quarter. 2nd quarter ends in 5 weeks, pal.

Now, if you knew what you were doing other than fangirling, you'd know that Musk shot his mouth off about making and selling 500,000 cars this year. That's 125,000 per quarter.

That leaves him just 5 weeks and three days to get another 75,000 orders.

Guess what?

That's not going to happen. So he'll be short again just like I said he would. Just like he was the 1st quarter.

It's shit like that that got him into so much trouble to begin with: CONSTANTLY making promises he can't keep.
The shell is almost complete. There's nothing in it. The shell cost 28 million dollars. Everything he needs to go in it is nearly 2 billion...2 billion he doesn't have.

And there's a bit of the problem with that email of yours. You see, it's dated yesterday. He only has 50,000 orders and he's already 2/3rds of the way through the second quarter. 2nd quarter ends in 5 weeks, pal.

Now, if you knew what you were doing other than fangirling, you'd know that Musk shot his mouth off about making 500,000 cars this year. That's 125,000 per quarter.

That leaves him just 5 weeks and three days to get another 75,000 orders.

Guess what?

That's not going to happen. So he'll be short again just like I said he would. Just like he was the 1st quarter.

It's shit like that that got him into so much trouble to begin with: CONSTANTLY making promises he can't keep.
Not long ago u said the Tesla China factory was a pipe dream and would never be u ever tire being wrong? Maybe u should quit reading all the EV hating Koch bros propaganda on Brietbart...
Not long ago u said the Tesla China factory was a pipe dream and would never be u ever tire being wrong? Maybe u should quit reading all the EV hating Koch bros propaganda on Brietbart...

And it probably wont be. Building a shell is nothing. Building an actual factory is. There's a very big difference between the two. I don't believe the factory will ever produce a single Tesla car. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt it.

Oddly, it is you who have been wrong about everything, not me. If you were even REMOTELY correct, Tesla would be worth 400 dollars per share and climbing.

It's not. It's doing exactly what I said it would do: falling like a stone for 6 months straight.

It will continue to do so.

You are part of the problem. This "leaked" email is Musk doing his same fake bullshit to stop the stock from free falling. It'll work for today. Maybe tomorrow. But not for long.

When the 2nd quarter numbers hit and it's another failure, remember that post.

What am I saying? I've told you that for 6 months now, been right every single time, and you still keep on drinking the Musk cool aide and looking like a complete fool.
And it probably wont be. Building a shell is nothing. Building an actual factory is. There's a very big difference between the two. I don't believe the factory will ever produce a single Tesla car. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt it.

Oddly, it is you who have been wrong about everything, not me. If you were even REMOTELY correct, Tesla would be worth 400 dollars per share and climbing.

It's not. It's doing exactly what I said it would do: falling like a stone for 6 months straight.

It will continue to do so.
China wants this shove it in trumps face......they play hard ball, it will be built.
China wants this shove it in trumps face......they play hard ball, it will be built.

China doesn't care.

They have their own factories producing their own EV's that are quite good. In fact, they have about the highest performing EV on earth, or one of them.

But they're more than happy to take anybody's money to build shit that they can have once the bills aren't paid. Ultimately, Elon is building a factory FOR China. Not the other way around.
China doesn't care.

They have their own factories producing their own EV's that are quite good. In fact, they have about the highest performing EV on earth, or one of them.

But they're more than happy to take anybody's money to build shit that they can have once the bills aren't paid. Ultimately, Elon is building a factory FOR China. Not the other way around.
China is in a war with trump right now....they care
So Taco, if your child comes home from school with 95% on a test, your gonna ignore the 95% they got right and concentrate on the 5% and call them a total failure for not getting the 100% they promised u?o_O.....100% or nothing..You must be a real pleasure to have in the family:roll:
China is in a war with trump right now....they care

No, they don't. Musk pays them no matter what.

China doesn't need the U.S.

The U.S. needs China.

Elon Musk is exactly jack shit compared to all the companies world wide dying to pay to do business with China.
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