Agreed.It is indeed
That damn good.I found what
I deem to be a keeper out of 3 beans popped.All female.Good yeild- I screwed my gals up with a veg schedule and she still produced.Second run...heh second run.
Bag appeal is there.Great nose,terp city that carries over into the taste. can easily be overdone.The euphoric beedy eyed high can become you happily stuck in your own mind wondering why you've been standing at the refrigerator for 20 minutes with the laundry basket in your hands while thinking about a post you liked and read.
Very nice

Rosin? I have yet to squish any of mine.Waiting for my reveg to produce a bit more so I can take clones.I'll flower out the reveg just to keep the stash right until I can do the regular run of her.