Bernie Sanders 2020

How Sanders will win..

Old strategy combined with new technology- the POSITIVE Whisper Campaign..
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Trump will destroy the Bern with Socialism fears to the point even Democrats will be non-supportive
Pick a new pony cause that one is dead

Negatory, Soldier..we're at war.

Why are all the candidates adopting Sanders' platform (including Uncle Pedo) when just 3 short years ago he was a heretic?
Nader did worse in 2004 than he did in his previous run.

Its called remorse.
Voters dont forget what their wasted vote did to the country .

In 2000 a vote for Nader was essentially a vote for Bush.
In 2016 a vote for Sanders was a vote for Trump

remember a vote for Sanders is a vote for're off message..overlords will be considering the tea or window now.
remember a vote for Sanders is a vote for're off message..overlords will be considering the tea or window now.
A vote for Sanders is indeed a vote for Trump.
Especially when your telling people to write him in after he lost the primary.
You know what you did In 2016, so does everyone else here.