We're doing okay - we just want it all! Some of the laws are ridiculous, but most aren't enforced. I can grow, buy, possess, consume and share cannabis legally...just can't sell any..... or drive a car lol
I swore off doctors and pharma drugs years ago and use cannabis exclusively for chronic pain
I've also given up 95% of the pharmaceuticals that were doing more harm than good, opiates, antidepressants, anti anxiety, sleeping pills, nasty stuff I was taking for diabetic neuropathy, and like you, replaced it with pot. I've smoked pot since I was 14 or 15 (59 now) and was what you'd consider a chronic user, always high, morning noon and night, but when I decided to replace the pharmas, I had to really up my dosage... While I maybe used to smoke an oz, maybe 2, a month, now, it takes about an oz a week minimum to manage everything. While it's pretty rare that I'm actually "high", I will admit that I still enjoy it

As for driving, my license expired about 4 months ago, and I'm not planning on renewing it. My wife does all the driving, I quit driving when I was on the opiates and other crap, and now with the new laws, I'm not even gonna bother...
Years from now, I think we will have a great system in place, but I think it's gonna be a long hard struggle to get there. Someone needs to find a way to determine impairment, and the effect of being a long time, high dose user, like medical patients. Smoking has always had a calming effect on my driving, without it, I always seem to be in a rush, but with it, I would relax and not be in such a rush. One of the first things to do when getting off work, and heading out for the hour long commute home was ALWAYS to smoke a joint, usually lit up before even leaving the parking lot. Getting caught MIGHT have resulted in getting your pot confiscated, but that would be about it, but NOW, holy crap, you're screwed!