Health Canada 'build first' policy a blow to craft cannabis industry: critics

So if I'm a LEGACY market grower who wants to go legit as a craft grower, I need to tell them I have a fully functioning garden, ready to go, and then they say no, now what, you're f'd?

fix it fer yas.. :)

and to answer your question

even the lady telling the story says..

buying legal isn't what people are interested in :weed::clap:

still kind of new here but been away for awhile. I was in the hospital for a pretty long time. Here in Kentucky, they will stand strong on a sinking ship. Its bad here for MJ, and growing, if caught youll get a sentence that is like from 1970's. Which dont stop me. But just to show how f*king stupid they are about pressing the laws and stilling thinking "scare tactics" work, my liver dr actually said "and no, NOT making this up"... "THC could potentially *unglue* your liver"??????

I just sat there with this blank look on my face, and didnt know whether to smack him or just start laughing. What happened was, I had to get screened for an operation and found 5ng/mL in my system. I told him people dont even get fired from a job for that amount in their system...

Basically, here in Ky, drs and gov work pretty tightly together to try and keep anyone from using/growing MJ... To the point their more ridiculous then a south park episode...

Honestly, with that dr saying this to me, just makes me want to add 5 more plants to my grow if I had the space...
still kind of new here but been away for awhile. I was in the hospital for a pretty long time. Here in Kentucky, they will stand strong on a sinking ship. Its bad here for MJ, and growing, if caught youll get a sentence that is like from 1970's. Which dont stop me. But just to show how f*king stupid they are about pressing the laws and stilling thinking "scare tactics" work, my liver dr actually said "and no, NOT making this up"... "THC could potentially *unglue* your liver"??????

I just sat there with this blank look on my face, and didnt know whether to smack him or just start laughing. What happened was, I had to get screened for an operation and found 5ng/mL in my system. I told him people dont even get fired from a job for that amount in their system...

Basically, here in Ky, drs and gov work pretty tightly together to try and keep anyone from using/growing MJ... To the point their more ridiculous then a south park episode...

Honestly, with that dr saying this to me, just makes me want to add 5 more plants to my grow if I had the space...
Im in constant f*king pain and cant take their big pharm pain meds, Im actually severely allergic to their pain meds. MJ is the only pain relief I got, yet they hammer on this. For a routine surgery, I died twice on the table then in a 14 day coma. They went thru 18 units of blood to try and revive me. After my stay and in constant pain finally got to come home to be with my father and puppy. Packed up one and fired up, instant pain relief, and was able to sleep all through the night at that... dr's and politicians pretend to be "humanitarian for votes or pay raises and customers, but in reality are more evil the stalin and hitler wrapped into one. Photo of post surgery... They dont even deny Im in massive pain, but hey, they dont want me touching the stuff because I might turn into a MJ junkie... or worse, I load and fire up my next one my arm might fall off like in a zombie movie...

Very sorry to hear people getting jacked around in Canada, as I was really seeing Canada as the one with common sense and might help wake up the dumbasses here...


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Im in constant f*king pain and cant take their big pharm pain meds, Im actually severely allergic to their pain meds. MJ is the only pain relief I got, yet they hammer on this. For a routine surgery, I died twice on the table then in a 14 day coma. They went thru 18 units of blood to try and revive me. After my stay and in constant pain finally got to come home to be with my father and puppy. Packed up one and fired up, instant pain relief, and was able to sleep all through the night at that... dr's and politicians pretend to be "humanitarian for votes or pay raises and customers, but in reality are more evil the stalin and hitler wrapped into one. Photo of post surgery... They dont even deny Im in massive pain, but hey, they dont want me touching the stuff because I might turn into a MJ junkie... or worse, I load and fire up my next one my arm might fall off like in a zombie movie...

Very sorry to hear people getting jacked around in Canada, as I was really seeing Canada as the one with common sense and might help wake up the dumbasses here...

That's nuts man, you ever thought about moving to a legal state? As I get older my life is all about prioritizing and my medication is a big priority in my life as without it my quality of life sucks.
That's nuts man, you ever thought about moving to a legal state? As I get older my life is all about prioritizing and my medication is a big priority in my life as without it my quality of life sucks.
I wish I could. Im on total disability so not much money to beable to relocate. Plus, my father wouldnt want to either, and hes along with my pup are my life. Im 50, moved back with him after his wife passed away so we kind of help each other out. But if I had the money and knew he was cool about it Id move in a heartbeat...
A nice small place for you and the old man at the beach, you can go for morning and evening strolls
Not a bad idea, my dad loves beaches and ocean. Long story short, this house we live in is the house they bought together "dad and step mother" when she died, brings back alot of memories he dont wanna leave if that makes any sense? But the money part is a huge issue too, so I just got to keep it all as stealth as possible. I wasnt expecting a drug screening so soon. But a friend whos pretty bigtime into growing and smoking said to just play dumb. being so low "5ng/Ml" they might overlook this because its a life and death situation.

top part actually said 20ng/mL but from what Im to understand is the first line is expected to not be accurate and just says to test for MJ, even though it falls well below the standard cutoff which is 25ng/mL But the lower part on the lab result paper where it says 5ng/mL Im to understand thats the main one they always look at... I could be wrong, its just what I found when trying to study all this... I only talked with the GI dr , not the actual liver specialists who will soon be getting the lab results...
Very sorry to hear people getting jacked around in Canada, as I was really seeing Canada as the one with common sense and might help wake up the dumbasses here..
We're doing okay - we just want it all! Some of the laws are ridiculous, but most aren't enforced. I can grow, buy, possess, consume and share cannabis legally...just can't sell any..... or drive a car lol
I swore off doctors and pharma drugs years ago and use cannabis exclusively for chronic pain
We're doing okay - we just want it all! Some of the laws are ridiculous, but most aren't enforced. I can grow, buy, possess, consume and share cannabis legally...just can't sell any..... or drive a car lol
I swore off doctors and pharma drugs years ago and use cannabis exclusively for chronic pain

I've also given up 95% of the pharmaceuticals that were doing more harm than good, opiates, antidepressants, anti anxiety, sleeping pills, nasty stuff I was taking for diabetic neuropathy, and like you, replaced it with pot. I've smoked pot since I was 14 or 15 (59 now) and was what you'd consider a chronic user, always high, morning noon and night, but when I decided to replace the pharmas, I had to really up my dosage... While I maybe used to smoke an oz, maybe 2, a month, now, it takes about an oz a week minimum to manage everything. While it's pretty rare that I'm actually "high", I will admit that I still enjoy it :) As for driving, my license expired about 4 months ago, and I'm not planning on renewing it. My wife does all the driving, I quit driving when I was on the opiates and other crap, and now with the new laws, I'm not even gonna bother...

Years from now, I think we will have a great system in place, but I think it's gonna be a long hard struggle to get there. Someone needs to find a way to determine impairment, and the effect of being a long time, high dose user, like medical patients. Smoking has always had a calming effect on my driving, without it, I always seem to be in a rush, but with it, I would relax and not be in such a rush. One of the first things to do when getting off work, and heading out for the hour long commute home was ALWAYS to smoke a joint, usually lit up before even leaving the parking lot. Getting caught MIGHT have resulted in getting your pot confiscated, but that would be about it, but NOW, holy crap, you're screwed!
Getting caught MIGHT have resulted in getting your pot confiscated, but that would be about it, but NOW, holy crap, you're screwed!

For example,. my wife is an American Citizen, who is a Permanent Resident here in Canada. She has lived here, with me, for more than 40 years, and we've raised a daughter who now has her own family, our grandchildren...

If she were to be charged with Impaired Driving because she had thc in her system, she would lose her Permanent Resident status, and be sent back to the US. Now, considering you can be charged with Impaired Driving even if you are NOT impaired (thc), that's scary... She has stopped smoking until we can get our hands on a pure cbd (no thc) strain to grow, and she needs it for her Fibromyalgia...

We live in a great country, certainly one of the best in the world, but it's not perfect, not yet...
I quit driving when I was on the opiates and other crap, and now with the new laws, I'm not even gonna bother...
I've decided to go the other way with driving. I've cut down on smoking WHILE driving, but I will not give up driving because some idiot says I might be impaired. Fortunately I live on a Island with only 3 cops who all understand 97% of the people here have used cannabis in the past 12 hrs and it's never been an issue.
I'll fight the fight if and when it ever happens, but I won't be intimidated into giving up my right to drive. I have a squeaky clean record - not even a speeding ticket in 40 years of driving - so it won't be hard to convince a judge that the cop is simply abusing my rights rather than protecting the public.
If she were to be charged with Impaired Driving because she had thc in her system, she would lose her Permanent Resident status, and be sent back to the US. Now, considering you can be charged with Impaired Driving even if you are NOT impaired (thc), that's scary... She has stopped smoking until we can get our hands on a pure cbd (no thc) strain to grow, and she needs it for her Fibromyalgia...
Not trying to scare you, and maybe you are already aware, but according to Kyla Lee:

"One person who has never used #cannabis in their life tried a small about of a CBD tincture with <1% THC by volume. 30 minutes after ingestion tested positive for cannabis. Drager is supposed to not detect such small concentrations or CBD except in extremely high doses."

On the other hand, in Ontario:

Bill 174, aka the Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Statute Law Amendment Act, contains an important amendment to Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act.

The act states that:

Exceptions are made to the rules respecting driving with a drug in the body if a police officer is satisfied that the driver is legally authorized to use the drug for medical purposes.”
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