Health Canada 'build first' policy a blow to craft cannabis industry: critics

Bill 174, aka the Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Statute Law Amendment Act, contains an important amendment to Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act.

The act states that:

Exceptions are made to the rules respecting driving with a drug in the body if a police officer is satisfied that the driver is legally authorized to use the drug for medical purposes.”

So it sounds to me like, if the cop gets a hit on his saliva test, but sees no obvious impairment, AND you have told him you are a medical user, and can prove it, that it is within his, or her, discretion to drop it right there and not proceed.

I would think if you ARE obviously impaired (on ANY drug/drink), they would proceed...

A good reason not to roll your window down and shout "Whaddya want pig?" :)

I really don't want truly impaired drivers on the road no matter what impairs them, and I know that some people, newbies included, can get really stoned, really easily... (I fondly remember those days) and then there are those of us who even with large doses, are just operating at a normal level... (I drove a 3 hour/day commute for 15 years without an accident, always smoked in the car)

Remember those cops that ate the evidence from a dispensary raid here in Toronto, found em up in a tree crying or something? Wouldn't want him driving!
newbies included, can get really stoned, really easily... (I fondly remember those days)
Even us long-time chronics can get a 'flashback' buzz once in awhile lol. I had a wake 'n bake on the weekend and drove the work atv into a stump and fucked the steering - I've driven that path 100's of times and knew the stump was there - but I was baked! Of course there were about 40 people there for an open house watching me! I'm blaming the weed! boss blamed the stump! (and he knows I'm always high)