Alabama just banned abortions.

Alabama voted and signed by the governor a law that makes abortions illegal. If a doctor is caught performing an abortion, even if it's a 2-week old embryo, he is convicted of murder with a sentence of up to 99 years. If a woman decides to leave the state and get an abortion she could spend 10 years in prison. There is no exception for rape, incest, mental health, or IQ. A man could literally rape a mentally handicapped child and she would be forced to carry to full term even if the doctor knows she will need a Cesaerian, as long as the doctor deems her body fit enough. The only loophole is if the female's health is in imminent danger.

If some sicko rapes your child and she becomes pregnant, and you make over $23,000, you will be forced to pay for her medical bills. Not only medical bills but her therapy, homeschooling, and her prenatal care. Quite possibly her funeral after she kills herself. You can then give the baby to the state.
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Alabama voted and signed by the governor a law that makes abortions illegal. If a doctor is caught performing an abortion, even if it's a 2-week old embryo, he is convicted of murder with a sentence of up to 99 years. If a woman decides to leave the state and get an abortion she could spend 10 years in prison. There is no exception for rape, incest, mental health, or IQ. A man could literally rape a mentally handicapped child and she would be forced to carry to full term even if the doctor knows she will need a Cesaerian, as long as the doctor deems her body fit enough. The only loophole is if the female's health is in imminent danger.
A woman can miscarry and be subject to punishment under this law.
Fucking disgusting.

“Get the fuck out of our decisions and give us back our voice. Women deserve better; women deserve choice.”

“Decades ago, women suffered through horrifying back-alley abortions. Or, they used dangerous methods when they had no other recourse. So when the Republican Party launched an all-out assault on women’s health, pushing bills to limit access to vital services, we had to ask: Why is the GOP trying to send women back…to the back alley?”
Just what Alabama needs...more inbred rape babies
NPR interviewed the guy who wrote this law. He said he wanted it to be pure so that it would be more likely to pass scrutiny at the Supreme Court. "We want to establish that rights begin at conception". So, no exceptions. Not even for a 12 YO who was raped by a family member. The only exception is if the mother's life is at risk but the doctor can still be charged and he would have to prove his decision is right or face a life sentence.
Sorry about that.
Proof governments give ZERO fucks about human rights, let alone women’s rights.. very disheartening.

(Actuslly what am I saying..? Unless ur a politician humans have NO rights, except to eat sleep work and die) ...and we barely have a say in that either
So, are they allowed to cross state borders and still have it done?
No, if the state finds out a woman was pregnant and are not anymore, they can proceed with a criminal investigation. I believe under the law they can convict the woman of manslaughter, if not murder.

“Pennsylvania Rep. Tim Murphy has resigned after a report surfaced earlier this week that he had asked an extramarital lover to end her pregnancy.”

He just wrote an abortion bill. These bastards are born with 2 faces and their hands out.

“Murphy, a Republican who co-sponsored a 20-week abortion ban that passed in the House Tuesday, allegedly asked his lover to terminate her pregnancy, according to text message records acquired by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.”