Guessing game. How much do you think she’ll produce?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking maybe 12-16oz. Biggest plant I’ve seen in person/grown. she’s heavy hahaha
It’s papayahasca from Oni


Well-Known Member
Well time will tell. You are dedicating that light to this one plant? Never heard of that strain. Wonder how much it will stretch. Do you have a journal going?


Well-Known Member
Stretch and total flowering time aren't really related. Stretch happens at the beginning and ripening at the end. Some strains really blow up after you flip and others don't do a whole lot and everywhere in between. You will know soon enough. lol Prepare to support all those tops with a trellis or something for sure, hopefully she makes some logs.


Well-Known Member
If it produces 1-2 lbs, you think a 55gal will be a good way to cure? Wouldn’t that be a bit overkill (serious question. Never. Cured that much at 1 time). Somebody said to try. 5 gal paint bucket