Why are moderates pretending to be progressive?

Be sure. Just because I don't like, trust or respect the misbehavior of the establishment Democratic party is no reason to think I'm somehow a conservative. If you've been paying attention- as opposed to pushing your own manufactured narrative- you'll find plenty of evidence that I'm against corruption in BOTH parties. I'm just not brainwashed enough to think that establishment Democrats give a fuck about anything but their own paychecks.

By the way, do you help your community?

I'm feeding the homeless this weekend with the local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America.

What have you done for your fellow citizens lately?

You are always saying "I'd rather see Trump in office for 4 more years than Biden. Maybe that would finally be enough to get apathetic Americans off their lazy asses and involved in politics."

We deserve to suffer if we don't vote for "correctly". Eff you tty.
Wow, I'll bet it really hurt to be called a sock by somebody with repeated arrests for pimping. How will you ever recover?
I was wondering why you had gotten into that subject.

So, Tty is a convicted sex trafficker. Ick

Not surprised. If fits the profile of a narcissistic sociopath very well. At least he hasn't murdered anybody who laughed at his Jabba the Hut like body. It would offend his self image of as sex god. (snicker)

I was wondering why you had gotten into that subject.

So, Tty is a convicted sex trafficker. Ick

Not surprised. If fits the profile of a narcissistic sociopath very well. At least he hasn't murdered anybody who laughed at his Jabba the Hut like body. It would offend his self image of as sex god. (snicker)

Multiple arrests in multiple states. The going to prison in Colorado for weed thing never made sense - especially since the shit he grows hardly passes for marijuana. Now with the sex trafficking priors, it does.
Multiple arrests in multiple states. The going to prison in Colorado for weed thing never made sense - especially since the shit he grows hardly passes for marijuana. Now with the sex trafficking priors, it does.
When he gets around to telling the stories, we'll find out it wasn't his fault. It was those "damn bitches". Or maybe "the cops set him up". Like Michigan meth grower used to do. Narcissists are like that. It's never their fault.

I hope he does real time. I wouldn't normally say that over a drug charge but with sex trafficking priors, I can't think of anything bad enough to happen to him that would equal the harm he's done others.
When he gets around to telling the stories, we'll find out it wasn't his fault. It was those "damn bitches". Or maybe "the cops set him up". Like Michigan meth grower used to do. Narcissists are like that. It's never their fault.

I hope he does real time. I wouldn't normally say that over a drug charge but with sex trafficking priors, I can't think of anything bad enough to happen to him that would equal the harm he's done others.
Tty cares about people. Trust him.
So his "weed business". Just a money laundering scheme?
No, but his weed is shit. There is no way any dispensary in CO would buy it, ever. He has to rely on people in other states to sell one gram bags to retired people. Just look at the pictures he has posted. Weedy, stretched out stressed garbage. Tty has never been good at anything in his life except hurting people. He's Progressive!
No, but his weed is shit. There is no way any dispensary in CO would buy it, ever. He has to rely on people in other states to sell one gram bags to retired people. Just look at the pictures he has posted. Weedy, stretched out stressed garbage. Tty has never been good at anything in his life except hurting people. He's Authoritarian Left!
So his "weed business". Just a money laundering scheme?
I doubt he does it for the money at all unless his family cut him off or diverted his money for the care of his daughter. That makes it worse - the sick fuck gets off on exploiting women. Very Ira Einhorn.


I doubt he does it for the money at all unless his family cut him off or diverted his money for the care of his daughter. That makes it worse - the sick fuck gets off on exploiting women. Very Ira Einhorn.


Fought it the whole way too. This is where I get lost. There are such a things as crimes of passion, murder being one of them. I'd even understand running. But the long, drawn out claims of innocence and legal jiggering, appeals to the public where he lies to earnest and good people, takes advantage of them to get their help, all the way down to when he's in the US and on trial he still fights it? Sociopaths are beyond my comprehension.