Epsom Salts are magnesium sulphate so you get both Mg and S from them and the stuff they sell at the drug store is fine and cheap. Sulfur is the 'secret ingredient' bloom boosters have and Big Bud has 10%. I have a 500g can of the powdered BB.
I have an analog temp/RH controller that uses a heat/cool thermostat wired for cool in series with a bathroom fan humidity controller in the silver box. My DIY speed controller is made from a ceiling fan controller, (not a dimmer!), you can see above the silver box and it's set about half speed all the time. The black cord runs to the 6" inline exhaust fan. The thermostat for the heater is sitting on the shelf to the right and I need heat during the dark period summer or winter. Even with just a single 400W the heater is needed a bit during the day period in the winter.
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I call it a bunker and my grow room would be the safest place to be if a tornado showed up but they haven't got this far north in Alberta yet but could with global warming. The grow room was actually a cold storage room the original owner built downstairs. It's about 7x9x6.5'h in a concrete room that's 10x25x7'h and under the house/shop. We get our water from a dugout on the property and the plumbing for that is down there. If I ever have a big leak the water from the dugout will fill that bunker and I'll get a free indoor swimming pool.

Had a flood down there a few years back in the spring and got 8" of water down there. All the air going into the grow room comes from the larger basement area where the warmest it gets is around 64F and down to about 45F in the winter so got lots of free cool air and no need for AC. Power is almost 25¢/kwh here so if I can save a bit it helps.
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75F seems to be around the sweet spot for growing and what I aim for. With soil grows the bacteria and fungi in the soil are most active around that temp but if the room is 75 the pots can be 10 degrees cooler mostly due to evaporation. I mainly grow in soilless ProMix HP or do DWC. Neither of which need bacteria or fungi.
I recently decided to try organic growing and managed to burn the plants pretty good so yesterday I up-potted from 2L pots to 8L using almost all soilless with 1ml/L of all 3 base nutes for watering them in. I'm not much of a dirt farmer. lol
In case you need some reading material you can get lots with this link.
I found a great spot to download I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.