Don’t tease me but I need help


Well-Known Member
so I got my far red, red cutter strip in. Never used strip leds and can’t figure the negative and positive area. They aren’t identified


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that's gives a whole new meaning to DIY, huh?

are those basically the same thing as the Emerson booster boards from RapidLED? with deep red/ far red 12 deep, 6 far red diodes? about 30 watts?
I see on the link you have given that only buying option is solderless. So i really think thats the wrong order. There must be a mistake there.
I see on the link you have given that only buying option is solderless. So i really think thats the wrong order. There must be a mistake there.
I’m going to try and get better pics tomorrow and go over my order. Yes they are suppose to be soderless I thought the black tiny lever on the side was for it to attach and detach. Anyone order these before for a comparison picture
Missing 1/2 of the quick release looks like to me. I would show cutter the pics and see what they say. Hooking it up backwards wont fry it just wont light up. Hooking LEDs up backwards turns them into light sensors rather then light emitters. I would guess the solder-less quick release by the logo is +.
I see the solder-less Wago connector, but it's missing the plastic cover. JavaCo is right about reverse polarity not hurting them, but it would be nice if they were identified.
Apologies, this set of boards did not come with Cathode/Anode markings. Please note the connector under the Solskin logo is Anode(+)
The board is fitted with the new Wago 2065 solderless, extremely low profile and reflective and with higher rating, 9A to 600v

You could check the + wago terminal for continuity to the solder pads. This will let you know what is the positive side.
Apologies, this set of boards did not come with Cathode/Anode markings. Please note the connector under the Solskin logo is Anode(+)
The board is fitted with the new Wago 2065 solderless, extremely low profile and reflective and with higher rating, 9A to 600v

Thank you mark, that makes it very simple. I’ll try them out today
So.... Without the tool, your unable to release wires from the connectors?
Or is there some way to do it without?
Looks like it just makes it easier, I pushed the lever with my finger and it released the wire.
The strip stats say 27v, I brought a 60 30a Hlg it lit up then flickered out. Think I need to up to 36v?. Tried my other driver and it worked perfectly very nice lights
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Do you plan on running these with your other lights during the full lights on period?
Yea before the lights come on and during lights on flowering time. I’ve read stretch generally happens early in flower so got the first couple weeks I’m not gonna run them. Some I’m putting over my moms for intentional stretch for clones.
Yea before the lights come on and during lights on flowering time. I’ve read stretch generally happens early in flower so got the first couple weeks I’m not gonna run them. Some I’m putting over my moms for intentional stretch for clones.
Run em from first day of flip.