Well-Known Member
I'd rather get the penetrator
Do a smackdown...
I'd rather get the penetrator
Lmao I was being sarcasticDo a smackdown...
Faaaaaaaaar red
What were your temps before you put the bulb?
Hey my Oregan Super Penetrator mate, yes if you could post at the wall figures with your smackdown at the board power usage would be appreciated by us lads in Aotearoa.
Any other virgins hopped on to try the Prawnkillers boards?
Hey my Oregan Super Penetrator mate, yes if you could post at the wall figures with your smackdown at the board power usage would be appreciated by us lads in Aotearoa.
Any other virgins hopped on to try the Prawnkillers boards?
That is awesome. Thanks for sharing that piece of data. How far is the bulb from sensor on your device?
Welcome aboard, should be a fun ride, Prawn promised virgins some sort of paradise.....
My target leaf surface temp is 80F. I could only get 71-72F with the 18” hang height above tops (sensor at tops),
I’ve been playing with it...last night i got close to 80f by lowering bulb to 8”, but it reduced the spread where leaves reached 80 to so small diam that only about a third of all leaves were at that temp.
Here is what that looks like:
View attachment 4330358
Obviously this amount of fr is not optimal, but the ir-leaf temp effect using various bulbs/diodes and reflectors is worth looking into for plants growing under white leds, where we know that leaf surface temp is sub-optimal vs hps....
For my purposes of getting these ?mother? plants beyond propagation stage in a 65f room, it seems to be helping...for the moment...
View attachment 4330359
They have a second new pair of leaves visible, (5th true pair)....i’ll prob separate them into indiv buckets this weekend, let them recover for a couple more nodes, then sex them....
Welcome aboard, should be a fun ride, Prawn promised virgins some sort of paradise.....
There was a guy a few month back asking about incandescent and halogen bulbs for far red enhancement, he was shut down pretty quick, but seems a logical option if in the right circumsantces.
I tried it myself a while back in my clone area to bring temps up a few degrees but that was just 36w of tube lights and a 40w halogen. Ratio was way out there at a guess and plants didnt like it at all.
Be interesting to see how they look in a week, i imagine the ratio you have would work well.