Arizer Extreme Q with Volcano Easy Valve mod

Nice tutorial Spuzzum. It may be easier for me to follow if I was acquainted with the Arizer parts. I have a Volcano so I reconize those parts. If you do another final draft of this tutorial, you could label the pictures and parts as you go. Maybe make a YouTube video and you'll help many more people. A lot of these young-lung pussies in TnT don't even vape.

I recommend the Arizer to peeps who don't want to cough up dough for a Cano, because I know it's the next best, but have yet to use an Arizer.

Right now I'm in the process of figuring out how to do this bag modification to the Cano.

Cheers. I've already figured out a 3rd and final draft.. lol.

The plastic housing for the Easy Valve that I bought originally, I just used the bottom chamber.. positioned upside down, then placed the bottom part of the complete chamber.. ie: with the metal sleeves and such, on top of the upside down piece. They each have 3 tabs that are to lock into the Volcano.. I guess.. so I just interlocked them together, then wrapped the silicone tape around them.. not easy as the shit needs something to grab to first. After that.. I took another strip of the silicone tape, cut the width in half, wrapped that around the bowl part of a Deluxe Daddy 'large' bowl, then jammed that into the backside of the upside down housing piece.

My new mod will use the top half of that plastic housing, cut the stem part off to make a 1" hole.. then either get the male stainless steel partner to the female socket that the Deluxe Daddy bowl's attached to, then feed that through the hole from the inside, to attach the Deluxe Daddy bowl, or.. get some marine grade silicone and just adhere it that way. I could still use more silicone tape, but the shit picks up dust like you wouldn't believe.. lol. So in the end.. the modified Deluxe Daddy bowl will sit on the Extreme Q's heating element, then the middle chamber of the 2 bottom pieces will screw onto the bowl, then finally.. the top piece of the Easy Valve unit screws on top of the middle chamber. 3 pieces in total, all detachable by unscrewing. No need to cut the silicone tape. When you want to fill the chamber, or when you want to pull the chamber after filling a bag because it's still hot.. just unscrew the middle chamber from the Deluxe Daddy mod. The hot glass Deluxe Daddy bowl should never have to be pulled from the Extreme Q. It's that easy. :)

I'll post it up when I'm done. :)
I just use a DDave mod with my EQ4... works just fine with bags and even better with the whip. The standard EQ4 parts are crap.
I just use a DDave mod with my EQ4... works just fine with bags and even better with the whip. The standard EQ4 parts are crap.

I didn't like the way in which you need to shove the bag's mouthpiece into the tube, then pull it off when done.. then plug it with your thumb. I specifically wanted a Volcano valve bag system, and the Easy Valve was not only easier to work with, but I kept reading the Solid Valves kept getting gummed up quicker. I've vaped with the Deluxe Daddy whip for years, packing the glass end just like the Extreme Q and the DDave mod does, but you always have to stir up the bowl. With this mod using the Easy Valve.. not only is the bowl massive... it cooks the material evenly, never needing to stir. It's giving bigger clouds too with the larger airflow of the Deluxe Daddy bowl. I'm quite pleased. :)

As for the standard EQ4 parts... I haven't even taken them out of their wrappings. Except the Tuff Bowl the shop threw in for my medical discount. The airflow was just too narrow though. I was thinking of flogging the parts on craigslist.. $30 bucks or so. Was thinking $50, but don't think I'd get it.. lol.
I didn't like the way in which you need to shove the bag's mouthpiece into the tube, then pull it off when done.. then plug it with your thumb. I specifically wanted a Volcano valve bag system, and the Easy Valve was not only easier to work with, but I kept reading the Solid Valves kept getting gummed up quicker. I've vaped with the Deluxe Daddy whip for years, packing the glass end just like the Extreme Q and the DDave mod does, but you always have to stir up the bowl. With this mod using the Easy Valve.. not only is the bowl massive... it cooks the material evenly, never needing to stir. It's giving bigger clouds too with the larger airflow of the Deluxe Daddy bowl. I'm quite pleased. :)

As for the standard EQ4 parts... I haven't even taken them out of their wrappings. Except the Tuff Bowl the shop threw in for my medical discount. The airflow was just too narrow though. I was thinking of flogging the parts on craigslist.. $30 bucks or so. Was thinking $50, but don't think I'd get it.. lol.

To be honest, I've always thought vaping was a real hassle and not really worth it. I tend to just pack a bowl and blaze it. Sometimes vape fan leaves though.
To be honest, I've always thought vaping was a real hassle and not really worth it. I tend to just pack a bowl and blaze it. Sometimes vape fan leaves though.

Well like I said in earlier posts above.. I can't blaze anymore.. my throat can't handle the heat, and because of where I'm living.. it's a non-smoking building, which is the trend these days. At least in my city. Vaporizers are fine though. As for it being a hassle... I don't think so.. not with the proper equipment. If you've ever used a Volcano, it's pretty damn easy to put the herb in the chamber, insert the chamber, attach the bag and turn it on... being able to carry that bag with you is the best part. Blazing wastes so fucking much because of burn off to begin with, let alone what gets destroyed by the flame. I go through 1/2 of what I'd be if I was blazing.. so economically, it's a no-brainer. Personally.. it's no harder than rolling a joint or packing a bowl. I'd never go back.
Well... the local bong shops didn't have the threaded nipple, but they could have ordered it in.. I didn't want to wait. Home Depot had pieces with the correct threading, but they were 4" long.. and solid steel, not stainless. I considered Gorilla Glue, but couldn't find documentation stating exactly how high they consider 'extreme heat'. So I decided on marine grade 'Goop'.

It's still curing and won't be ready for use until Wednesday (72 hrs), but here's the mod...

Started out by sitting the bowl's steel sleeve on top of the replacement housing's top portion, then marked with a Jiffy Marker. I then cut the stem off, and used the sanding tip to widen the hole closer to the size of the steel sleeve.. leaving room for it to sit on still. I then took the regular top that still has the steel stem, and wrapped masking tape around the stem until it was thick enough for the steel sleeve and glass bowl to fit snug. I then placed the top piece that I just cut the stem off, stacked it on top of the other piece with the taped stem sticking through. I then stuck the bowl on top of that.. checking that everything's level by turning the thing slowly. Once I was satisfied... I used just a tiny bit of Goop, using my finger to smoothen it out. It's sitting in front of a heater at the moment. 2 hours later, it's set enough that I popped the tape-wrapped top out, and it's finishing it's cure all on it's own now. I just have to wait for the shit to cure.

I may wrap some silicone tape around the steel sleeve afterword... more for cosmetics than anything else. I tried doing this mod with just the silicone tape.. 5 minutes later, the shit shrunk itself off the black plastic.. lol. It's too smooth. :P

So... glass portion adapter, middle filling chamber made up of the 2 bottom pieces.. interlocked and silicone taped, and the top portion with the steel stem that the bags attach to.

All 3 pieces screw together... no messing with removing/replacing the silicone tape.

I should mention this is the standard sized Deluxe Daddy bowl I used. The large sized would stick up another 1/4". I already had both, and the large sized is being used with my previous mod until this mod finishes curing.. I wasn't going to wait 3 days to vap... lol. :D Once it's finished curing, I'll trim the excess silicone, then wrap the steel sleeve with silicone tape... maybe even enough that it fits snug in the Extreme Q's opening. There's no need to remove it anymore. :)

The finished product... except for the last bit of silicone tape.
Crap.. just realised this Goop's only good to 150F. Same as the Gorilla Glue. Need something capable of +500F that's non-toxic after curing. Maybe getting the shop to order in that threaded part would be the better idea.
I wound up sacrificing one of my whips... took the threaded male part off by smashing the fuck out of it. It was a problem piece anyway.. after cleaning the damn thing, the whip hose would never stay on the nipple anymore.. think they used glue in the first place. I just need to grind/sand the hole in my mod a little bigger the feed the threading through. I'll do that after lunch.

Also.. I was pushing the steel sleeve out of the chamber portion to clean it, and those damn 3 tabs came out with it. Turns out the sleeve locks into the chamber even without those tabs. Left them out. :P

Here's a quick video explaining the parts of the Easy Valve a little easier:

My place gets so damn dusty, and there's no dust filter in the Extreme Q.. so I cut and taped my own. It takes a 2' bag 30 seconds longer on fan 1 (1:45), but that's ok.. the longer it takes, the denser the vapor. I think the sheet used to be from a box of disinfectant wipes that dried out.. no odour though.

My place gets so damn dusty, and there's no dust filter in the Extreme Q.. so I cut and taped my own. It takes a 2' bag 30 seconds longer on fan 1 (1:45), but that's ok.. the longer it takes, the denser the vapor. I think the sheet used to be from a box of disinfectant wipes that dried out.. no odour though.

Scratch that... fan 3 (fastest) is just as good for vapour density, and only takes 45 seconds with the dust filter. :)
btw... that threaded male part that the bowl attaches to.. I guess can be called a bushing, but not necessarily the reducer type bushing. Though that would work too. Either the proper male part that fits the DeluxeDaddy bowl, a 1" stainless steel bushing, or a 1" stainless steel nipple and nut. You'd want it no longer than 1" in total if using a nipple, but no longer than 1/4" of threading if using a bushing. There's plenty of shops online selling stainless steel bushings and nipples. Pick your choice.
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And seeing how the 3 metal locking clips in the Easy Valve filling chamber aren't actually needed with this mod.. I'm guessing they're only needed with the actual Volcano, but the stainless steel sleeve still locks into place without them. The system seems to have 3 metal clips that can be removed/fall out of the 3 plastic feet, and 3 plastic clips that are permanent. So.. if you use JB Weld, or even the silicone tape, you could get by with cutting the 3 plastic feet off of each of the 2 filling chambers, grind smooth, then just epoxy or tape the ends together. I found a plastic medicine bottle that pops the sleeve right out.. it just snaps right back in place with the 3 plastic clips still there. The sleeve can also be locked in to either side of the chamber.

I just noticed this pic. Is that a new strain, Face Distortion OG?

I like to get high but I can't risk face distortion. I'm ugly enough already, Jeez!
Spuzzum, you still use this? Any further modifications? I’ve been looking to do something similar. Looks like your video is gone, was hoping I’d get some ideas from that.