Well-Known Member
Nice tutorial Spuzzum. It may be easier for me to follow if I was acquainted with the Arizer parts. I have a Volcano so I reconize those parts. If you do another final draft of this tutorial, you could label the pictures and parts as you go. Maybe make a YouTube video and you'll help many more people. A lot of these young-lung pussies in TnT don't even vape.
I recommend the Arizer to peeps who don't want to cough up dough for a Cano, because I know it's the next best, but have yet to use an Arizer.
Right now I'm in the process of figuring out how to do this bag modification to the Cano.
Cheers. I've already figured out a 3rd and final draft.. lol.
The plastic housing for the Easy Valve that I bought originally, I just used the bottom chamber.. positioned upside down, then placed the bottom part of the complete chamber.. ie: with the metal sleeves and such, on top of the upside down piece. They each have 3 tabs that are to lock into the Volcano.. I guess.. so I just interlocked them together, then wrapped the silicone tape around them.. not easy as the shit needs something to grab to first. After that.. I took another strip of the silicone tape, cut the width in half, wrapped that around the bowl part of a Deluxe Daddy 'large' bowl, then jammed that into the backside of the upside down housing piece.
My new mod will use the top half of that plastic housing, cut the stem part off to make a 1" hole.. then either get the male stainless steel partner to the female socket that the Deluxe Daddy bowl's attached to, then feed that through the hole from the inside, to attach the Deluxe Daddy bowl, or.. get some marine grade silicone and just adhere it that way. I could still use more silicone tape, but the shit picks up dust like you wouldn't believe.. lol. So in the end.. the modified Deluxe Daddy bowl will sit on the Extreme Q's heating element, then the middle chamber of the 2 bottom pieces will screw onto the bowl, then finally.. the top piece of the Easy Valve unit screws on top of the middle chamber. 3 pieces in total, all detachable by unscrewing. No need to cut the silicone tape. When you want to fill the chamber, or when you want to pull the chamber after filling a bag because it's still hot.. just unscrew the middle chamber from the Deluxe Daddy mod. The hot glass Deluxe Daddy bowl should never have to be pulled from the Extreme Q. It's that easy.

I'll post it up when I'm done.