How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I got the fence up around three sides of the garden. But there is still some chainsaw work to be done before I can get the last side done.

I had to go around the blowdown. I wanted to go over, but the bent places in the wire didn't line up where I needed them.

So I picked up some peppers. I only started green and red myself. Grabbed a Habanero, Scotch Bonnet, Thai, Cayenne, a couple Jalapeno's, a Pimento and a yellow. Also grabbed a Black Plum tomato that caught my eye. I think next year I might just buy all of my starts. They only cost $1.99 and I don't have to deal with starting from seed and taking up inside space for weeks. I end up giving most away anyway.


I got all of the peppers planted and got my tomatoes in the ground as well. The weather has been great and night time temps are above 50 degrees so it's time.


I built a superstructure for the gourds this year. They almost fell over last year and I had to reinforce the structure.


Everything seems to be doing just fine except for the spinach. I don't know what happened there. Only two seeds came up and then the seedlings died. I have some lettuce starts I'll be putting where the spinach was supposed to be.


For my Okra experiment I'm starting in small grow bags so when I transplant I won't disturb the roots. Plus I'll bring them inside at nigh since they like warm temps and it is probably too cold at night here for Okra.


The strawberries are doing great this year.


I used some of the gourds I grew last year to make a couple maracas for a friend that's a drummer.
