How Does Your Garden Grow??????

My plan was to take up some more grass this year but with this early heat wave we've had It's been too hot and I've been lazy. I'm just going to use some large nursery pots for the summer squash this year. I'll just set them on top of the grass I was going to dig up. I don't know why I worry so much about planting so much stuff. We don't eat half of what I grow and I still have a few jars of canned beans from last year and over a dozen jars of pickles. I feel like I'm missing out if I don't grow all this stuff. I just like growing things I guess.
My plan was to take up some more grass this year but with this early heat wave we've had It's been too hot and I've been lazy. I'm just going to use some large nursery pots for the summer squash this year. I'll just set them on top of the grass I was going to dig up. I don't know why I worry so much about planting so much stuff. We don't eat half of what I grow and I still have a few jars of canned beans from last year and over a dozen jars of pickles. I feel like I'm missing out if I don't grow all this stuff. I just like growing things I guess.
I can relate. I have more than I can take care of now, and I'm scouring my seed collection trying to figure out what to plant next. I have several kiddie pools I can plant in. I like to sink them a little, and hate tearing up good grass. There is the area around the tree that I have stopped gardening in due to the roots. I guess I could put kiddie pools there.
Yeah I have a seed collection as well. Stuff I haven't even planted and probably won't. What's crazy is that I find myself browsing the seed rack when I'm at the store. I don't need anything but somehow a pack or two of seeds ends up making it to the check out line.

The grass I want to take up is just a strip along the side of the yard by my fruit trees blueberries, and raspberries. I want to just put bark down through there. But in the back I have a decent amount of real estate that gets sun for most of the day. That's where I'm putting the squash in pots. I'll put off taking the grass up until early next spring. Too much stuff to do like painting the interior and exterior of the house, putting in some flooring, crawling under the house and replacing the crappy Poly-B (Polybutylene) plumbing that's already sprung a few leaks that I fixed with some shark bite fittings but it's just a matter of time until that garbage springs another leak somewhere. Owning a home is work unless you want to throw thousands to someone else to do the work for you which I don't.
Yeah I have a seed collection as well. Stuff I haven't even planted and probably won't. What's crazy is that I find myself browsing the seed rack when I'm at the store. I don't need anything but somehow a pack or two of seeds ends up making it to the check out line.

The grass I want to take up is just a strip along the side of the yard by my fruit trees blueberries, and raspberries. I want to just put bark down through there. But in the back I have a decent amount of real estate that gets sun for most of the day. That's where I'm putting the squash in pots. I'll put off taking the grass up until early next spring. Too much stuff to do like painting the interior and exterior of the house, putting in some flooring, crawling under the house and replacing the crappy Poly-B (Polybutylene) plumbing that's already sprung a few leaks that I fixed with some shark bite fittings but it's just a matter of time until that garbage springs another leak somewhere. Owning a home is work unless you want to throw thousands to someone else to do the work for you which I don't.
My long term plan is to garden behind the house where all the broken trees are now. Also the wife has been wanting a greenhouse for years. I would like to get it in back there in the next couple of three years.

I have all the normal things, plus the hurricane damage to sort. Every day I spend in the garden is a day I'm not cutting trees behind the house so we can get a new shed moved in. I go in circles. Working on one thing a day or two, then moving on to something else.

I hate paying hurricane prices to get my roofs fixed, but all my buddies who would help me in normal times are so tied up it would be months before they got to us. And like the wife keeps saying, we did get paid for the damage. After the house and shed roofs, we will still have about 10K left from what the insurance company paid. But that doesn't account for a pole barn, pump house and back deck yet to be replaced.
That will teach you to not have a deer fence up before planting. They will be back every night now.
But I have it up on three sides.

I did get the rest of the leaning trees cut from over the garden this morning. Need to bush-hog old fence line, then get the last side up. So far I haven't seen any new tracks. I have been shutting the gates at night the last couple of days.
The whole pack of sweet corn seed into one kiddie pool didn't do real well. Two stalks had little ears on them. The rest did not.


I was going to do a fast turn around and get something else in there, but the dirt was so full of roots it's going to take some figuring. I may end up just adding it to the garden and starting over.
I did a quickie soil mix for a kiddie pool of Cherry tomatoes. 5 gallons each of peat moss and Sungro potting soil, 2 1/2 gallons of course vermiculite, the amendments {coffee ground compost, lime, holly/tone organic ferts, blood meal}, and the rest of 45 gallons was mushroom compost.

I've never done the rooting like that. Pretty cool.

With tall lanky strains of weed, I have dug a 2nd hole 4-5 feet from the base of the plant, apply rooting powder and stake it down hard to the ground with wire. Makes a hedgerow of pot.

You can do a similar thing with tomatoes. I usually start with one then start doing the burying branches thing and make 5 or 6 plants in an area. Theres all kinds of hacks like this. Im going to grow some watermelons for profit this year. Going to see if the same thing will work on them. I need to look in to that.
Pineapples are rockin. Im also doing some air layers on tomato plants to propgate them for friends.
I've never done the rooting like that. Pretty cool.
That's pretty cool indeed, Larry. Got duct tape and dixie cups since it came out and never tried that except on beer to my hand.

In hindsight, bringing the dirt to the tip is easier if I don't use 5 gallon buckets....I'll try it your way going forward.:shock: