K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Well-Known Member
Congrats on 1000 lol. King your a blast, I'll deffinitly be in on your new grow you know it! It looks like you and us are in for a treat. I am now gonna have to wait another week to order my seeds, I was gonna do it this weekend, but I just had to put 2 new tires on my car, I got a flat last night, and I hate buying just one tire. So that set me back a little, but I'm still working out other details still. Then I'll get a journal up once I'm rollin. I have to see if it will let me post pics yet it wasn't for awhile, said something about a "security token". You guys know anything about it?

I said to jollygreengiant earlier that we need to gat a whole scrog section going. Peace man catch ya latta!!


Well-Known Member
Well, I had a lot of catching up to do... but I am done...

You guys ... I apologize, I didn't even go back and proof read it...

and I picked on every single one of you as much as I could... don't know why...

But it was fun....

and remember... there will be a quiz on monday... lol....

Check it...


Well-Known Member
Sorry I am so slow...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Thing with it is, the light system that came all together, (bulbs ballast, reflector) all came with the same type of sockets, while my cooltube has a 15' cord with a different typa socket. FUCKIN A. i went all over the city lookin for an adapter for it, tryin to figure out what the fuck to do, when i just decided to come home, play bob vila, and fuckin cut both wires in half (the wire comin out of the batwing reflector, and the wire comin out of the cooltube. I stripped down the wiring, and just pieced them together usin a lot of electrical tape and VIOLA!!! instant cooltube cord.
Can you post a picture if the different plugs...????

You already trashed them didn't you... damn I hate being late...

Also, I noticed you have the ducting going all over the world and back.... is there a way to make it have less turns....

I am planning on having mine just go straight through, no bends (other than the up and down adjustments...)... and my fan will be outside, 'cause my tent is so much smaller...

And you my friend have made the classic mistake of selling the ommelets before the chicken has laid the eggs...

I really hope the 700 bucks on that CC don't end up costing you thousands and thousands ... good luck... (sorry, I HATE credit card companies)

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
well, now that ive figured out my air intake, the temp inside is an even 80 degrees give or take.
I guess that is not bad... a little warm for my taste... I keep mine at 72F

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Outside the tent is about the same, because its in my closet,
ok but what is the temp of your intake, I guess is what I want to know....

I am trying to figure out how many degrees warmer it is inside of the tent... in comparison to your room (not the closet)...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
and i have my exhaust blowing out of the tent, and into the closet, but i also have an exhaust fan set up for my closet (80cfm) sucking all that hot air out so it doesnt get sucked back into the tent by my intake fan.
Double chamber exhaust... I can dig it... hehehe

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
N yeah, i can touch the tube, its hot, but i can touch it.
can you touch it and go ouch... or can you put your hand on it and hold it there..???

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Right now i have the tube about 7 inches above my plants,
That is very reasonable for a 600 watt MH...

What do you think would die first... the plants or the plastic in the tent (heat from the lamp melting)

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
and its been 20 hours since i moved it, and they actually seem to love it.
Good and the temps are still around 80F

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
all of my seedlings have sprouted overnight, except for two of my twilights, which germinated, but with tiny taproots. I checked them out, and even though i planted them, watered them, and put them under the MH, the taproot hasnt even grown a cm since i planted it. nothing at all. Same goes for the other one too. They are both the exact same, and its kind of stressin me out now.
Stress leads to anger.... don't go there... it's a very ugly path... take the scenic route instead...lol.... patience....

Does that ever happen? a seed germs, and then it doesnt do anything else??[/quote]

I am sure it happens.... everything happens, at least once or twice...lol...

Thundercat said:
Don't think that boricuaboi, the hps will produce much better plants, even veggin under it. They should be bushier, and stay shorter.
If you are comparing HPS with MH... for vegging.... the plants will actually stretch a little more under the HPS than the MH (which is desirable to some people)...

DKskater75 said:
what?? hps is used for flowering its not better for vegging at all in fact its almost useless during veg...
It is not useless at all.. I know several people (in the real world) that only run HPS for both vegg and flower...

I disagree 100% with the "almost useless" statement...

Thundercat said:
No way, hps will still be better for veg then just cfls,
I agree with this statement though...

Thundercat said:
If you have the money, you can also get a blue spectrum hps bulb that will be purfect for flowering. Hortilux makes a red, and blue spectrum blub. Red for flower and blue for veg. Hps isn't destinctive to the spectrum its just the way the bulb is made.

They actually are spectrum specific.... no way to get blue light out of a HPS or red light out of a MH... period...

The bulbs you are talking about exist, but they are actually both an HPS and a MH in one...

Check this....

DKskater75 said:
well you didnt say all that haha but still for the first few weeks you dont even need that much light hps isnt really neccessary until you start flowering... the red spectrum that is haha

Light is kinda like oil in your engine...

Any oil is better than no oil... but the correct type and viscosity for the application will work much better....

Thundercat said:
I'd be happy with 3/4g/w!!!
Fuck me tooo!!!!!!

Thundercat said:
you should deffinitly be able to get atleast close the that 600, which would get you to 1g/w :)
Definite is a word that only belongs in the drying room... after the job is done...

Don't set yourself up for disappointment....

At least wait for the chicken to lay the egg before you advertise your omelets.... just a thought though....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
yeah but for the close quarters that i have, a 600w light should be just like using a 1000w light for a 4x8 room man.
I'm thinking similar with my 600 and even smaller tent...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
I dont see why i cant get more than a g/w to be honest with you. Im faded man, and i know i contradicted myself like 3 times in my last post, but thats ok.
I wanna see some backing up to that statement... oh you are faded... and very contradictory... what's next ... lol... you guys crack me up....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
But like i said, with 8 plants, and the closed in space that i have
do I read crowded many plants or fewer uncrowded plants...???

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
i dont see why not. My MH light is 95000 lumens, and my HPS is somethin like 120000 lumens - i need to check the box again but im pretty sure thats what it is.
Numbers... show me the weight on the scale... hehehe....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Fuckin i dont see why i cant get a couple lbs off of 8 plants of varying taste, yield, and appearance, lol.
No one is saying you can't... just don't go with that for your expected yield.. it's more like a max possible figure, if anything....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
FFS man, bluecheese is a heavy yielder, so is Whiteberry, so is NOrthern Soul,
Heavy yielders need more room....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
n i aint expectin much out of my twilight, cuz that fuckin strain germinated for shit. I got one seed to sprout, and the other two i took a look at, and their taproots turned black, and it was like a mushy soup inside the seed. fuckin sucks. So i got my last twilight seed in a paper towel, so hopefully ill at least have two twilights in the mix. So i might end up givin away a bluecheese plant. I kinda want two twilight, two bluecheese, two whiteberry n two northern soul plants. That would be the shnit. N if i got ANYTHNIG close to two lbs, i would fuckin bronze a nugget n hang it on my wall :D
Yeah I would freaking GOLD plate it... hahahaha.....

Thundercat said:
I knew you contradicted yourself, but its cool, cus it just means your gonna get more buds in the end lol.
His lack of brain matter does not constitute an increase in your yield... at all... sorry....

Thundercat said:
I'm sure you can exceed the 600g, just as I'm sure I'll prolly exceed the 1000g, but thats a nice target to shoot for in the mean time. :)
OK.. suit yourselves... I would shoot for keeping them alive... and whatever you get is a profit....

Shooting for 1g/w right off the bat is a bit unreal in my opinion...

what was the result of your last batch??? how many grams per what did you get???


Thundercat said:
My goal for my next is 4-5 plants scrog in a 4x8 area, 1g/w = 1000 +grams, and I have no doubt in my mind that it will happen.
You are a man of faith.... I'll give you that...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
yeh, thats pretty much the goal for everyone, lol.
More like the high point of one's carrer....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Gettin 1g/w is like catchin a leprachaun though, its near impossible.
It just takes time to dial in everything.... test the best techniques for your set-up and all that...

Plus, it takes quite a bit of up-front investment in the best equipment...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Unless your a fuckin pro dude.
Pros Fuck up too.....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Least IMHO it is.
Oh K1NG you are so humble... the heavens are parting and a sea of buds is opening for you.... hahahaha!!!!

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Im gonna be doin that technique for this grow, throwin airstones into my growbags, to oxyginate the soil while im growin in some 5 gal growbags. I hope 8 of them bitches will fit, lol.
Noe that is interesting... airstones on soil... huh.... I gotta think about that one for a bit....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
But a 600w - i bet i end up with more than 600g's off of this grow im startin up as long as i baby the fuck out of everything.
Hahahaha... your humbleness is apparent ....

remember this?????

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Gettin 1g/w is like catchin a leprachaun though, its near impossible.

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Fuckin MH bulb is fuckin up on me though.
Nobody told me i was supposed to let the bulb cool down after i turned it off before i started it back up again.
Fuck man.. that is pretty common sense... something that hot???? gotta let it cool a bit....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
I think somethin might have blown in the bulb, because it dont seem as bright as it did when i fired it up for the 1st time man.

NO NO NO... it just takes a while for it to get up to operating parameters...

It will get brighter in a few minutes of being on....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
im fuckin pissed. Im goin out n pickin up a growbright MH though for 50 bucks at HTGsupply.
Silly is what you are... it's fine dude...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Least my HPS aint been fired up but once so i could see how fuckin orange my tent got, which was fuckin nuts man, SERIOUSLY orange. But yeah, for the room im growin in, i really think that if i put them airstones in my bags, and throw a screen about 3 feet up in the tent, i can have me just one FATTY fuckin bush of bud with 8 different trunks, lol. Im shootin for the moon with this one, i just dont know what im gonna do nute wise. I got the full line of FF nutes, but i think i also wanna get some BMO super plant tonic, n a couple of other things for my Ocean forest soil, like maybe an organic tea suppliment to feed it once a week, or maybe even some Sensizym n Tarantula from AN.

Just don't burn them up with a toxic soup.... hehehe...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
There are alot of options, n i got 5 weeks to figure it out, but i need to figure it out now, so i dont fuckin change my god damn mind. I need to stick with a method n fuckin thats that for this grow. Aint gonnabe no transplanting every 2 weeks, fuckin with different nutes, and burning my plants every other fuckin day.

Now there is a fucking concept......

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Im flushing my plants two weeks from harvest this time, n thats IT man. Im gonna be whoring myself out to people so theyll fuckin coach me through thisone i think, lol.
Uh you mean drying...? hang it upside down, in a dark, cool, ventilated room or box... until the outside feels dry and almost smokeable...

and curing...? stick them in your jar and burp once a day for a few minutes...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
I want a nice n smooth trouble free grow with a massive yield.
Is that all you want K1NG????? so modest... hahahaha.....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Every single plant im growing is said to have a great yield for commercial growers, n even though im not a commercial grower, id love to get an lb or two off of 8 plants. I mean, one lb is gonna be easy cuz thats 2 z's a plant, but i want fuckin more than that man. lol, this shit is gonna be fun, thats all i know. Ill just set my expectations low, i think, and still shoot for the biggest yield possible. I know theres gonna be toppin n fimmin goin on out the ass, thats for sure. probably gonna top each plant like twice or three times before i throw the screen in there i think. Did NSW top his plant more than once?? it fuckin looked like it. He said he fimmed alot too, but i aint experienced with fimming at all, so im gonna be kinda leary to do that shit.
I think you are going to have a lot of fun.... but you may disappoint yourself with this 15g per watt trend that is starting in your mind... alleged mind.. sorry.....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
bah, im fuckin babbling now man. Its time to crash out after i smoke muh bubbler.
Babbling and dreaming... they usually go together hahahaha....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
OOOO btw, speakin of pipes, anyone seen them new Tsunami bongs?? their fuckin SWEET. look them bitches up man. cant describe it. their kinda like Tornado bongs, but sweeter IMHO.
No, I've never seen one... but I gotta go check it out... if iever get done with this post...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
n Thunder, your right btw, you were supposed to get all of those freebies with your order. So i think id be complainin out the asshole if i was you.
Complain to the asshole and you will get nothing... ask the nice guy and you might.... NICE is NICE....:mrgreen:

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
hell yeah man. As long as i end up gettin at least an elbow off of these bitches, ill be more than happy. i think a pound aint askin for TOO TOO much, is it???

That is your problem.. you are asking for it...

It's a gift K1ng....and you don't ask for those...

You grow your plants because you love them.... the buds are just a gift you get for loving them....

demand or even expect... and you are setting yourself up for disappointment... Mother Ganja hears us alll... be careful...

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Ok, checkit, first, i wanna congratulate myself, on my 1000th post and my promotion to MISTER FUCKIN GANJA!!!! woohoo for me, lol.
Another fucking teenager looking for points ... GREEEAAATTTT!!!!! hahahaha!!!!!!

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
Second, i have a mission here for all my people that regular this thread. I wanna make this grow a collective grow. I want you guys to help out, along with any experts you may know, have them help my happy ass out too. The reason im askin for everyones help? because i wanna get the absolute most out of this grow as i possibly can - knowledge wise, that is, lol. But i want a huge yield too. But learning a bunch of shit about growing quantity means more to me to be honest, because my future grows will depend on that knowledge. So, in like a week or so, once i have ALL Of my plants up n running, im gonna take this journal n close it, n start up my new journal - K1Ng5p4d3's BlueCheese/Twilight/Whiteberry/NorthernSoul grow ;) . So u guys down to hook a bro up with some collective knowledge?? I am definitely open to all suggestions within reason - ive decieded to go all soil this time around, and im gonna put the hydrofarm into storage for now. next grow for sure though. So soil for sure, airstones in the soil for sure, ScrOG for sure, usin the FF soil, FF nutes that i got (Ocean forest soil, GrowBig, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom) for sure, and thats about it. Anything else that you guys can think of to help out with the grow, wether it be other product to add with the FF nutes, techniques to use, ect... im down for it all. I got a little bit of ched left over from the money i had for my setup, and i can still spend it on my grow but wisely, so if you guys see something that ill end up NEEDING, lemme know.
I think the best thing for you to do with the extra money... is save it for when you do fuck up a bulb, or need a ballast ASAP....

K1Ng5p4d3 said:
thanks guys for everything in this grow. Ill actually keep this one open for a while longer, till i harvest my currently flowering girls, but im gonna start my new journal next week. Do you guys know how to make direct click links to your journals, other than putting it into your sig?? sometimes its a bitch finding my journal so i can check the posts, lol.

im out to bed for the night guys. talk to yall tomorrow.


*edit* im all over the place tonight cuz im fuckin blazed, n i took a couple percoset that my wifey had left over from her script, so please excuse the faded ramble. But i DO mean what i said about needing you guys' help. I dont have a whole giant deal of knowledge personally, but its at all you guys disposal, so pick away at my brain if need be, lol, im out man - im gonna end up smackin the keyboard with my forehead in a minute..

hahahhaha.... I hate drugs.... with my leg as it is... I have had over 1000 pills come through my nightstand drawer...

N when i say i need to get my hands on all the knowledge i can about growing quantity, im not talking about commercial grows really, im just sayin that pretty much every grow i do from here on out is gonna be a 10-15 plant minimum cuz in feb im movin out into my own god damn house, instead of a shitty fuckin apartment. BASEMENT HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! so yeah, thats what im sayin. Knowledge is more important than nuggets. Im outta here now, seriously. I fuckin mean it this time.
ok hope you slept good hehehehe....

BuddyJesus said:
Great job on your grow man! Just got done reading your journal and i gotta say you've come along way since the cardboard box in the top part of the closet!:blsmoke: +rep!
No kidding.... congrats man....

Thundercat said:
Congrats on 1000 lol. King your a blast, I'll deffinitly be in on your new grow you know it! It looks like you and us are in for a treat. I am now gonna have to wait another week to order my seeds, I was gonna do it this weekend, but I just had to put 2 new tires on my car, I got a flat last night, and I hate buying just one tire. So that set me back a little, but I'm still working out other details still. Then I'll get a journal up once I'm rollin. I have to see if it will let me post pics yet it wasn't for awhile, said something about a "security token". You guys know anything about it?

I said to jollygreengiant earlier that we need to gat a whole scrog section going. Peace man catch ya latta!!
JG has the best looking grow here, in my opinion.... low tech but fucking beautiful job he did...

Go check it out.... it's worth it....

Well, I hope no one got too offended...lol...

I did pick on all of you... but only because I love you....

Take care... and keep short will ya?!?!?!?!?

Best regards....




Well-Known Member
well i could be offended, i could not be i have no idea because there is no way i will ever read all of that!! are you insane??? lol longest post in RIU history congrats! :clap:


Well-Known Member
well i could be offended, i could not be i have no idea because there is no way i will ever read all of that!! are you insane??? lol longest post in RIU history congrats! :clap:

Hahahaha... I didn't offend anyone... but I did call bullshit when I saw it....

I was a bit of a prick about it though (in good fun)... but I figured you guys have pretty tough skin... lol....




Junior Creatologist
i read it all, lol. This is why i love gypsy. dude, your the fuckin man. after i reread half the shit i wrote last night im smackin myself in the forehead without your "colorful" commentary, lol. WITH it just makes me fuckin die laughin man.

but yeah, your right about me tryin to expect what kind of yield im gonna get n alla that, countin my chickens before they hatch is a dumb thing to do, cuz it will only lead to disappointment.

now, as far as my 8 plants being all high yielders, and having such a small space, lemme ask this - do you think that by doing a ScrOG about 3.5 feet up, leaving almost 2 feet of space left vertically, would give them a better chance at reaching near their full potential/? that way i could stop the vertical growth, and let them try to get all of their buds through my screen, while i fight them back with a stick, lol?? i mean, obviously theyre not gonna reach their full potential because of all of the plants im gonna have in there, but theres no turning back now man. not unless i wanna give some seedlings away and teach some other fucker how to grow around here, when chances are they would kill my baby within a fuckin week of havin her.

so 8 plants it is - so now i need to figure out what im gonna do guys. like i said, i wanna put airstones into my pots - but now that im thinkin about that too, with the room i have, it might cause problems. NowStopWhining's grow - where he did only one plant with a 5 gallon netted pot and an airstone in his soil - he had one of the biggest indoor pot plants i have ever seen on RIU, let alone in life period. its all because of the air stone, the sensizym n tarantula he used, n all the love n care he gave his plants. that shit was impressive, and im almost scared to try n do my plants like that cuz if i did, and it worked out great, id have to end up tearing down the tent altogether and try to outfit my closet without the tent, as a growroom. it would only give me an extra 3 feet of space lengthwise, and if i took down my original growbox, it would give me an extra 4 feet of space almost vertically, but i dont think i can pull all that off. itd be too much of a hassle, especially sincei m in an apartment. a self contained grow in my tent is pretty much perfect for my situation - i just think that i underestimated what my plants are gonna be capable of.

i gotta jet, so ill finish this thought up a little later on, but yeah man, i can really talk about shit i could do differently, or want to get done with this grow, literally all day long man. thanks for tunin in , n GYPNASTY, your a fuckin cutup dude. seriously glad to have u on board man. You n all of my regulars on here are great guys, n really gimme aloTTA comic relief when im stressin out, lol. i seriously appreciate that shit man, its nice to know that there are people on here with the same sense of humor as i have.



Junior Creatologist
ok, so i got my shit all set up, my hi-lo hangers in there, n man their the shit. much more convenient than havin to tie n untie some nylon rope all day long to fuck with the height of my light. n Gyp, i forgot to answer your question before - my light is hot, but i can put my hand right up onto the cooltube, and keep it there. Everything is nice n air cooled, n i highly doubt anything is gonna get burned to death, the way that i have everything set up. i guess id rather do overkill with the fans than have not enough, lol.

So i guess all in all thats it for right now, i would finish my though from before, but by stepping away from the post for a little while n takin care of some other shit, it give u the ability to SHUT THE FUCK UP for a minute, n then come back, n have a post that isnt a one gigantic runon sentence.

so tomorrow, ill take some pics of my plants, both old and new, because its been a couple pages since ive done one, and were overdue here, lol. unfortunately, i still dont have all of my plants in pots, but hopefully tomorrow or monday ill have everything germed and put in pots. ive been doing everything in sections so i dont do anything too fast. taking my time is gonna be the name of the game. i just started germing my northern n whiteberry seeds today, so hopefully theyll be germed by tomorrow, and in pots. Anyways, pics of AT LEAST my blue cheese n twilight plants tomorrow, n ill hook up some pics of Corky, and the dying dlylah. i dont know whats wrong with her man. her leaves are ALL getting the claw(all curling inward and down, and getting really dry-feeling.), and i think it might either be burn, or a p deficiency.

i went out earlier n picked up some ROOTS ORGANICS bat guano solution stuff, its 0-4-0, and i gave her a dose of that stuff, so hopefully ill know if it did anything good for her by tomorrow. If not, its back to the drawing board. Edux10 and some other dude, cant remember his name right now has the eXACT same problem, but none of us can figure it out. the closest thing i can think of is a P deficiency, so ill take some pics tomorrow, and if anyone can diagnose it, please do, because it wont just be helping me, itll be helping a couple people.


Well-Known Member
Wow gypsy, that post was absurd. Thanks for correcting me about the light. I knew that Hortilux made a 1000w HPS Super Blue, but I didn't realize that it was a dual arc bulb. Either way, it's a bad ass light that would out perform the CFL's for sure. Here is the link to the one that I would like to get...but for a better price, I hope.
1000W HPS Hortilux Super Blue. Dual Arc MH and HPS Bulb - Interior Gardens

You are probably right about counting your chickens before they hatch. This is going to be my third grow and I am basing my goals only on past experience and what I've seen done by others. I do have high hopes, but you have to have a bar to reach for. I can't really judge my g/w from my last grow because I only had the good light for the flowering period. With that said..I hope I get a half a gram per watt. Either way, I'm sure I won't be dissappointed with the quality.
Peace out, homies. Shout ya a holla l8r!! LOL


Junior Creatologist
thats fuckin noice man. im diggin the homemade reflector, lol. u made yourself an HID CFL , hehe. im gonna go check out your journal brodaman. +rep for that too dude. its badass, wish ida made some shit like that...


Well-Known Member
wooow wtf was all that bout gypsy i didnt take the time to read it to long lots of quotes
Well, you guys wrote a bunch of stuff... I just read it and replied...

lol, when he catches up, he REALLY catches up :D
I guess I am interested in what you guys have to say...

Wow gypsy, that post was absurd. Thanks for correcting me about the light. I hope I get a half a gram per watt. Either way, I'm sure I won't be dissappointed with the quality.
Was it really??? just cause I care...? I suppose that is an absurd concept now days....lol..

Best of luck.... as I said before... I just hope to keep them alive that long... every bit I get is a gift... not a reward...

Quality is good....:eyesmoke:

Well, I'll try to keep it short next time, if no one is going to read it... hahahaha..

Cheers guys...



Well-Known Member
Lol I didn't mean absurd in a mean way, just it was absurdly long, cus it was lol. It great that you care, I'm always glad to get your input man. You seem to have your head on straight, and more heads are better then less right.


Well-Known Member
Oh! It's cool man... don't worry...

and thanks for the compliment... but head on straight is a first time in my book...lol....

what did you think of the bud???:weed:


Junior Creatologist
dude that shit looks danky as fuck man. im impressed. lemme know how it smokes bro. IM JEALOUS AS FUCKKKKKKK, lol.

fuckin stupid god damn plant. I forgot to take a pic for you guys to check her out today, but its like shes dyin or some such shit. I spent three hours slowly flushing dlylah n corky out today, and i hope it works cuz i really need somethin to change for dlylah before she dies on me. Corky is still beautiful, but i decided to give her a quick flush too, cuz the very very tips of her leaves were starting to yellow, so hopefully i nipped that shit in the bud, so to speak ,lol.

I SWEAR ill take some pics tomorrow for you guys so u can all call me an idiot for lettin that shit happen, lol. i fuckin let it go for so long cuz i wasnt sure about what the problem was, and i had to research it before i tried to fix it, but i forgot the #1 rule with plant problems - When in doubt, flush it out. N thatswhere i ended up payin the price for it man. She just started deteriorating over the last 4 days, and now that ive flushed i think im gonna be alright, but damn man, the damage is done.

I just hope i dont have to chop her down, an try n salvage some shitty half grown nuggets man, they probably wouldnt even get you high, would they??

Bah, its all good. worst comes to worst, ill still get a nice yield from Corky, n that aint so bad, a harvest is a harvest nonetheless, and its a Win in my scorebook, lol.

But yeah, pics tomorrow.

N Gypsy, forreal man, dont think that your absurd man. I love readin them long ass posts bro, reminds me of ME, hehe. Fuckin dont think my thread would be the same withoutcha bro :D If your ever in the midwest, look me up man!! N dont forget to lemme know how that nugg smoked - im curious cuz i fuckin love your grow, am envious of your grow, and seriously wanna have end results like that man. just beautful...


Well-Known Member
thats fuckin noice man. im diggin the homemade reflector, lol. u made yourself an HID CFL , hehe. im gonna go check out your journal brodaman. +rep for that too dude. its badass, wish ida made some shit like that...

thanks man !, i made the second one .. took some time with it and made it better then the first :blsmoke:... ill post pics in my journal in a minute... i didnt seem to get any +rep tho ... does every one start out at 10 ? how does that shit work any way:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah it starts at 10 and doesnt count towards others til you got 100 rather dumb i think but people seem to enjoy it haha


Junior Creatologist
damn yo, i thought i did that already , but i musta walked away after i posted that shit for ya n worked on my tent man. sorry bout that, but i got u covered now. dont worry btw, the rep will come dude. All u gotta do is be a cool motherfucker, lol, n people will rep ya man. N your a pretty cool dude in my book. bongsmilie