Canada, are you ready?


Well-Known Member
install this app on your computer and phone so uncle buck can know what you think
i don't need an app. you are sucking on trump's cock. trump praises neo-nazis

anyone sucking trump's cock after he praises neo-nazis is a racist POS

need any more linear analysis?

Aqua Man

Well-Known Member
The problem is politics in both countries. People just don't give a shit about politics enough to cipher through the bullshit and make an informed opinion (its a full time job) because there are many people with full time jobs dedicated to creating propaganda and twisting half truths to both support their own party and discredit other parties . There are some who do but most just read social media garbage and follow one source of news that is bias as fuck. Its not nearly as bad in Canada but don't kid yourself.

Life is too busy for most people to give a fuck. The amount of resources by all parties used to muddy the water is 1000% worse than our forefathers that would like burn the country down on both sides of the borders if they were still alive. Its become nothing but propaganda wars. Gov'ts have become a self preserving big business that continually try to keep the sheep in the herd. Both counties are moving toward an economy not far off that of mexico. Kiss the middle class goodbye people. In truth shit flows uphill us Canadians have seen it time and time again. Political strategies play out in the south and what works for one party then is adopted in the north. You can watch this year after year.

Voting has become nothing more than trying to pick the least of the evils in almost every election


Well-Known Member
i don't need an app. you are sucking on trump's cock. trump praises neo-nazis

anyone sucking trump's cock after he praises neo-nazis is a racist POS

need any more linear analysis?
If you have the app installed you should be a bit worried. Back doors, Russians, back door anal has to be said...collusion...


Well-Known Member
anyone sucking trump's cock after he praises neo-nazis is a racist POS
Lol, he's your president, not ours. I'm sure there were some toothless rednecks here that celebrated with an extra large bowl of mushed banana, but the greater majority of us shook our heads in disgust. Projecting your shame on us changes nothing for you, and as you may or may not remember, we tossed our Trump (Kevin O'Leary) to the curb before he could blink.


Well-Known Member
Lol, he's your president, not ours. I'm sure there were some toothless rednecks here that celebrated with an extra large bowl of mushed banana, but the greater majority of us shook our heads in disgust. Projecting your shame on us changes nothing for you, and as you may or may not remember, we tossed our Trump (Kevin O'Leary) to the curb before he could blink.
So do you think that Canada's conservatives will take control of your national government in upcoming elections? Not that Canada's conservatives are anything like Trump's radical right wing nationalist GOP but, I hear rumblings of privatization of healthcare by those conservatives.


Well-Known Member
You guys do realize that feeding the resident troll gets him off better than a fresh picture of the spunk target he so proudly displays with every post.

"See daddy", he cries timidly. " I make good goo like you do in my bum before you go beat up mommy!"

If this forum were to ever shut down or he gets banned he'll drink himself to death in a month or maybe do the world a favor and cut his own diseased, cum-filled throat.

If I ever read anything half ways intelligent from him I'd probably keel over myself. rotflmao.gif

The troll gearing up to do battle in the forums.



Well-Known Member
I hear rumblings of privatization of healthcare by those conservatives.
That will never happen, there's no way that makes it through the Senate or a constitutional challenge in the Supreme Court.

So do you think that Canada's conservatives will take control of your national government in upcoming elections?
It's looking more and more possible, but like I said earlier, there is a chance that the PPC and Bernier will split the conservative vote, and the NDP may abandon Singh as a dud (after Layton, he's just plain uninspiring). The Conservatives usually have the easiest job ahead of them and the largest war chest. They are the only right wing nutjob party and the left is usually split between the Libs, Greens and NDP, making it more difficult.

Trudeau is a buffoon that fumbled the Trans Canada Pipeline (stepping on his own dick when it comes to the environment), the SNC Lavalin scandal, did not live up to his promises to the Indigenous peoples, and acted like a complete pussy while dealing with Trump and NAFTA.

I vote NDP or Green, depending on if the greens have a local candidate, but if there's a chance that Scheer might get in, me and the wife will be voting strategically.
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Well-Known Member
I warned people about voting Liberal just 'cause Trudy promised legal pot but they didn't listen and look what we got. The NDP wouldn't have been so quick to 'legalize' but promised to decrim right away and just that would have saved 1000s of folks from criminal charges until pot got legal.

Trudy is just giving us Prohibition 2.0 with even worse laws to protect the corporate interests of all Harper's bum buddies who run most of the large grow companies. Assholes that made the laws to throw us in jail now getting rich from pot while keeping the real growers out of the market because of criminal convictions for doing the same.

Now we've lost the NDP here in Alberta and have Canada's version of Trump in charge. A wannabe Harper clone who is already turning back the clock and will soon have the Old Boy's Club up and running again.

From progressive to regressive overnight. Jason Kenny can suck my stinky balls!

So many stupid people in this f'n province I'd move back to BC if it wasn't even more screwed up. :D



Well-Known Member
I warned people about voting Liberal just 'cause Trudy promised legal pot but they didn't listen and look what we got. The NDP wouldn't have been so quick to 'legalize' but promised to decrim right away and just that would have saved 1000s of folks from criminal charges until pot got legal.

Trudy is just giving us Prohibition 2.0 with even worse laws to protect the corporate interests of all Harper's bum buddies who run most of the large grow companies. Assholes that made the laws to throw us in jail now getting rich from pot while keeping the real growers out of the market because of criminal convictions for doing the same.

Now we've lost the NDP here in Alberta and have Canada's version of Trump in charge. A wannabe Harper clone who is already turning back the clock and will soon have the Old Boy's Club up and running again.

From progressive to regressive overnight. Jason Kenny can suck my stinky balls!

So many stupid people in this f'n province I'd move back to BC if it wasn't even more screwed up. :D

just so we are on the same page...
could you list 5 things liberal for me....