Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

you need to look at some food from around the world...look up Milt, Balut, Casu Marzu cheese, Hakarl.....i wouldn't eat a bit of it, but if you grew up with it...my grandpa made headcheese, which i like to this day...i had a Korean girlfriend i was pretty serious about for a while, her grandpa made Kimchi, which i despise, but i ate it for her...you'd be surprised what you can choke down with the right incentive

I remember Balut and Kimshi. The Balut smelled like chicken soup and the Kimshi smelled like a cabbage fart from a corpse. I usually drank the embalming fluid beer and skipped food all together. I remember Monkey meat from Olongapo CIty, the fact that I remember anything is amazing. Of all of my voyages Pattaya Beach Thailand was the best.
my ex wife (not at the time) broke my pinky having our kid, and popped a blood vessel in one of her eyes, so it was redder than shit for a month...."out you come, little motherfucker!!!!!!"...

what book is that? i haven't laughed that long for quite a while...

Actually broke your pinky? Must have been a huge baby. It's Chris Simpsons' the story of life. https://www.amazon.ca/Story-Life-Chris-Simpsons-Artist/dp/1409175847 his instagram page is entertaining as well. https://www.instagram.com/chrissimpsonsartist/