Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?


Well-Known Member
Republican controlled Senate has simply become another tool for Trump, Trump remains regardless of impeachment until 2021 Trump has to be voted out, impeachment alone can't remove him. It would appear as a spiteful move to a lot of people. Why piss them off?
i am well aware of the senate sycophantic hypocrites that'll never convict trump regardless of anything he does.
but trump does deserve a congressional indictment based on his administrations rampant corruption across the board.
if anything to reassure the nations confidence that the rule of law still applies to everyone, an no one is above it.
just think of all the once somewhat respectable legacies goin to the shitter over a fraudulent aberration of a president

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
why the republicans won't get rid if him doesn't really matter at the moment. the fact that they won't support impeachment is what has to be dealt with at the moment. since the republicans won't take the necessary, needed steps to remove trump from an office he doesn't deserve to be in, there is no alternative but to chase and harass him till the day he steps out of the office he should never have been allowed to befoul. tie him up in the courts, keep all his little toady ass kisser errand boys busy testifying before senate committees, keep his lawyers busy trying to weasel out of legal requests by congress and the senate, and don't vote for one single thing he wants, while simultaneously voting for everything he doesn't want.
i hope the democrats assign ten senators and congress people to continually harass him, drag his ass into court, to block every vote he wants to pass...i'd show the motherfucker what partisan politics are...


Well-Known Member
why the republicans won't get rid if him doesn't really matter at the moment. the fact that they won't support impeachment is what has to be dealt with at the moment.
Actually, it's the first part of that that explains the second part.

Trump is so over-the-top bad that all the attention is on him, so they can essentially get away with murder and look tame in comparison.

And that is EXACTLY what they're doing. All the things they didn't have the political balls to do before, they are now actually getting away with because Trump is such a huge media magnet for all his failures and bullshit that nobody is paying any attention at all to what these senators and congressmen are actually doing.


Well-Known Member
why the republicans won't get rid if him doesn't really matter at the moment. the fact that they won't support impeachment is what has to be dealt with at the moment. since the republicans won't take the necessary, needed steps to remove trump from an office he doesn't deserve to be in, there is no alternative but to chase and harass him till the day he steps out of the office he should never have been allowed to befoul. tie him up in the courts, keep all his little toady ass kisser errand boys busy testifying before senate committees, keep his lawyers busy trying to weasel out of legal requests by congress and the senate, and don't vote for one single thing he wants, while simultaneously voting for everything he doesn't want.
i hope the democrats assign ten senators and congress people to continually harass him, drag his ass into court, to block every vote he wants to pass...i'd show the motherfucker what partisan politics are...
Trump is a POS, BUT he is getting a lot done that the GOP loves. SCOTUS picks :clap: awesome.
FED judge picks :clap: yes yes yes.
Defunct Regulations :grin: doing that.
Take a massive dump on health care ;) diarrhea all day

GOP love Trump because Trump is MAGA


Well-Known Member
I'm watching the Barr hearing today. Still no collusion or conspiracy, no obstruction. Kinda seems like it was all a political hit job.


Well-Known Member
Trump is a POS, BUT he is getting a lot done that the GOP loves. SCOTUS picks :clap: awesome.
FED judge picks :clap: yes yes yes.
Defunct Regulations :grin: doing that.
Take a massive dump on health care ;) diarrhea all day

GOP love Trump because Trump is MAGA
Trump has never made a damned thing great. Nothing. He’s been an abject failure at virtually everything he’s ever tried. Bet you an o that he’s worth less than what his daddy left him. How is he not considered a con man? Because he’s conned so many people. How about those steaks and Trump U? His failed casinos at a time every Tom, Dick and Gladys thought it might be cool to gamble.


Well-Known Member
Trump has never made a damned thing great. Nothing. He’s been an abject failure at virtually everything he’s ever tried. Bet you an o that he’s worth less than what his daddy left him. How is he not considered a con man? Because he’s conned so many people. How about those steaks and Trump U? His failed casinos at a time every Tom, Dick and Gladys thought it might be cool to gamble.
Still pretty clear he is doing everything the GOP wants.
voting is important


Well-Known Member
Still pretty clear he is doing everything the GOP wants.
voting is important
They hated him before they didn’t. He’s a rubber stamp fool willing to sign every shitty dream that the Republicans have held dear forever. If he gets in again expect even worse. It can get worse.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Michigan Spin Cocktor. What a waste of a lump of DNA. A perfect example of why brothers and sisters are encouraged to not have children together.

Notice the cocksucker never threatens to go anywhere “better”. What a dipshit. Bet his parents had to tie a pork chop around his neck as a kid just to get the dog to go near him.
It would have had to been a real stupid dog and you don't see many of those