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Yes, Bodyne. You've uncovered me. I have been posing as Katsu on ICMag for the last 13 years and thanks to your diligent sleuthing you've been able to uncover me!!! Well done.

Years of hard work building up this false identity for the sole purpose of posting grow pictures on Chuckers Paradise. Might I also congratulate Heisenbeans on his keen eye - identifying my reversed Pre98 Bubba Kush as an imposter, a male PRETENDING to be a reversed female...

Seriously, though - I've asked just about everyone I know that has been growing forever if there even IS a way to tell if a plant has been reversed or is really a male and NOBODY can.

Like a Russian sleeper cell?
just an fyi - Heisenbeans reads the private messages on his site Chuckers Paradise. I know this because I signed up using a proxy server and a different email address for the sole purpose of contacting one member that I had lost touch with and I was banned almost instantly. bad, bad, bad...

I would encourage all of you to stick with breeders that bring positivity to the community through open, honest communication and kindness. There are so many to choose from with great genetics

Why the proxy server ? Do you do that for all sites you sign up to?

Edit, Do you think it may have been the use of a proxy was detected that put suspicion on your account validity ? Rather than someone reading PMs?
Like a Russian sleeper cell?


But I was foiled almost instantly - my strains, my photos, my very character exposed for its falsehood and duplicity.

What to do now? Banned from Chuckers Paradise - the epicenter of grow knowledge and cutting edge breeding information...

Alas, I shall be forced to lurk in the shadows, my hideous true motivations no longer protected from the veneer of my fake identity.
Really running with this I see. Starting threads logging in to different forums for the purpose of being heard?? Heisen apologized to you on two separate forums publicly. That wasnt enough because you felt "attacked". The apology wasn't enough? Or? Are you part of the victim mentality that plagues the world today? As for the PM you ARE aware that in place spam filters go off on a new account instantly going to PM members?
I will apologize also, I just thought it was another account hitting the site. I'm guessin him releasing the bubba s1's might have something to do with it, especially if you are fixing to drop some. When you see Mr soul and other OG's from old days on IG and such and how they pop into a site, its not usually quite such an explosion, but it is what it is. Again, apologies to the legend.
I'm having a rare and very strong cocktail....so um...yeah.....fuckin old people and their opinions.....

I don't think "S-1's" had anything to do with it. The Katsu cut has been around for longer than many here have been growing/smoking this plant...and it was shared widely for all that time with his blessing. Kinda seems weird he'd pitch a fuckin bitch >now< or feel like someone one-upped him. I've shared freely with the man and have not found such an attitude to be present.

Now if it was TODAY that it came out....it'd be hoarded all to fuck and we'd be hearing some real cryin'....LOL... oh...wahhhhhhh. "My cut". (even though it was originally found in seeds from something someone else offered...that wouldn't matter today. Just rename it and claim it and RESTRICT IT...LOL) Ah...but the ethics... burp, fart, belch....yes...the ethics...

As far as the multiple forum thing and going on and on and on and on and on and fuckin on about someone or something or something someone did or didn't do.........um...like we haven't seen >that< behavior before?

Need I say more?

Katsu has been around long enough that his rep/presence on multiple boards over multiple decades will be all he needs to brand his work. I mean....folks today talk about "working" a cut...uhhhum... I would say this might be the true case here...unlike most of what we see as "breeding" today. If you want the real deal Katsu cut/crosses/whatever.... this is where you would come.

As I've said...this situation was unfortunate all around. As always...haste makes waste...

passing to the left.......
When the site went live on 4/20, I jumped on an order. I don't quite know what happened, but almost a week later I hadn't heard anything beyond my initial confirmation from Mike. I sent Heisen an email with my order confirmation and proof of payment, he didn't have any order info, but he handled it and got me taken care of.

Not gonna lie, I was hoping he'd kick down an extra pack or two, you know, for the trouble. :mrgreen:

I ordered WC s1 and BBC s1. Requested WCxSD freebies and let him make the call on the other freebie.

Anyway, got everything in today. Hopefully I get around to growing some out sooner than later.

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