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"You all" ?
Or yall. Lol as in all the people that keep.saying this across the forum.
I've seen 4 or 5 people.saying this.
I wander if they are just simply following a certain group of people's opinion, or they have actual reasons to make these statements.
I can't imagine why making a s1 wld lead people to think it'll create hermies, I ran many ghost og s1s never had a herm.
I hate seeing this from all of you. Every fucking one of you all. You know I love joking and messing but this has gone too far. Can't even eat popcorn while reading cause you guys were "friends" so recently. This shit actually hurts me..........................ya ya ya you don't care but I do. Please stop and take this where it belongs......personal. If this shit ain't bothering any of you then you are not human and have zero emotions.

Please stop and think of the finches. thanks :blsmoke:
In today's world your mama and poppa would go to jail. Just like mine would have. When things get personal on the net........tween friends............it's not nice nor funny. Chunky gets it. I get it. The rest will get it.
Just to recap..

Heisen bashes @gu incessantly about how he does business.Then turns around and becomes partners with him. He basically sold out.

Heisen says everything will be tested. Nothing is being tested other than germ rates.
Heisen says hes going to beat everyone's prices. Prices are going up now.
Heisen says everyone getting 3 free packs if your on special list. To my knowledge, this is happening anymore.

He said his service would be A1. Yet it seems half the customers(myself included) didnt get what they ordered.

He said the other forum wouldnt ban anyone. As we know, this is not the case. He acts like a fool on this forum and others and then berates others for their behavior. Hypocrisy?

Did i miss anything?

I dont want to bash the guy but if you say one thing and do another it just rubs me the wrong way. He definitely bit off more than he could chew. Why make all these crosses and take a bunch of pre orders that he didnt even know if he could fulfill? Especially just starting out. I do think there will be some fire in there. Im also seeing guys bashing Heisen only now that they got banned at the other place. I never heard anything about impending herms until 1 guy got banned over there at chuckers p.
Yup your two worthless pesos. When money is sent friends n family. Its.immediate unless over 1500 bucks or sent e check. So yeah you have no clue what your talking about. He is lying about having money tied up. I know how PayPal works.


Heathen never said his money was tied up, that was an assumption made by someone else and commented on and picked up as a fact , which is how shit happens on the internet.
Im not gonna put Heathen on front street with a screen shot, but he did say exactly that and that the refund would be up to 7 days because it was made with a prepaid CC, and that there are other things he could be doing with that money. Is this true?.....who knows, but I have zero reasons to fabricate statements or quotes.
A prepaid card. Since when is a bank of America debit card a prepaid card. If he used a prepaid card that's on him. Not me. I'm done talking about it. Stop quoting me. I could care less what you or anyone else that hangs out at logics #2 site has to say. I dont have to do shit for anyone that I choose not to. Got it. He sent me less than 200 bucks. Its not like he sent tons of money. He couldn't pay for the light I was building. How did he scramble to buy another.???? Huh? What about all the out of pocket money i spent on parts? But that's cool, right? Gtfoh. Out of the people you are the last person I thought as a troll. But you changed that quickly. Time to put you on ignore as well.
Ignore eh? I've seen how successful youve been with that in the past LMAO. Maybe you should go to CP and talk some shit about RIU, then get put in time out for going off the rails like a loony & then come to RIU and talk some shit about CP, then get your whackjob posts deleted here and talk about how CP is going to take over. Sound about right? Your laughable dude. I've stuck up for you when you would go off on your crybaby rants and over the top threats every 3 months, and now Im wondering why?
Tell me Im lying. :peace:
Ignore eh? I've seen how successful youve been with that in the past LMAO. Maybe you should go to CP and talk some shit about RIU, then get put in time out for going off the rails like a loony & then come to RIU and talk some shit about CP, then get your whackjob posts deleted here and talk about how CP is going to take over. Sound about right? Your laughable dude. I've stuck up for you when you would go off on your crybaby rants and over the top threats every 3 months, and now Im wondering why?
Tell me Im lying. :peace:

Just to recap..

Heisen bashes @gu incessantly about how he does business.Then turns around and becomes partners with him. He basically sold out.

Heisen says everything will be tested. Nothing is being tested other than germ rates.
Heisen says hes going to beat everyone's prices. Prices are going up now.
Heisen says everyone getting 3 free packs if your on special list. To my knowledge, this is happening anymore.

He said his service would be A1. Yet it seems half the customers(myself included) didnt get what they ordered.

He said the other forum wouldnt ban anyone. As we know, this is not the case. He acts like a fool on this forum and others and then berates others for their behavior. Hypocrisy?

Did i miss anything?

I dont want to bash the guy but if you say one thing and do another it just rubs me the wrong way. He definitely bit off more than he could chew. Why make all these crosses and take a bunch of pre orders that he didnt even know if he could fulfill? Especially just starting out. I do think there will be some fire in there. Im also seeing guys bashing Heisen only now that they got banned at the other place. I never heard anything about impending herms until 1 guy got banned over there at chuckers p.

I agree he wasn't perfect but if he fucked up he tried to make it right every time. Some people got angry WAYYYYY too quickly and didn't like the responses they got back. That kind of stuff should have been taken care of between the two parties involved. The guy was going out of his mind sending shit to 100 different people and each person thought they were the only ones getting stuff sent to. He even screwed up my order but made it right a few days later.

Heisen ain't perfect but the few mistakes he made were not HUGE in any regard. I bet once this all settles down his customer service will be top notch and people will be very happy, The people that frequent his website have a huge code for savings so the price did not go up for them and never will as promised. The people from the "list" were told over 100 times to go to his site and send him an email if you were on it. EVERYONE who did this got seeds. FREE seeds. The "list" is done and I don't blame him. People were given plenty of time to get to his site knowing he was banned from here and had no access to this site. It was up to YOU guys to get in touch with him if you were on the "list". Not vice versa, although he did go out of his way and told ALL of us to send anyone to him that didn't know about him being banned or the new website.

I'm only saying this because he can't defend himself here. Go to his site and talk to him about this stuff there. Make a new thread about it. If you don't like his response you can tell him to go fuck himself, I guess. But do it to his face, not here.

As for Whyte and Chunky, they know what's up. No one hates them and no one would mind if they came back. They got pissed, went off, and said their shit. That's their right to do so. Now if they come back as themselves and not as Anus Otis, then maybe it will be ok :eyesmoke:

Well maybe not Whyte cause I think he kicked the cat on the way out but who knows. Heisen is forgiving :blsmoke:
just an fyi - Heisenbeans reads the private messages on his site Chuckers Paradise. I know this because I signed up using a proxy server and a different email address for the sole purpose of contacting one member that I had lost touch with and I was banned almost instantly. bad, bad, bad...

I would encourage all of you to stick with breeders that bring positivity to the community through open, honest communication and kindness. There are so many to choose from with great genetics
not the real katsu, hence the banning. Seeing through a fake name that you picked is almost comical, just sayin. lol
Yes, Bodyne. You've uncovered me. I have been posing as Katsu on ICMag for the last 13 years and thanks to your diligent sleuthing you've been able to uncover me!!! Well done.

Years of hard work building up this false identity for the sole purpose of posting grow pictures on Chuckers Paradise. Might I also congratulate Heisenbeans on his keen eye - identifying my reversed Pre98 Bubba Kush as an imposter, a male PRETENDING to be a reversed female...

Seriously, though - I've asked just about everyone I know that has been growing forever if there even IS a way to tell if a plant has been reversed or is really a male and NOBODY can.
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