What can he do to get back up to 40%?

  • start a war

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • send everybody $300 from next years tax overpayment

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • promise to be vigilant towards Russia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • get Bannon to teach him how to suck his own cock

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • bring Spicey back

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • have Kellyanne Conway pose nude

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • sponser a Priebus vs. Scaramucci boxing match

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • pardon himself in advance

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • fire Sessions

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters

But believe whatever makes your confirmation bias happy.

No amount of showing people like you the facts will make any difference. If that sounds like a criticism of a Trump supporter, well, when the shoe fits...
What facts. There is no evidence that supports your claim.

Bernie lost because he could not win the majority of Democratic primary women voters and practically no African American or Hispanic votes for him. White male Democratic primary voters are the only ones .who gave him the majority of their vote. Those are the facts. No amount of facts will break your delusion. But here is a splash of cold water on your false claim.


Brazile: I found 'no evidence' Democratic primary was rigged

But believe whatever makes your confirmation bias happy.

No amount of showing people like you the facts will make any difference. If that sounds like a criticism of a Trump supporter, well, when the shoe fits...
LOL, believe your fact free conspiracy theory if you like. Bernie has the same problem he had the last time he ran. For example:

HOUSTON — The groans erupted halfway through Bernie Sanders’s appearance Wednesday at a presidential candidates’ forum sponsored by She the People, a group that aims to drive up voter participation among women of color.

Before an audience of about 1,700, many of them African American and Hispanic women, the moderator asked Sanders (I-Vt.) how he would handle the rise in white supremacy. Sanders spoke of fighting discrimination and running a campaign “to bring our people together around an agenda that speaks to all people” — then returned to a familiar message on universal health care.

For many in the audience, that was insufficient. “Come on!” a woman shouted from the back, as others began to jeer and boo.

The reception reflected Sanders’s struggle to win support from minority voters, a problem that dogged his 2016 primary campaign against Hillary Clinton. Sanders has taken steps since to improve his outreach, including meeting with black leaders and talking more frequently about the difficulties facing minorities, but Wednesday’s event suggested the senator still faces challenges.

Sanders gets tough reception at minority women’s event, signaling challenges ahead
I think Bernie is an excellent choice- have you ever seen anyone do better on a Fox News town hall? That's called reaching across the aisle and he did it brilliantly. The time for divisive politics can be over if We the People insist on it.
Lame old white idiot recommends that you vote for a similar person.
We've heard it all before. You can afford to spoil your vote even if it means 4 more years of Trump. Trust fund white boys won't be affected.
Your disdain for the right of people to vote for who they please seems hard to square with your self described advocacy for democracy.
Your disdain for the right of people to vote for who they please seems hard to square with your self described advocacy for democracy.
I merely point out that you spoiling your vote is not consequential to you. It's life and death to DACA kids. It's life and death to a woman who lives in a state that restricts abortion if she becomes pregnant and isn't ready for it. It's life and death public schools but your kid grew up in England and attended private schools. Just saying, that votes matter more to some than to you.
As if Biden is an improvement.
I keep saying. May we please have a primary before we rally around the Democratic nominee?

I don't think Biden is going to win any more than I think Bernie will. I look forward to the the debates when we will be able to hear them all at one sitting and compare. I will decide next year who I will vote for. Except Bernie. He's not my first choice. I already know that. He's too divisive. I mean, just look at his one supporter.
who DO you think is going to win? i think Biden is the front runner right now...and probably will be for a while
Biden is the front runner right now. Sanders is second. These are undeniable facts if based upon opinion polls.

Then again, opinion polls are terrible at predicting election results

So, I don't have an opinion about who will win. I don't even know who I'm going to vote for in the primary.