What can he do to get back up to 40%?

  • start a war

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • send everybody $300 from next years tax overpayment

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • promise to be vigilant towards Russia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • get Bannon to teach him how to suck his own cock

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • bring Spicey back

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • have Kellyanne Conway pose nude

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • sponser a Priebus vs. Scaramucci boxing match

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • pardon himself in advance

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • fire Sessions

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
Not going to happen , for two reasons
One. He is now a known commodity and he has done nothing but weaken his independent support
Two. He is not running against Hillary ...She was hated by many
Trump can't increase his numbers and he has already shown what you get if you elect him ...CHAOS
If Biden or some other corporate shill is nominated, he could easily get 4 more years.
If Biden or some other corporate shill is nominated, he could easily get 4 more years.
It has time to sort itself out, we don't know who the nominee is , but I am for sure voting for a Democrat and Bernie refuses to become one ...so there is that
And you don't suppose Republicans vowing to stop him at every curve , before he was even inaugurated , had a bit to do with all that?
They're going to do that anyway. Don't you think it might be helpful to elect someone who stands for and will actually promote policies that the majority of Americans want?
It has time to sort itself out, we don't know who the nominee is , but I am for sure voting for a Democrat and Bernie refuses to become one ...so there is that
I think Bernie is an excellent choice- have you ever seen anyone do better on a Fox News town hall? That's called reaching across the aisle and he did it brilliantly. The time for divisive politics can be over if We the People insist on it.
They're going to do that anyway. Don't you think it might be helpful to elect someone who stands for and will actually promote policies that the majority of Americans want?
Has Joe announced his policies ?
It seems you have him labeled just like Republicans did to Obama and I am doing to Bernie
Open your mind and lead me not tell me to follow you
They're going to do that anyway. Don't you think it might be helpful to elect someone who stands for and will actually promote policies that the majority of Americans want?
There you go again. Cherry picking opinion polls to bolster a bad argument.

Bernie's Medicare for all Bill is an unfinished poorly thought out embarrassment. It does not have support of the majority of Americans when a price tag is put on it. It also forces people off coverage they like. That's a non-starter for about 50 million people.

What does have support of the majority of Americans is fixing the ACA. That is an issue that Democrats ran on -- and won on -- in conservative districts.
Has Joe announced his policies ?
It seems you have him labeled just like Republicans did to Obama and I am doing to Bernie
Open your mind and lead me not tell me to follow you
I have judged him on his record of 30 years and found him wanting. That's not exactly jumping the gun.
The only way Bernie can win the Democratic Party's nomination is if he can get white male independent voters to vote for him. This seems to be his strategy. How else can one explain his visit to FOX?
He got 47% last time, and that was against every dirty trick the DNC (proudly owned by the Clinton campaign) could throw at him.

I bet you think FDR was a hopeless Leftist too, don't you?

Go lick Kamela Harris' toes or something.
He got 47% last time, and that was against every dirty trick the DNC (proudly owned by the Clinton campaign) could throw at him.

LOL That old fake conspiracy theory is proven false. There is no evidence that the primary was rigged. Just like Trumpkins your kind prefers fake conspiracy theories to facts.

Your kind can't accept that Sanders lost because the ONLY group of Democratic primary voters who gave him the majority of their vote were white men. So you have to make up the story about "rigged". He's done nothing to change that. He may have even lost ground with minority and women voters in the Democratic Party. You might as well just start talking about how the 2020 elections were rigged too.
LOL That old fake conspiracy theory is proven false. There is no evidence that the primary was rigged. Just like Trumpkins your kind prefers fake conspiracy theories to facts.

Your kind can't accept that Sanders lost because the ONLY group of Democratic primary voters who gave him the majority of their vote were white men. So you have to make up the story about "rigged". He's done nothing to change that. He may have even lost ground with minority and women voters in the Democratic Party. You might as well just start talking about how the 2020 elections were rigged too.

But believe whatever makes your confirmation bias happy.

No amount of showing people like you the facts will make any difference. If that sounds like a criticism of a Trump supporter, well, when the shoe fits...